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Mornin. Had to use a sick day today. A buddy's mom passed Thursday evening. Her funeral's at 10 this AM.

Evening brats hope all are well. All is good here, despite the pain problems have been happier the last few weeks than I've ever been. Getting things ready for this surgery and for Christmas, next few weeks will be hectic. Smooches y'all
Hope the pain becomes more bearable until they can fix it. Glad to hear y'all are happy though!

Must be going around. The Mrs.s' brother (my B.I.L.) died of a heart attack Saturday night. We will be leaving for Kentucky Wednesday. He was only 46. :(
sorry for your loss. 46 is way too fucking young!

Hank F. Spankman

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Damn, I was just in Memphis on Sunday! Been working a job in Corinth MS for the last month or so, and took a drive to Memphis on my off day to check out the weirdest Bass Pro Shop I've ever seen...think Ancient Egypt meets Duck Dynasty.
That's crazy! Of course, it may be crazier that we could've met up in Memphis, easier than we can at home. We stayed in Olive Branch, MS.


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Morning peoples.

Love my first spam mail this morning. "Are you DEAD OR ALIVE"? Send $350.00 to some dude in Nigeria so I can get my bond box worth millions. Hhmmmmm, I'm gonna pass and play dead.


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Morning peoples.

Love my first spam mail this morning. "Are you DEAD OR ALIVE"? Send $350.00 to some dude in Nigeria so I can get my bond box worth millions. Hhmmmmm, I'm gonna pass and play dead.

Yeah, I use to get those emails also. I just get the scammers email address off the email,
and sign them up for gay porn, daily coupons, surveys, and the FBI newsletter.
Eventually they stopped spamming me.

If I had time, I would have a back and forth convo with them, asking if I could be paid my millions in goats, or some of them sweet neck rings. :giggle:


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I like the folks who (apparently having plenty of free time...) scam the scammers. Start a dialogue, and tell them - "I need you to do something for me, to prove that you're real,,," and then give EXPLICIT instructions of what they want to see in a photo:



Yeah, I use to get those emails also. I just get the scammers email address off the email,
and sign them up for gay porn, daily coupons, surveys, and the FBI newsletter.
Eventually they stopped spamming me.

If I had time, I would have a back and forth convo with them, asking if I could be paid my millions in goats, or some of them sweet neck rings. :giggle:


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I like the folks who (apparently having plenty of free time...) scam the scammers. Start a dialogue, and tell them - "I need you to do something for me, to prove that you're real,,," and then give EXPLICIT instructions of what they want to see in a photo:



HAHAHAHA! :D:D:giggle:

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No snow here yet, can thank global warming for that. I remember when I was younger this time of the year we'd have a couple of feet and the weeks of below zero temps would already of started.

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Stop, just stop it with the S -word. The S -word is the debil


Guilty as charged
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I hate winter. And mornings. And having to adult. I need a day to stay in my PJs
Need to find a job that allows you to do both :)
Since my company's reorg, I'm now supporting more locations, there is no reason that I have to be in the local office, and have been given clearance to work from my home offfice exclusively now.


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Flakes be flying,weathermen and news stations treating it like a terrorist attack.
Snow is not that bad it is the freezing rain that will fuck shit up.
Mom walked to the train this morning to get to work, they are cutting people out early so there is not another repeat from a couple years ago.
Meeting up with her in a couple hours, between here and the train is 2 shitty hills and 3 over passes that even walking is going to be trick.

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Haha don't come to my neck of the woods then, a few years back in V-Day we got hit with 4ft. The whole state shut down for a few hours that day, now if that would happen again!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We are supposed to get quite a bit this weekend. I still sab it's a 4 letter word for a reason.


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Need to find a job that allows you to do both :)
Since my company's reorg, I'm now supporting more locations, there is no reason that I have to be in the local office, and have been given clearance to work from my home offfice exclusively now.
Are they hiring? Haha I'm probably not qualified anyway. Really need to get my ass back in school so I can find something along those lines though.


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I considered working from home, but I'm far too easily distracted to be good at it. I'm good at the job I have now, but I'm feeling old LOL. Lots of younglings where I work is one reason. Another reason is they are fucking lazy, and I work harder to get the job done so I can go home at a reasonable hour. Assholes.

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