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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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The IPV mini 2 is sweet. Mama J has one and loves. it. I have the IPV3. I agree with everyone that regulated devices are the way to go once you decided thats what you want to do and have researched options and charger and batteries like everyone said above. but just fun and giggles and grins no reason you couldnt get a cheapo atomizer and have a little fun.


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The IPV mini 2 is sweet. Mama J has one and loves. it. I have the IPV3. I agree with everyone that regulated devices are the way to go once you decided thats what you want to do and have researched options and charger and batteries like everyone said above. but just fun and giggles and grins no reason you couldnt get a cheapo atomizer and have a little fun.
I can't find the pink one...sold out:( I'll have to find some hippy rainbow peace sign shinny bling for whatever I get. John I did order pretty colored o rings too


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Whew! I got nothing for like 40 minutes and then Poof! all these responses at once. :D

Thanks, all of you for your help!

I don't want to buy a new battery just yet...but those isticks look pretty sweet :D
I've never dripped before and for all I know it's going to be a big pain in the a** and I'll just end up using my tanks instead so spending 10 bucks on an atomizer just to try it out seems like the best bet for now.

I found one that can be used either single coil or double coil. So that takes care of that....
Caddisfly, thank you so much for your very informative (and not snarky like those other places) advice! It was really helpful! Thanks for taking the time :)
Like I said, I think I'll just get the RDA first and try it on the said you wouldn't recommend it but it might work with micro coils. I don't mind building micro coils. I have small hands ...hell I built teeny tiny ones for the aspire bdc coils. now those are tiny. :)
But why would micro coils work? Because they heat up faster?

Thank you all, again for your responses, it was very helpful
and thanks Rocketpuppy for the link :)


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Micro coils work because they require less wattage to heat up to vaping temperatures. I don't build them because I have large hands and a touch of arthritis and my hands aren't as steady as they used to be. I keep snapping those hair thin wires..

By all means give them a try, but be warned, If you do, there is no going back. :eek:


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Micro coils work because they require less wattage to heat up to vaping temperatures. I don't build them because I have large hands and a touch of arthritis and my hands aren't as steady as they used to be. I keep snapping those hair thin wires..

By all means give them a try, but be warned, If you do, there is no going back. :eek:

Neato. Learn new things every day :) thanks!
I think I'll do that, just to try it out. If it doesn't pan out, then I'll look into the big boy batteries. :D


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Micro coils work because they require less wattage to heat up to vaping temperatures. I don't build them because I have large hands and a touch of arthritis and my hands aren't as steady as they used to be. I keep snapping those hair thin wires..

By all means give them a try, but be warned, If you do, there is no going back. :eek:
hey man check this out. I bought the 6 in 1 tool of these. I have a pretty bad hand from an accident. anyways coils were my nemesis. would take me forever to wrap nice coils. Id go 2 months on the same coil just not to have to wrap anymore lol. this thing, especially the 6 in 1 is so sweet. but it doesnt help trying to get that tiny little wire on post screws then try to hold it on and turn the I could go on and on about how much I dislike having to rebuild.


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hey man check this out. I bought the 6 in 1 tool of these. I have a pretty bad hand from an accident. anyways coils were my nemesis. would take me forever to wrap nice coils. Id go 2 months on the same coil just not to have to wrap anymore lol. this thing, especially the 6 in 1 is so sweet. but it doesnt help trying to get that tiny little wire on post screws then try to hold it on and turn the I could go on and on about how much I dislike having to rebuild.
You're right. I can wrap the coil just fine and I have a coil builder. It's the attaching it to the atty that is the hard part. Everything above 28g I have a hard time with. I didn't mention that my eyesight is 20/200. No depth of field at close distances. I can barely see the thinner wires. That might change soon as they are going to put a new lens in my eye sometime, hopefully within a month. It's being scheduled now, but the VA takes their time.

Even with the problems I have, I really enjoy building.
@ouzel do not buy eleAf 20 watt...runs way to hot, burns coils, not accurate on reading correct ohms on atty. Caddisfly helped me immensely. I agree you want more power for dripping, even though I know nothing....not for higher wattage, but power to get flavorful vape and doesn't die in 15 minutes. I've read people even having issues with istick 50 watt in different threads here at vu. I am aiming for 30 watt mini sigelei or ipv 2 70 watt for that reason.
I must disagree. I currently run the 20w eleaf, I run a single 1.0-1.2 Ohm coil on a Stilare RDA...It is superb I blow clouds on my little 20w regulated mod, with excellent flavor. Better than any of my friends MVP's VTR's etc. It's the best regulated I've had so far. I'm getting an eleaf 50w from my brother who has sadly passed on. I plan on going dual coil.


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If you are shopping on fasttech, I have one of these I use to test flavours. It's a Magma clone - costs $15.79. Drippers are usually made for flavour or big clouds, this one excels at flavour. You can build 1 or 2 coils - it works perfectly either way. You put the coil wires through the holes in the posts so there are no finicky little screws to wrap around. Very easy to build and use. I use a 1.3 ohm 2mm 28 gauge coil at 11 watts with the smallest airflow hole. You only need huge amounts of power if you open up the airflow to blow clouds.

Fasttech also has the coiling tools which will be a life saver if you are just starting to build - $6.16.


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haha sorry, I typed this up hours ago, but got dragged away by nephew to work on his car. :eek:

Ouzel, I think the lower limit on your setup is around 1.5Ω. I've only ever used Kanger clearos on eGo type batts, and I used to rebuild heads for those at 1.8Ω, using 32g wire, which was a PITA to wick (super thin and fragile). Like Susan said, maybe start off with single coil builds, maybe with 30g, so you won't have to do so many wraps.

Somebody more knowledgable will explain this better, but I kinda remember that there's a difference in how eGo type batts handle power (pulse modulated something or other vs. some other way these things handle power), so not sure how well this'll work out, but worth a shot, right? ;)

Oh, and I'm hearing great things about the iStick 50. Even if that much power is overkill, seems that they've fixed all the problems you hear about the 20/30 on that one - so buy it for the fixes, not necessarily the power.
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I must disagree. I currently run the 20w eleaf, I run a single 1.0-1.2 Ohm coil on a Stilare RDA...It is superb I blow clouds on my little 20w regulated mod, with excellent flavor. Better than any of my friends MVP's VTR's etc. It's the best regulated I've had so far. I'm getting an eleaf 50w from my brother who has sadly passed on. I plan on going dual coil.
Wow, you are fortunate, I have 2 of the 20 watts, and cannot use either. I do hear the issue was fixed in the 30 and 50 watt isticks. So sorry about your brother. Glad the 20 watts work for you.


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Is it me or FA Maple doesn't age well. The taste is spot on after a little shake but a week after, I get a real nasty bitter burnt sugar taste out of it even at low dosage .25% This really pisses me off.


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haha sorry, I typed this up hours ago, but got dragged away by nephew to work on his car. :eek:

Ouzel, I think the lower limit on your setup is around 1.5Ω. I've only ever used Kanger clearos on eGo type batts, and I used to rebuild heads for those at 1.8Ω, using 32g wire, which was a PITA to wick (super thin and fragile). Like Susan said, maybe start off with single coil builds, maybe with 30g, so you won't have to do so many wraps.

Somebody more knowledgable will explain this better, but I kinda remember that there's a difference in how eGo type batts handle power (pulse modulated something or other vs. some other way these things handle power), so not sure how well this'll work out, but worth a shot, right? ;)

Oh, and I'm hearing great things about the iStick 50. Even if that much power is overkill, seems that they've fixed all the problems you hear about the 20/30 on that one - so buy it for the fixes, not necessarily the power.

Love my new Istick 50w, (at least I can now build my coils at whatever I want).
PT2 clone works nicely, and the kanger single coils are easy to rebuild.

That coil wrapper tool is neat, but it does have a learning curve, made 2 out of 5 good ones:D.


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Love my new Istick 50w, (at least I can now build my coils at whatever I want).
PT2 clone works nicely, and the kanger single coils are easy to rebuild.

That coil wrapper tool is neat, but it does have a learning curve, made 2 out of 5 good ones:D.
HEY HEABOB, if the coil I build for protank leaks does that mean too much cotton or not enough or something? @HeadInClouds @Huckleberriedfigured it out....had to change o ring.
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Thanks cindycated - yeah I heard something or other like that too but they sell dripping atomizers (disposable) for ego battteries but the ohms are always above 2.0 so I figure if I build I have to keep it above 2.0 and I should be good :D

Thanks earlw, for the link, I have no idea what you mean about finicky screws to wrap around vs holes in posts - I am really that clueless - but if it's easier, then I'm all for it :)
Thank goodness there's such a thing as youtube videos to tell me the difference.
Oh and yeah, I don't care about clouds, I just want my coffee vapes to taste like coffee and I'm happy. :)

Once again, thank you guys for all your help!


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Is it me or FA Maple doesn't age well. The taste is spot on after a little shake but a week after, I get a real nasty bitter burnt sugar taste out of it even at low dosage .25% This really pisses me off.
I haven't had that problem with FA Maple. I mixed this up on Feb 18th and it still tastes to me exactly like a supermarket Maple Bar.

Store Bought Maple Bar

2.5% FA Maple Syrup
1.5% CAP Cake Batter
1.0% FA Custard
0.5% FA Caramel

Some possible problems with your Maple Syrup:
It could just be a bad or old bottle.
Too low a percentage and it is stretched too thin. Is that even possible? :)
Coils or wick need changing.

I'm dripping mine in a Mutation X at 35 watts on a .38 ohm duel coil if that makes a difference. Don't give up on Maple Syrup, I find it yummy.
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All right @Daintanee... Was it your idea that my Mama J's order came in a hot pink package. Sheesh girl, what will the neighbors think? Actually though, I like it.


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Oh no, . They've found us. Another gov't conspiracy. . Heabob' s the only one safe!

As someone else, somewhere, said: "wonderful. now everyone will be posting stupid shit to get their douche badges".
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but this sucks. I don't want everyone knowing I won third place in the vape olympics!
I'm going to request a "sour grapes" badge instead.


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As someone else, somewhere, said: "wonderful. now everyone will be posting stupid shit to get their douche badges".
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but this sucks. I don't want everyone knowing I won third place in the vape olympics!
I'm going to request a "sour grapes" badge instead.
Perhaps it would be better to base the awards on likes rather than posts...or some combination of the two.


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Haha! The vape olympics. Sry been in pain, ib profin didnt cut it so had a lil few shots. Have some and everything becomes funny fuzzy.


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Whyd they do this anyway and whats it mean? I dont really care. Im just bored. Gonna make my honey a drink so we can laugh together, since he aint fixin my washer.


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Whyd they do this anyway and whats it mean? I dont really care. Im just bored. Gonna make my honey a drink so we can laugh together, since he aint fixin my washer.
Has something to do with post counts. And I think a lot of people were interested in having them for some reason.

Cheers to you two!


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Perhaps it would be better to base the awards on likes rather than posts...or some combination of the two.
yeah, or just anything aside from sheer quantity.
Has something to do with post counts. And I think a lot of people were interested in having them for some reason.
I don't know why that surprises me, but it does. Seems kind of condescending and manipulative. But apparently it's not up for discussion. Blegh.


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yeah, or just anything aside from sheer quantity.

I don't know why that surprises me, but it does. Seems kind of condescending and manipulative. But apparently it's not up for discussion. Blegh.
Not that I'm a cynic or anything like that, but forums are numbers games for their owners. This is probably just a tactic. It doesn't really bother me at all either. I'm for anything that helps what we have grow, prosper, and thrive.


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Ooo, ooo, now that would really mess with their heads.


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yeah, or just anything aside from sheer quantity.

I don't know why that surprises me, but it does. Seems kind of condescending and manipulative. But apparently it's not up for discussion. Blegh.
It's ok lirruping. Just ignore it. I don't think it's supposed to mean anything special or significant. I get where you are coming from, I do. I never want people to feel rated or belittled by anything so I'm just pretending it's not there.

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