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Holocaustard juice includes a note with your order, some are HORRIFIED!


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Jodi Fox writes there is another company out there that has gone even further the company name is JEWCE. and here are the list of flavors here is the list of flavors profiles and the names
Genocidal Tendencies - A killer blend of Strawberry, Watermelon and Coconut
Jewberry Cheesecake - Mixed Berries and Cheesecake
Penny Pincher - Blueberry Peach Lemonade Chiller
The Jew Egg - Melons, Melons, Melons!!!
Gypsy Tears - Cranberry Apple Chiller
Whispers In The Attic - Kiwi, Pineapple, Watermelon, and Peach... With that one secret ingredient that will leave you guessing and keep you coming back!
Hitler's Secret Spice - Peach Vanilla Custard
OrangeShekel - Orange Cream, Sweet Tangerine, Vanilla Swirl, and Marshmallow!! Definitely my new favorite. Not too tart, not too sweet.
Nein - Our ninth flavor, not available to the public yet. Extremely limited batch available, inquire for details.
Franks n Beanz -This one's a full bodied toasty treat flavor that's subtle with the chocolate, heavy on the marshmallow and graham cracker!!
Excommunicated: Berries, Guava, Mango, and Lime!! If you like Beetlejuice flavor profiles, you'll absolutely flip for this!!!!!!!!!
Panzerschreck - An icy watermelon vape that's mild on the throat hit but big on flavor.
Anyone who thinks this is funny or okay needs to check themselves.

:mad: again. Nice try, Geschäftsleute! You're betting the jew-hating demographic is really big. And you're right. :(


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Well, every single animated primetime show on Fox has hate jokes towards pretty much everyone and has for 25 years. It ain't new.
Just think, an entire generation has grown up laughing at those shows. Now, even worse is on Adult Swim...far worse. ;)

Watch the latest ep of Brickleberry: there is the target market for this.


Custard Junkie
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don't get me wrong by my previous posts - I certainly wouldn't be sending those notices to my customers, even if I did own a juice company - nor do I think it's a clever idea at all.. its the principal of the thing - is he racist because he is sending this? most likely not.. its a joke - not a very well though out, funny joke - but it still made me laugh at the absurdity of it.. and he has the right to do whatever he wants - if people were that mad and upset by it, he probably wouldn't still be in business.. I vape juice based on the ingredients and taste, not what it's called..

if you buy a juice named 'holocaustard' then don't get mad when they send you a racist note with your order lol. you should have seen that coming :)


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Pretty sure you and I are NOT their intended market.

Ask a 20-somethng what they think? I bet they will say it's fucking funny...and would buy because it's "cool".

IMO, the best juices have nearly no advertising, stuff like AVE and NLV that just is what it is.

Personally, I couldn't give a crap about the latest fly-by-night vendor to hit FB. I DIY my juice. ;)

I'm surrounded by twenty somethings every day who, I grant you, have some education. The pitch would backfire with them. As to others who might find the badass posturing attractive, yeah, I'm sure you have a point there. A pin-point right on top of their little heads. ;)
Soft skinned pansies. Focus inward, not outward. If one is offended, one must turn away.
This has the same line of thinking as policies that restrict gaping because "someone" might get offended by it.
If you don't like a product, don't buy it. Crusading against something that hasn't harmed you in any way except self inflicted butt hurt is silly.
Crusade for something meaningful like Alzheimer's research. Unless someone is offended by that.


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Soft skinned pansies. Focus inward, not outward. If one is offended, one must turn away.
This has the same line of thinking as policies that restrict gaping because "someone" might get offended by it.
If you don't like a product, don't buy it. Crusading against something that hasn't harmed you in any way except self inflicted butt hurt is silly.
Crusade for something meaningful like Alzheimer's research. Unless someone is offended by that.
So based on your principles, one can in fact assume that you have Alzheimer's aye? If not, then you are not being "harmed in any way" by it, and subsequently should not care. Now that I have effectively quashed your argument, lets assume that if people want to be offended by an insensitive, or deliberately callous act....then let them, as it does not "harm you in any way".....meanwhile....have a nice vape darling.


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What a group of PC people.
lets not offend anyone.
if you don't like, don't support the vender.

it's like people who hate vaping and start a shit storm about it.

it may not be a great business plan but we still, I think have freedom of speech. at least I think so....

and that covers lame business slogans


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What a group of PC people.
lets not offend anyone.
if you don't like, don't support the vender.

it's like people who hate vaping and start a shit storm about it.

it may not be a great business plan but we still, I think have freedom of speech. at least I think so....

and that covers lame business slogans
This includes criticism, which you obviously are seeking to censor. I am not judging the might in fact be brilliant stuff. I am criticising the choice of name, which I see has been dropped completely, I respect that he is taking account the opinions of what could possibly be future customers. Shamefully, instead of reacting with humility...he is on his FB page banging on like some stranded lass at the school dance.


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Boo-hoo. Now they're the poor Victim of the Thought Police.

Actually, that would be a perfectly good name for the juice IMO. It would be catchy and have some regard for historical meaning. (The latter being my issue, I admit.) Further, there could be a whole new Victim line within the overall death-and-destruction theme. Thematic consistency preserved!

Oh wait, what's French Vanilla doing on their menu?
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So based on your principles, one can in fact assume that you have Alzheimer's aye? If not, then you are not being "harmed in any way" by it, and subsequently should not care. Now that I have effectively quashed your argument, lets assume that if people want to be offended by an insensitive, or deliberately callous act....then let them, as it does not "harm you in any way".....meanwhile....have a nice vape darling.
Hmm I see your logic if you were to miss the point completely.
Put your effort into shut that matters.


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Hmm I see your logic if you were to miss the point completely.
Put your effort into shut that matters.
As a Franciscan, nothing matters to me more than peace and all people's understanding that no particular person is better or worse than the other. Again, it's not the person that is judged, but what they do. If this makes no sense to you...I fully understand. Personally, I will willingly die in the effort to promote harmony....some would rather obsess with discord and selfish declarations meant to proselytise and create arguments on behalf of what is cool or controversial. As I see it, what is to be said has been, and a response would just cement my points. I offer you this...


Member For 5 Years
The Holocaust was one of the most awful chapters the history of humanity.

That said, I literally LOL'd when I read it. It is very dark, DARK humor and it is my favorite type.......among trusted friends. Now adding that to a retail product.....not very business savvy at all. In fact it is downright stupid IMHO and because of that I would be afraid of any of their other business decisions and stay well clear of their product.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Further proof that intelligence is a scarce commodity on this planet.


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Wtf, go ahead and flame me but how is that offensive? So what it's death humor on an 18+ only product, and no I don't but find it funny, but how on earth can that "offend" anyone?


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Oh shit and I retract my previous statement after getting the pun of "holocustard". I now see specificity of the description, I thought it was just an armageddon joke.


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Wtf, go ahead and flame me but how is that offensive? So what it's death humor on an 18+ only product, and no I don't but find it funny, but how on earth can that "offend" anyone?
Good question to ask in Tel Aviv right after a Hammas missile strike.


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ECF Refugee
Oh shit and I retract my previous statement after getting the pun of "holocustard". I now see specificity of the description, I thought it was just an armageddon joke.
No worries. I think a great deal of people that gloss over the clear implication of the product and it's associated "note", either suffer from reading comprehension issues, or are afraid that being a person who is sensitive to the feelings of a threat to their manliness.


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No worries. I think a great deal of people that gloss over the clear implication of the product and it's associated "note", either suffer from reading comprehension issues, or are afraid that being a person who is sensitive to the feelings of a threat to their manliness.
I just read the name and description to my roommate and he didn't get it right away either. Still, we're at an edgy point with fda and this is bad for us.


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Just wanted to point out that the Jews only made up about half the body count of the Holocaust, but they're always the talking point.

Also, it's a free country. There are so many unfunny pricks running around, playing in bands with names like Jesus Fucked My Dog And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt, making Holocaust jokes, and being so damn edgy that old ladies die; I don't get why this dude matters.


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Yea but it's not what the vaping community needs right now with the fda breathing down our neck.


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These fucked up names will be fuel for the fire (FDA)...

You mean the FDA doesn't want to attacks the fruity flavors kids crave anymore? YAY!

The guy pretty much said it in his FB's a marketing gimmick...and guess what...he got ALOT of free publicity (bad or good) just because of this thread

It's like the Kardashians throwing out a sex tape and then going "oh my gosh...I am so mortified" while they laugh all the way to the bank

Or Dennis Leary...
Jodi Fox writes there is another company out there that has gone even further the company name is JEWCE. and here are the list of flavors here is the list of flavors profiles and the names
Genocidal Tendencies - A killer blend of Strawberry, Watermelon and Coconut
Jewberry Cheesecake - Mixed Berries and Cheesecake
Penny Pincher - Blueberry Peach Lemonade Chiller
The Jew Egg - Melons, Melons, Melons!!!
Gypsy Tears - Cranberry Apple Chiller
Whispers In The Attic - Kiwi, Pineapple, Watermelon, and Peach... With that one secret ingredient that will leave you guessing and keep you coming back!
Hitler's Secret Spice - Peach Vanilla Custard
OrangeShekel - Orange Cream, Sweet Tangerine, Vanilla Swirl, and Marshmallow!! Definitely my new favorite. Not too tart, not too sweet.
Nein - Our ninth flavor, not available to the public yet. Extremely limited batch available, inquire for details.
Franks n Beanz -This one's a full bodied toasty treat flavor that's subtle with the chocolate, heavy on the marshmallow and graham cracker!!
Excommunicated: Berries, Guava, Mango, and Lime!! If you like Beetlejuice flavor profiles, you'll absolutely flip for this!!!!!!!!!
Panzerschreck - An icy watermelon vape that's mild on the throat hit but big on flavor.
Anyone who thinks this is funny or okay needs to check themselves.
I really don't see a problem here. As Americans we have rights. Stop being an overly upset middle aged bored white woman about it and put your big pants on.

You don't see anyone crying about there blend holy sacrifice. Which I am a bit put off by.


Bronze Contributor
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Wtf, go ahead and flame me but how is that offensive? So what it's death humor on an 18+ only product, and no I don't but find it funny, but how on earth can that "offend" anyone?
Over 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler. Any reference to the Holocaust or Hitler is offensive. People that reference the Holocaust are typically Jew haters. There is no reason to reference the Holocaust let alone sell or shill a product for sale on the bodies of 6 million killed. Does that clear it up for you?


Bronze Contributor
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Just wanted to point out that the Jews only made up about half the body count of the Holocaust, but they're always the talking point.

Also, it's a free country. There are so many unfunny pricks running around, playing in bands with names like Jesus Fucked My Dog And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt, making Holocaust jokes, and being so damn edgy that old ladies die; I don't get why this dude matters.
Written by another Jew hater...we get it pal...don't advertise your hatred...


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Soft skinned pansies. Focus inward, not outward. If one is offended, one must turn away.
This has the same line of thinking as policies that restrict gaping because "someone" might get offended by it.
If you don't like a product, don't buy it. Crusading against something that hasn't harmed you in any way except self inflicted butt hurt is silly.
Crusade for something meaningful like Alzheimer's research. Unless someone is offended by that.
So you hate Jews too...we get it. Don't veil it...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you don't like it.. don't buy the juice and don't support the company..

he has the freedom to call his company or line of juice whatever he wants.. this country is so censor happy and gets 'offended' over every fucking thing that someone says even when its said in parody.. jesus christ.. it's not like hes actually killing jews .. people take things way too serious in a world where ridiculous and obscene things are said and shown online ALL THE TIME. But because its written on actual paper, its not acceptable? I mean I could find a video of a guy literally beheading someone right now and watch it.. but a plastic bottle with a holocaust pun is offensive? For fucks sake people..
Sooooooooo, not a Jew hater?...OOOOOOPS....and LOL.


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In my opinion, anything can be made fun of. But if you choose a subject like the gas chambers, your joke/pun had better be exceptionally witty.

This is not witty, it's just plain crass. That's what's truly sad about it...
Witty would make it acceptable? ...WITTY???? RUFKM?


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Witty would make it acceptable? ...WITTY???? RUFKM?

Yes, sometimes it happens that such delicate subjects can be made into something funny or witty. But it's not easy obviously. In my entire life, I've seen it done well exactly twice, and both times it was in-situation irony.

For example, the last time, it was at lunch time at my company. We were having lunch, and one of our less-esteemed colleagues had joined us at the table. He was an ultra-right wing, racist sort of guy with no education and no manners. His wife was on disability and was doing her best to stay on it and live off benefits, and his son was mentally challenged (a bit like his dad if you ask me).

At some point, he told us his wife had given birth to his second son. We duly asked what he had named him. He said "Benjamin". That's when one other colleague at the end of the table, who had so far kept quiet, said "Hmm, your house is like a miniature concentration camp." So our racist colleague said "uh? why?" and the other guy replied "Well, your wife is disabled, you first son is retarded, your second son has a jewish name, and you're a fucking nazi." We all nearly choked laughing when he said that. Of course, it was totally the context. You had to know the people there, and nobody expected that outburst. But lemme tell you, it was classic!


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Of jewish origins, yes. But then plenty of perfectly common names come from the old testament too. For you and me and most everybody, the name Benjamin is no problem at all. But for that racist sumbitch I used to work with, that would've been enough to elect another name, had he known where it comes from.

I mean hell, he refused to let his son be circumcized for medical reasons because he didn't want him to become a jew - as if one thing automatically led to the other. He was a bright spark like that, you see. It was too tempting to yank his chain that day with the Benjamin thing I guess :)
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That's when one other colleague at the end of the table, who had so far kept quiet, said "Hmm, your house is like a miniature concentration camp." So our racist colleague said "uh? why?" and the other guy replied "Well, your wife is disabled, you first son is retarded, your second son has a jewish name, and you're a fucking nazi." We all nearly choked laughing when he said that. Of course, it was totally the context. You had to know the people there, and nobody expected that outburst. But lemme tell you, it was classic!

:D:D:D One in a million (or six) opportunity to come up with a joke like that! Standing ovation. :D:D:D
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That's messed up, that's for sure.

No Ash More Cash

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Over 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler. Any reference to the Holocaust or Hitler is offensive. People that reference the Holocaust are typically Jew haters. There is no reason to reference the Holocaust let alone sell or shill a product for sale on the bodies of 6 million killed. Does that clear it up for you?
I'll have to remember that when I order "Nuked and Atomic hot wings" from the bar and remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki... I know that's a stretch but it's on the same lines but they have a been Holocausts and genocides (Both the same thing) since day one... The Native Amaican genocide Death toll 95000000 to 114000000 Million The American African slave trade 10 million just in 2 world wars since the turn of the century alone WWI There were over 16 million ....WWII Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 3% of the 1939 world population
List of Genocides Oh and my grandfather I never knew died In WWII while he was on duty as a policeman helping people get into shelters while Blitz was going on in London but I don't going around crying about it..Yeah the genocide of Jews was fucked up so was the genocide of 6 million people in Darfur in just recent years ...I guess the Jews are so special that it trys to stop free speech...This Guy can say anything he wants with he's juice..Is it offensive to some?..Yes but get the fuck over it... I myself think it's funny in a bad way but again I'm not very PC and I try my best to see light on the most fucked up things( I would rather laugh then piss and moan) .. Oh and remember this... Thanksgiving is the Celebration of the start of The Native Amaican genocide... So in kind respect Don't have Thanksgiving or is that asking to much because not many native Indians celebrate it and for good reason... Does that clear it up for you?
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C'mon people! Read the first post. It's not about the name of the juice. It's about the "cute" little note that was included in the package with your order.


If I had received that note I would have been pissed off too. Ditto if it made a dumb-ass joke about the trail of tears.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Ok, I'd say this thread had served it's purpose. Time to move on and find something else to get the arguments flying. I suggest the basics, which came first, the Chicken, or the Egg?:D

No Ash More Cash

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Ok, I'd say this thread had served it's purpose. Time to move on and find something else to get the arguments flying. I suggest the basics, which came first, the Chicken, or the Egg?:D
lol...Ok that should keep the creationists and evolutionists busy:D


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes, sometimes it happens that such delicate subjects can be made into something funny or witty. But it's not easy obviously. In my entire life, I've seen it done well exactly twice, and both times it was in-situation irony.

For example, the last time, it was at lunch time at my company. We were having lunch, and one of our less-esteemed colleagues had joined us at the table. He was an ultra-right wing, racist sort of guy with no education and no manners. His wife was on disability and was doing her best to stay on it and live off benefits, and his son was mentally challenged (a bit like his dad if you ask me).

At some point, he told us his wife had given birth to his second son. We duly asked what he had named him. He said "Benjamin". That's when one other colleague at the end of the table, who had so far kept quiet, said "Hmm, your house is like a miniature concentration camp." So our racist colleague said "uh? why?" and the other guy replied "Well, your wife is disabled, you first son is retarded, your second son has a jewish name, and you're a fucking nazi." We all nearly choked laughing when he said that. Of course, it was totally the context. You had to know the people there, and nobody expected that outburst. But lemme tell you, it was classic!
Yea good one. Or just substitute "yea, or a dumb fucking Frog with all the raping of those French babies and girls and the pillaging of France" that would have been REALLY FUNNY.


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Ok, I'd say this thread had served it's purpose. Time to move on and find something else to get the arguments flying. I suggest the basics, which came first, the Chicken, or the Egg?:D

Indeed it did serve the purpose of talking back to the arch-bullshit vendor. :)

No Ash More Cash

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Witty would make it acceptable? ...WITTY???? RUFKM?
It's a cultural thing...I know for a fact being a brit living in the US for 25 years that for the most part that British people try to make light of a bad thing where you guys don't here for the most part...My wife has gotten use to it and understands when I do it and has seen it over the UK when she has came home with me


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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It's a cultural thing...I know for a fact being a brit living in the US for 25 years that for the most part that British people try to make light of a bad thing where you guys don't here for the most part...My wife has gotten use to it and understands when I do it and has seen it over the UK when she has came home with me

I worked in Slough for a few years and traveled out to the country on the weekends. British black humor is a true art form.


Bronze Contributor
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It's a cultural thing...I know for a fact being a brit living in the US for 25 years that for the most part that British people try to make light of a bad thing where you guys don't here for the most part...My wife has gotten use to it and understands when I do it and has seen it over the UK when she has came home with me
Yes and no, it's a tact thing. It's an integrity thing. It's a right and wrong thing. It has nothing to do with being politically correct. Genocide is not the butt of a joke told by an imbecilic moron in this thread either. It's genocide. Only an ignorant low rent uneducated slob does not grasp the concept. Mostly it is just jew haters. They are everywhere.

No Ash More Cash

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Yes and no, it's a tact thing. It's an integrity thing. It's a right and wrong thing. It has nothing to do with being politically correct. Genocide is not the butt of a joke told by an imbecilic moron in this thread either. It's genocide. Only an ignorant low rent uneducated slob does not grasp the concept. Mostly it is just jew haters. They are everywhere.
And then you have Jews who hate zionism and think that's wrong what they do to the palestinians ... Jews hating Jews...Hate is everywhere


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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So you know where I'm coming from then
Yep. Had lunch at a Pie and Mash outside Bath one absurdly hot day in June 2003. It was filled with pensioners, oscillating fans, and a rather buxom counter attendant - an older gal named Martha who would burst out with a roar of laughter every now and again. Could never really get into the jellied Eel.

After lunch I went to a local pub (forget the name) and had a few pints of Adnams Bitter to remove (or dilute) the taste of jellied Eel.

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