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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


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I love this stuff, super on organic celery;);)

If you’ve been reading the news, chances are you’ve heard everyone talking about The Ketogenic Diet!

More recently, researchers have started venturing into new territories. Experts are now expanding their horizons and combining the benefits of Keto with one of the other “naturally occurring miracles” of the human body:

Stem Cells.

See, for almost any kind of damage or injury - whether it be a fracture or a sunburn - your body uses stem cells to make the necessary repairs...

However, as you age and expose yourself to harmful lifestyle factors like poor nutrition, pollution, and stress (which is inevitable in most cultures around the world at this point)... your body’s stem cells slowly deteriorate and dwindle away...

So as you grow older, it becomes more and more important to strategically incorporate stem-cell-boosting nutrients into your diet…

Which is why Dr. David Jockers, world class ketogenic diet expert, partnered with my friends over at The Healing Miracle to create a collection of delicious recipes -

...designed specifically to support your body in producing healthy new stem cells.

These recipes are ALL Keto-Friendly, and filled with ingredients to help optimize brain function, boost fat metabolism, and fight inflammation…

...and today, I wanted to share one of my favorites of these new recipes with you!

...and there you have it!

I hope you’ll give yourself the opportunity to try out this recipe - because if you do, I’m sure you’ll enjoy how it tastes AND how it makes you feel.
Gotta give this one a try...........:stars:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

A lot of us are stretched for time when it comes to trying to prepare healthy and delicious meals at home for ourselves or our family.

Juggling work, exercise, a social life, and spiritual self care, it's all too easy to turn to unhealthy food options that are quick to make.

I haven't owned a microwave for years, however, there are many "frozen foods" that I do buy.

Fruits and vegetables!

Many people assume fresh foods will always be the most optimal in terms of nutrition, but that really depends what you are comparing it against.

If you can grow your own foods and consume immediately after harvest, awesome!

But many frozen fruits and vegetables can actually be more nutrient dense than their fresh alternatives at the grocery store.

Frozen vegetables are picked at optimal nutritional and freshness levels and their nutrient density is preserved by freezing.

Compare that to many vegetables that would be picked either unripe (to ripen on the way to the store) or have sat on the grocery store display for a few days, losing potency.


Of course a farmer's market is a great option when looking for something that was picked as recently as possible, and will have superb antioxidant and health benefits.

But frozen veggies are also there ready to use when you need them, and extremely less likely to end up being thrown out due to spoilage.

With 40% or more of our food being wasted, this is a great perk.

Of course freezing does require more energy consumption to ship, and frozen goods always require packaging, so there can be pros and cons.

But I'd be curious to know if the net reduction in food waste didn't counteract the energy use overall.

Not all foods can be frozen well – salad greens and tomatoes, for instance, don't work – but one of my personal favorites to buy frozen is wild blueberries.

There is a study that showed blueberries had a 29% increase in antioxidants after 3 weeks of cold storage.

I use frozen blueberries in my smoothie almost everyday.

Foundation for a "Rob Smoothie":

  • About a cup of frozen wild blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon cacao powder
  • 1 teaspoon medicinal mushroom powder blend
  • A scoop of green superfood powder
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 handful of organic greens
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Sometimes 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • Add water or nut milk and blend
I want to point out I never measure anything. I encourage people to always eye it out and trying using what you have, and add in other fresh foods that need to get eaten. That could be an apple, part of an avocado, part of a zucchini even!

*I'm not claiming this meets all my nutritional needs, or is suited for everyone on every diet.

This is just a nice way for me to sneak in a bunch of nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fats in a way that tastes great to me, and is satisfying without added sugars, starches, or any processed foods (other than the nut milk).

I hope it gives you some inspiration to use smoothies as a way to get dense nutrition into your diet!

But remember, frozen veggies can be a great option to have around for easy steaming, boiling or sautéing without the worry of food spoiling if you don't eat it fast enough.

And best of all, frozen foods are almost always cheaper than their counterparts!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food for Thought


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It’s no secret that hydration is vital, for your health.

But did you know REAL hydration has nothing to do with drinking 8 glasses of water a day?

Ancient civilizations, arid communities and desert communities around the globe living in very challenging environments knew this.

They couldn't drink 8 glasses of water a day.

It just wasn't an option.

So they practiced hydration strategies.

Strategies that many of us today have forgotten.

And yet these are more relevant than ever.

Because today we continue to live in increasingly challenging environments.

Our homes, our offices with computers and so on, and our fancy cars have become very challenging environments.

As far as our bodies are concerned we now live in desert environments.

Modern environments are deeply dehydrating, far more dehydrating than how we lived say, 20 years ago or 15 years ago. Even five years ago.


I believe EMFs are a big factor.

Anthropologist Gina Bria also believes this.

Gina says when you “add electronic devices we use in the kind of interior environment we live in, plus the travel that we do, plus the food we eat, plus the pharmaceuticals that we take, all of those have ended up being percentage hits on our hydration. Hydration now becomes an urgent issue.”

At the Hydration Solution Summit Gina Bria has brought together 30 experts to share forgotten and new hydration strategies.

Don’t miss Gina interviewing me on, “How Hydration Buffers EMFs” and learn some surprising new information about how hydration can help protect us in our EMF challenged world.

Here's your chance to get really hydrated—perhaps for the first time in your life!

Register for FREE here: Hydration Solution Summit

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

P.S. if the above link doesn't work copy/paste this link into your browser

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please share ElectricSense emails
with your friends and colleagues.

Support my work: visit my EMF protection store


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Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Most all Avocado's are non-GMO as of this date and the hard shell helps keep sprays from penetrating and they are on the clean 15:bliss:. You can get Organic avocados but the standard ones are just as safe;)

Great. I don’t have the EWG app on my phone, so I just try to buy everything organic. I’ve never made guacamole but that looks great.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The American Home is a Chemical Minefield

Open your cleaning supply closet and grab any bottle in there.

Flip it over and read the list of chemicals contained.

Do you recognize any of those names?

And if you don’t recognize the names, is it remotely possible that you know how those chemicals are affecting you?

Some years back, experts in their areas formed a collective called Project Tendr, dedicated to exposing the neurodevelopmental affect that household chemicals have on unsuspecting families. Among the experts were environmental epidemiologists, professors of environmental health, and other doctors, scientists, and policy advocates.

Since then, other organizations have gotten on board…

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics came forward to discuss toxic environmental chemicals’ effect on reproduction. The Endocrine Society, dedicated to researching hormones, came to the same conclusions.

The scariest part is…

These chemicals are in everything. They’re in your food, plastics, cookware, carpets, tech, shampoo, food wrap, furniture, cleaning supplies, shampoo…

And while they cover a multitude of sins, today we’re going to focus on endocrine-disruptors.

Endocrine-disruptors: chemicals that interfere with hormonal systems at certain doses. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, developmental disorders, reproductive issues, neurological diseases, and immune system effects.

They work by mimicking hormones that occur naturally in the body (leading to overstimulation), binding to receptors within cells and blocking the hormone from binding with other cells (preventing the normal signal and response within the body), or interfering with regular hormone production (altering its behavior or metabolism.)

There are lots of repeat offenders in the house — even contained in household names that your family may have been using for years unknowingly.

It’s important to identify which chemicals are causing which kind of harm in order to demine the minefield that is the modern Western home.

This first one, you’re probably familiar with…

Bisphenol A (BPA)

This industrial chemical has been used in plastics and resins since the 1960s — specifically the kind often used to make water bottles and store food (like tin cans).

BPA is a mimicker. It tricks the body into thinking it’s estrogen. Thus, it’s been linked to breast cancer, reproductive maladies, obesity, heart disease, early puberty, and more.

Because it’s so common in America, the government estimates that 93% of Americans have BPA in their systems.


Another industrially-released chemical, dioxin is largely contained in food supply. Meat, fish, milk, eggs, and butter are usually the contaminated culprits.

Exposure to dioxin early in life or in the womb has been linked to reproductive issues in men and women, including lower sperm count for men. Not only that, but since they live for a long time and build up in the body…

They also affect our immune system and ability to fight diseases.

Glycol Ethers

Most often found in paints, cleaning products (because they cut grease well), brake fluid, and make-up.

The EU recently ruled that these solvents can cause blood abnormalities, lower sperm counts, damage fertility, and possibly harm fetuses.

Even exposure from having glycol-ether-paint on children’s bedroom walls has been linked to asthma and allergies.


This endocrine disruptor interferes with certain hormonal signallers in the body. Specifically, they send “death” signals to testicular cell, which has linked them to hormone changes, lower sperm count, sperm with lowered mobility, male reproductive systems with birth defects, thyroid issues, diabetes, and lower metabolisms.

They’re often found in plastics, when something contains “fragrance” as an ingredient, toys, plastic wrap, and personal care products.


Atrazine is an herbicide, but it’s also an endocrine disruptor. In fact, it’s been found to turn male frogs female, complete with egg production, from even low levels of exposure.

It’s most commonly used on corn crops in the U.S., which is the largest crop in America. 91.7 million acres of corn were planted in 2019. And atrazine keeps that crop safe.

Because it’s used as an herbicide primarily, it also contaminates drinking water. It’s been linked to breast tumors, delayed puberty, prostate inflammation, and prostate cancer.

Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

It’s been estimated that 99% of American bodies contain PFCs. And some strains are not biodegradable — meaning they’re forever chemicals. They never dissolve into organic compounds.

PFCs, specifically PFOA (a degrade-resistant strain), affect sperm quality, kidney disease, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, low birth weight, and other serious afflictions.

They’re usually found in non-stick pans and water-resistant coatings on carpets, furniture, and clothing.

These chemicals are insidious.

They are everywhere.

And they’ll mostly be found altering the natural characteristics of something — as in making something water-resistant that isn’t, or changing the properties of grease.

Be on the lookout for an article soon discussing how to avoid endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

There’s always a way, but as with anything in the modern world, it pays to be conscious.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Secrets Exposed
This 7-part docuseries will open your eyes not only to the massive healing potential that’s hidden in nature but also the lengths to which some people will go to protect their own profits (by keeping you from knowing the truth). The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed has some of the most shocking, practical, and potentially life-changing information you’ll ever be exposed to. Watch Episode 1 now!

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