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  1. Train

    For Sale: STANDS (atty, RDA / RTA, mod...)

    Mod and Atty Stands A) “ModBlock” 5 tubes. Really nice solid wood... $15 +$13.65 postage B) Vape3D printed – 8 RDA holes. "Natural" rough finish 3d print. $12 +$7.20 postage C) Jwraps stand (mini rba), 3 RDA’s and 3 tips. Black carbon fiber wrap. $13 + $7.20 postage More than one, just...
  2. antosha99


    I made this stand with a piece of walnut wood from my garden:
  3. D

    Earth shattering tank/dripper stand discovery

    Use a skate bearing! Because we all have those right?
  4. DED420

    Custom Mod Stand - 3D Printing

    This is a shoutout for fellow VU member @Spencer2011 . He's offered to assist me with my Custom Mod Stand, and has voiced that he'd like to start making and selling them in the future. This is to display a bit of his work, get him some feedback/ideas, and who knows, maybe you'll want a custom...
  5. Lost

    In Celebration of Mediocrity

    Some people never dive into DIY juice because they're afraid of mistakes or failure. Same goes with any DIY. Starting sucks. There's a learning curve and the projects you do before you get over the hump are not going to be something to brag about. Things like coil building and sanitizing...
  6. tr1age

    A fun little Vape Life Hack for Tank Stands!

    All it will cost you is a bottle of water, which you should be drinking anyway!

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