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0mg Nicotine Smoking Addiction... Plz Read


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So I'm actually a smoking hobbiest, which is why I am getting into vaping. After doing countless hours of research for the past 3 weeks, and a few threads on here the past few days (which I can't thank enough for), I have a set conclusion on my starter set-up. I've bought the Tron version of the Evic VTC mini with 75w Tron S-tank, and am currently using CL ti .5ohm atomizers. I plan on using those atomizers and tank until I can afford uwell crown tanks with OCC SS .5ohm atomizers for my fiance and I.
Being said, I am also making home-made vape oil/"juice" out of Rocky Mountain Oils Company organic USPA food grade vegetable glycerin, Rocky Mountain Oils Company USP kosher food grade propylene glycol, and Frontiers company natural/organic USP food grade flavors (select of 17 different flavors).
I've done the math for 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% flavor/oil ratios. I've also done the math for 70/30, 60/40, and 50/50 PG/VG ratios for the flavor percentages I stated.

My fiance and I are both medical Removed patients that like to smoke. We love the feeling of smoke or vapor enter and exit our lungs, not just pulling fat clouds. We got into 0mg nicotine vaping for that fact, and that it tastes super delicious. So what I'm wondering... is, what would be a good PG/VG (PG/VG/flavor) ratio/percentage for us to pull nice size clouds for tricks and have that smoking feeling in our lungs?

P.S. I don't remember specific settings but I remember smoking a friends 2mg nicotine mint flavor vape, it tasted amazing and felt like I was taking a hit from a pipe, but I want that same feeling for 0mg nicotine.
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If I have to experiment for myself I understand. I know vaping/smoking is upon personal preferance and I can't ask for specific numbers, but some numbers to start at and go from would be nice.


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Member For 4 Years
I removed the content not allowed, jasondberman and I am sure your questions will get answered in better detail on any forum that deals with the subject matter, just not this one as it is not allowed (our rule #1) 1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

We are a vaping forum also, not a smoking forum


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@Shark Vape
Thank you for dropping the axe on my words rather than me personally. I'll keep that in mind for future posts.
In relation to the "smoking" topic, I completely understand this is a vaping forum. That is what I specifically made this thread about. What settings or oil/flavor percentages would make the vape closest to the actual feel of smoking? On a non-dry herb related topic. This could be in consideration to wet pipe tobacco as well. Or anything else that can be smoked, even plain water. I'm simply interested in the smoking-feeling. Please let me know if this post is also "stretching the rules".


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Please look

The VTC Mini is a fantastic mod.
I will give ya a heads up on the Removed talk. This forum doesn't permit that as topic matter.
I realize you were analogizing but don't be surprised if this thread gets the axe...

@Whiskey can advise...

I removed the content not allowed, jasondberman and I am sure your questions will get answered in better detail on any forum that deals with the subject matter, just not this one as it is not allowed (our rule #1) 1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

We are a vaping forum also, not a smoking forum
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@Shark Vape
Thank you for dropping the axe on my words rather than me personally. I'll keep that in mind for future posts.
In relation to the "smoking" topic, I completely understand this is a vaping forum. That is what I specifically made this thread about. What settings or oil/flavor percentages would make the vape closest to the actual feel of smoking? On a non-dry herb related topic. This could be in consideration to wet pipe tobacco as well. Or anything else that can be smoked, even plain water. I'm simply interested in the smoking-feeling. Please let me know if this post is also "stretching the rules".
Oils are not the type of ingredients used in the Ejuice that we as a forum here use, and are usually seen with your type of "smoking" so to answer your question, yes you are stretching the rules. I could have just removed this all entirely, and will if they get "stretched" any further, consider yourself warned.


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Okay, you can delete me if you want but that's why I was asking you specifically. And Idk what you vape if you don't use PG or VG or regular flavors. PG is a type of mineral oil and VG is technically a plant oil. So I don't understand how it is not oil. But it's cool if you want to be a jerk to someone that's just trying to expand their knowledge. I can go talk to people who actually vape if you want to be that way. I'm here to get information. That's all.
But you don't vape oil, which sounds completely ridiculous if you use any proylene glycerine or vegetable glycol what-so-ever. Or any natural/organic flavors in that matter.

The VTC Mini is a fantastic mod.
I will give ya a heads up on the Removed talk. This forum doesn't permit that as topic matter.
I realize you were analogizing but don't be surprised if this thread gets the axe...

@Whiskey can advise...

Oils are not the type of ingredients used in the Ejuice that we as a forum here use, and are usually seen with your type of "smoking" so to answer your question, yes you are stretching the rules. I could have just removed this all entirely, and will if they get "stretched" any further, consider yourself warned.
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Diamond Contributor
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No....Not trying to be a "jerk" at all , just doing what I do, there are folks here who will debate the oil issue being in Ejuice so good luck on your end of that debate, as far deleting I will leave it and watch for anymore rule violations and deal with them as needed, have a good day.


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I don't know how you can argue science, but that's cool too. But I won't bring up everything else that argues science I guess. Again, was just asking a simple question. Looking for a simple answer.


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I am not arguing science, I'll leave that to our members, I am simply telling you what the forum rules are because it doesn't look like you read them. If your looking for a "simple" answer to the topic, you have come to the wrong forum.
And I will take action if you post anymore references again like the ones I removed. Have a great day! :)


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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the only way i know to get close to the feel of burning a leaf is to burn said leaf. Burning and boiling are two very different beast. in terms of settings i would suggest you try a TC mod and find a setting that works the VTC mini with update might fit that bill. to each their own in my TC mod i run low compared to most i use the tfv4 with stc2 heads around 380-410F and a ramp of 40-55 watts.


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See, that was a very simple answer. Thank you very much @lordmage.
So I am allowed to say "burning" over the s-word and "leaf" over the c-word or anything relating to "dry herb"? I want to know how to ask my question effectively and profieciently as to where more than 3 vaporizers (not sure what the term is for people who vape - so I used vaporizers) will answer and I can compare and contrast answers.


The Sky has Fallen. the End is Here.
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See, that was a very simple answer. Thank you very much @lordmage.
So I am allowed to say "burning" over the s-word and "leaf" over the c-word or anything relating to "dry herb"? I want to know how to ask my question effectively and profieciently as to where more than 3 vaporizers (not sure what the term is for people who vape - so I used vaporizers) will answer and I can compare and contrast answers.
Smoking is fine and Burning a leaf can be applied to any leaf.
if you want it hotter turn up your settings if you want it cooler turn it down or open air flow. those are the basics. here is a reddit that might help you


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IMHO for that "smoking" feeling you want high PG juice. It hits harder, VG is super smooth in comparison. High nicotine juice hits harder too... Thing is, over time, am totally over the smoking feeling and now like dense, warm, silky clouds in the direct to lung style.


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IMHO for that "smoking" feeling you want high PG juice. It hits harder, VG is super smooth in comparison. High nicotine juice hits harder too... Thing is, over time, am totally over the smoking feeling and now like dense, warm, silky clouds in the direct to lung style.
How do you get the warm clouds direct-to-lung style? I've heard PG is what brings the "lung hit" over the "mouth hit". But VG is what brings the warm clouds. That is what I read, I am interested in your knowledge.


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Like decisively said, more throat hit, higher pg ratio. Smoother, thicker clouds, higher vg ratio.

You don't want to use food flavorings to make juice with. Use vape specific flavorings like FlavourArt or Cappella or flavor west or lotus flower or... many others that are intended to be used for vaping purposes.

0mg nic will have the most flavor, as you add, flavor is reduced... replaced with the flavor of nic. Add whatever level nic you want/need. If you are not addicted to smoking/nicotine, mix zero nic or close to it. 0.5%? 1%? Mix a few different ways and see what you like
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Diamond Contributor
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I don't know how you can argue science, but that's cool too. But I won't bring up everything else that argues science I guess. Again, was just asking a simple question. Looking for a simple answer.
When someone refers to oil it points out they are not vapers but ***heads, or just fucking stupid. The reason or at least one of the reasons we do not refer to juice as oil is the fucking stupids will use oil based flavors or stuff that should not be vaped.

Break it down further people are walking oil bags also. But that is cool, please keep arguing with a mod you will last a long time here.

But go ahead and spend the extra money to vendor selling "organic" supplies. Delude yourself further.

As far as making your own tinctures of the shit that shall not be named here, your google fu is weak... lay off the P O T...if you were stupid before it has only made you really fucktarded now.

Seriously you know exactly fucking nothing, less than fucking nothing. So instead of asking and learning you spout bullshit and argue with people that actually try and help you.
Long pier, go walk the fuck off it.
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You come to our house and are asked to follow our rules and you cop an attitude and get argumentative about it.

Good way to make friends


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If your flavors have oil in them, there's a good chance they're not safe to vape. Look around the DIY liquid subs for lists of flavors and manufacturers who produce flavoring agents for vape use. There's some debate over other concerning compounds that may be in some of them, but oils are a universal no-no.

fat fingered flubs courtesy dumb mobile phone


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proylene glycerine or vegetable glycol

It's propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine. Corrected names as well as spelling.

This would be a good place to begin your research as it appears you have done little. That's OK, we all started out at one time and VU really is the best place to learn. But you should know, just to start, the proper names of the primary ingredients in vaping liquids and that they contain no oil.

Another tip is not to call those who moderate our home, "jerks," As a new guest, you would do better to presume good intention by all here and allow us to prove otherwise.

Best wishes on your journey!


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Lol I've tried talking to vapers in person before and just thought maybe they were just asses, so I came here hoping to speak to some people that weren't. Turns out if you don't know absolutely everything from the start and make little mistakes, and try to get the correct knowledge, 90% of vapers are asses. I got the information I need. Yes Iam going to get an attitude if I accidentally do something wrong (that's why its called an accident) and get bitched at for it, then ask about it specifically so I don't make the same mistake and get b*tched at for asking. Thank-you to the 10% who actually helped.

Yes, I was super medicated as a kite or purple elephant on Mars. That's why I ACCIDENTALLY switched glycol and glycerine. Also, I'm not just some dumb head that smokes to get high. I'm a medical patient that medicates for medical purposes. As I said before I'm looking for the smoking FEEL.
People actually consider me as a healthy-smoking enthusiast.
Delete the thread or post or my account if you must, but I'm not talking about any leaf or the actual act of smoking.
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But I'm super thankful to all of you who actually are helpful. I really appreciate it and look forward to vaping healthy and chasing clouds. Thanks again.


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Lol I've tried talking to vapers in person before and just thought maybe they were just asses, so I came here hoping to speak to some people that weren't. Turns out if you don't know absolutely everything from the start and make little mistakes, and try to get the correct knowledge, 90% of vapers are asses. I got the information I need. Yes Iam going to get an attitude if I accidentally do something wrong (that's why its called an accident) and get bitched at for it, then ask about it specifically so I don't make the same mistake and get b*tched at for asking. Thank-you to the 10% who actually helped.

Yes, I was super medicated as a kite or purple elephant on Mars. That's why I ACCIDENTALLY switched glycol and glycerine. Also, I'm not just some dumb head that smokes to get high. I'm a medical patient that medicates for medical purposes. As I said before I'm looking for the smoking FEEL.
People actually consider me as a healthy-smoking enthusiast.
Delete the thread or post or my account if you must, but I'm not talking about any leaf or the actual act of smoking.

Not at all. We welcome new folks with open arms. It was nit my intent to make you feel anything but welcome and I have no way of knowing your state of mind when you post. If that effects your ability to recall (is should not as that's tucked [hopefully] into long-term memory) or spell, please don't blame me for the misinterpretation.

And no bitching. We're here to help you get the greatest degree of satisfaction and enjoyment from vaping.

Again, if you'll assume good intention, you'll almost always be correct. On the other hand, guessing that we're here to judge or criticize will invariably lead to an incorrect assumption.

You are amongst potential friends. Give us a chance. And be aware that most of these folks are 'way smarter than either of us. :)

ETA: I see they mentioned to you you over in Sub-Ohm tanks that VG is not an oil. See? We try to help everyone get factual information!
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Not at all. We welcome new folks with open arms. It was nit my intent to make you feel anything but welcome and I have no way of knowing your state of mind when you post. If that effects your ability to recall (is should not as that's tucked [hopefully] into long-term memory) or spell, please don't blame me for the misinterpretation.

And no bitching. We're here to help you get the greatest degree of satisfaction and enjoyment from vaping.

Again, if you'll assume good intention, you'll almost always be correct. On the other hand, guessing that we're here to judge or criticize will invariably lead to an incorrect assumption.

You are amongst potential friends. Give us a chance. And be aware that most of these folks are 'way smarter than either of us. :)

ETA: I see they mentioned to you you over in Sub-Ohm tanks that VG is not an oil. See? We try to help everyone get factual information!
Well I appreciate your constructive criticism and not coming off as a butt like some others. I look forward to hopefully expanding my knowledge with the help of the intellectual vapers that are here.


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You will probably have to experiment with the PG/VG ratio a bit to get what you want.
I get a pretty decent hit from 70PG/30VG and 2mg NIC.

Any herbal plant based extracts, like basil, tobacco leaf, etc.,will contain oils and sugars.
This is why NETs (Naturally Extracted Tobaccos), tend to make coils gunk up faster.
And also which is why most ppl here prefer the regular flavorings.
Most of the flavorings we use are non-plant based without any oils.


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Well I appreciate your constructive criticism and not coming off as a butt like some others. I look forward to hopefully expanding my knowledge with the help of the intellectual vapers that are here.

My pleasure, but we ain't intellectuals, just regular folk.

To counterpoint what Heabob (who really knows a lot) said above. I know you want "fat clowdz to do vape trix" so I would advise a ratio of PG/VG that is heavy on the VG/ THat's what will produce more voluminous vapor.

Briefly, PG is a better carrier of flavor while VG, well what I said above. If you get into DIY (mixing your own flavors) this just means you'll need to steep (store in a dark area) for a couple of weeks to achieve an equally intense flavor experience with high VG juice.

On the other hand, if you're buying liquids, you find that those which promise 'mad clouds' will be high in VG.

After a while, most of us get into the flavor and the amount of vapor becomes secondary. For now, keep asking questions to get what you really want. :)


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Welcom to Vu. Looks like a rough start, but hey, if you don't ask the crazy questions then you won't learn. Everybody has hit the nail head with a brick. :).

High vg will give you big clouds. This is otherwise known as max vg. You will have to do some reading but I have seen 90%vg 10% pg ...and even higher vg with a bit of distilled water or other. But I'm no expert since most of the diy is about flavor chasing (other term meaning get lots of amazing flavor...aka mouth/flavor Orgasm )...but there is plenty of info in the threads...just search max vg.

If you want the throat hit a 50vg 50pg ratio with do it...all of folks will go to a 60vg40pg ratio for throat hit...with a touch of smooth. If you use a subohm tank 60vg40pg will give a fair amount of vapor to fill a room.

Good luck.


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Clouds, not intense or huge. But lots of clouds are what gives the feeling of smoke filling the lungs.

I vape 25/75 pg/vg using sub ohm builds most of the time. Wattage will vary by flavor, but generally less than 20 most of the time.

You tailor the feel by adjusting your pg/vg. Some need high pg, others need high VG.

And it doesn't require high wattage, or subohm. Unless that's your personal choice/requirement to meet your needs. Plenty of people within this forum do it at 1.2 ohm using 6 watts.

And oils for flavor. Just no.


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Clouds, not intense or huge. But lots of clouds are what gives the feeling of smoke filling the lungs.

I vape 25/75 pg/vg using sub ohm builds most of the time. Wattage will vary by flavor, but generally less than 20 most of the time.

You tailor the feel by adjusting your pg/vg. Some need high pg, others need high VG.

And it doesn't require high wattage, or subohm. Unless that's your personal choice/requirement to meet your needs. Plenty of people within this forum do it at 1.2 ohm using 6 watts.

And oils for flavor. Just no.
All good points, but I'm liking your post mainly because you express PG/VG ratios in the proper format.


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Lol I've tried talking to vapers in person before and just thought maybe they were just asses, so I came here hoping to speak to some people that weren't. Turns out if you don't know absolutely everything from the start and make little mistakes, and try to get the correct knowledge, 90% of vapers are asses. I got the information I need. Yes Iam going to get an attitude if I accidentally do something wrong (that's why its called an accident) and get bitched at for it, then ask about it specifically so I don't make the same mistake and get b*tched at for asking. Thank-you to the 10% who actually helped.

Yes, I was super medicated as a kite or purple elephant on Mars. That's why I ACCIDENTALLY switched glycol and glycerine. Also, I'm not just some dumb head that smokes to get high. I'm a medical patient that medicates for medical purposes. As I said before I'm looking for the smoking FEEL.
People actually consider me as a healthy-smoking enthusiast.
Delete the thread or post or my account if you must, but I'm not talking about any leaf or the actual act of smoking.

Look Dude, I feel you.
It was just a misunderstanding and believe it or not vapers, a lot of people call eliquid "the oil"
It's a slang term like "juice"
We may say "I need to add more juice to my atty" while others may say "I need to put more oil in my topper"
Both mean the exact same thing.

You need to use MAX VG to get the clouds you are looking for.
So you want to add flavoring and Vegetable Glycerin together to make your eliquid.
The flavoring uses PG as a carrier to make it liquefied.
So you do not need to add any PG at all because you want to avoid throat hit in order to get buttery smooth through the mouth and nose mouth to lung vapor


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Look Dude, I feel you.
It was just a misunderstanding and believe it or not vapers, a lot of people call eliquid "the oil"
It's a slang term like "juice"
We may say "I need to add more juice to my atty" while others may say "I need to put more oil in my topper"
Both mean the exact same thing.

You need to use MAX VG to get the clouds you are looking for.
So you want to add flavoring and Vegetable Glycerin together to make your eliquid.
The flavoring uses PG as a carrier to make it liquefied.
So you do not need to add any PG at all because you want to avoid throat hit in order to get buttery smooth through the mouth and nose mouth to lung vapor
If it is to thick to wick properly a bit of distilled water like .1-.5 ml.

Must be a regional thing. The only reference to oil is in reference to what shall not be named.

I am all for medical use, but when it interferes then it is not medicine but an problem.


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Lol I've tried talking to vapers in person before and just thought maybe they were just asses, so I came here hoping to speak to some people that weren't. Turns out if you don't know absolutely everything from the start and make little mistakes, and try to get the correct knowledge, 90% of vapers are asses. I got the information I need. Yes Iam going to get an attitude if I accidentally do something wrong (that's why its called an accident) and get bitched at for it, then ask about it specifically so I don't make the same mistake and get b*tched at for asking. Thank-you to the 10% who actually helped.

Yes, I was super medicated as a kite or purple elephant on Mars. That's why I ACCIDENTALLY switched glycol and glycerine. Also, I'm not just some dumb head that smokes to get high. I'm a medical patient that medicates for medical purposes. As I said before I'm looking for the smoking FEEL.
People actually consider me as a healthy-smoking enthusiast.
Delete the thread or post or my account if you must, but I'm not talking about any leaf or the actual act of smoking.

I live in fucking Florida and I'm a medical patient who is disabled from an auto accident and I wish I could medicate for medical purposes.
I'm stuck on fucking pain meds and half the time the pharmacies are assholes about filling them.
I'd love to be in your position right now.

But on the other hand this is a nicotine (or Zero Nic) vaping forum and there are entire forums devoted to talking about "green vegetable like" substances so I will refrain from mentioning it again on here.;)


Under Ground Hustler
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It's an alphabetical thing ;)

PG/VG <-- in that order
It's been a standard of eliquid thing since I started in 2012.
But the cloud chasers always try to switch it around on us.:eek:

Half the time I don't know what the fuck these online vendors are trying to sell me

I'll see shit like "Devil's Blood 75/25" that's it. No description, no flavor profile.

I'm like what the fuck are they trying to sell here?
Is this one of those satanic websites or is this a vaping site?
Is this REALLY the blood of satan?

Aw, fuck that I'm going with the Unicorn Puke instead.:D


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Soon for you 5150 soon.. once that worthless turd in charge of your state is done.
To many retired hippies, and forward thinking old timers to not make it so in FL.


Under Ground Hustler
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Soon for you 5150 soon.. once that worthless turd in charge of your state is done.
To many retired hippies, and forward thinking old timers to not make it so in FL.
Pam Bondi needs to take a long walk off of a short pier first:D


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Pam Bondi needs to take a long walk off of a short pier first:D
If she can kill oscama care then she is not all that bad.
People like that I truly wish they get a nice up close and personal like affinity with a cancer patient who uses medical as a treatment. It has a tendency to change their myopic vision of natural cures.


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PG/VG <-- in that order
It's been a standard of eliquid thing since I started in 2012.
But the cloud chasers always try to switch it around on us.:eek:

Half the time I don't know what the fuck these online vendors are trying to sell me

I'll see shit like "Devil's Blood 75/25" that's it. No description, no flavor profile.

I'm like what the fuck are they trying to sell here?
Is this one of those satanic websites or is this a vaping site?
Is this REALLY the blood of satan?

Aw, fuck that I'm going with the Unicorn Puke instead.:D

Amen and thank you for reiterating the standard.

The PG/VG convention was in place in 2009, so it was established sometime prior to that. It definitely needs to become a part of every vaper's lexicon.


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PG/VG <-- in that order
It's been a standard of eliquid thing since I started in 2012.
But the cloud chasers always try to switch it around on us.:eek:

Half the time I don't know what the fuck these online vendors are trying to sell me

I'll see shit like "Devil's Blood 75/25" that's it. No description, no flavor profile.

I'm like what the fuck are they trying to sell here?
Is this one of those satanic websites or is this a vaping site?
Is this REALLY the blood of satan?

Aw, fuck that I'm going with the Unicorn Puke instead.:D

Hahaha Devils Blood. I'd just close the page.

That's one of the reasons I DIY now. F*** guessing what's in it. But now they want you to guess the flavor too? Nope!


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Amen and thank you for reiterating the standard.

The PG/VG convention was in place in 2009, so it was established sometime prior to that. It definitely needs to become a part of every vaper's lexicon.

I usually base everything on PG. Therefore, I just say "60PG", "35PG", "20PG", "0PG", etc. and the rest is obviously VG.
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