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Aria x Anarchist Solara DNA 200 General Question.


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Member For 2 Years
A friend of mine asked me to take a look at his DNA 200. Said he wasn't sure if the board or the battery that was dead. After I got it, I plugged it into escribe, as per the usual. Board was working fine, but it did not detect the battery. I slapped the trusty multimeter to the battery, dead cell. S*** happens..

But what worries me... The ground out isn't connected to anything... Nor does it look like it ever was. I may not be the smartest person in the world, but the chip needs to be grounded to prevent things like frying the battery/chip, yeah? I mean, it's a simple fix. Solder a bridge from the ground out to one of the three screws on the board or to the negative on the 510... But shouldn't that have been done by the manufacturer? Does anyone else have the same mod that wouldn't mind cracking it open to check if it isn't grounded in any of them or if the guy that owned it before my buddy was screwing around inside of it? I've tried finding reviews with the internals, but couldn't find one.

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