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Did you know September was CMT Awareness month??

When I say CMT I am NOT talking about country music tv, nope I am talking about a serious disease with a funny name.

CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth)10466660_589839837804294_1282109172_n.jpg 10639714_820779657966741_1752724273477683365_n.jpg 36_9ecd376e5371efaef9aad9bc9143aed8_s.jpg

What Is Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder (CMT)?

It’s not Country Music Television.

It’s not “Can’t Make it Today.”

It’s not “Call Me Tomorrow.”

It’s a genetic disorder that affects over two million people.

CMT affects all people, all races, and all ethnic groups, throughout the world.

CMT is a group of inherited disorders that affect the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. There are more than 70 kinds of CMT. Each kind is caused by a different genetic mutation, and more causes are being discovered every year.

CMT is not contagious. In most cases, CMT is inherited. The most common forms of CMT are passed down from one generation to the next, meaning that it is dominantly inherited.

Some forms of CMT are recessively inherited—a person may be affected even though the parents do not have CMT. In this case, each of the parents harbors a mutation in one of their two copies of a CMT gene. If the child inherits the one mutated CMT gene from each of their parents (the chance of this happening is 1 out of 4), then the child will develop CMT. Sometimes a mutation that causes CMT happens spontaneously during the process that produces the eggs or sperm. In these cases, a child will have CMT even though neither parent has CMT. If a child has such a spontaneous mutation, he/she may pass that mutation down to his/her offspring.



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