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Duals vs quads


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I posted this in the coils area and got no response so I'll try here..

I am thinking about switching from a dual coil setup to a quad coil thinking about 26g running around (. 3) ohms what are the advantages and disadvantages of quads over duals

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More coil?

Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish? I personally could not imagine what 4 would do that 2 can't. Other than laying down a smoke screen.

4 will have more surface area per unit mass than one big one. Same thing going to dual does. But then that is what claptons do sort of. Besides acting as a wick. But then so will 8 coils. To each their own. But at some point, 300w will just be silly.


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I've used quad coils in a couple ways, I have a Kennedy clone that I set you nice big coils over each of the air holes, and my Lord does it CLOUD! it's a nice vape, but it also gets hot real fast! That may just be due to the cheap nature of the clone, but it is hot. I can only get about 5-6 (giant) rips before I need to let it cool. The other thing I'll say about that particular setup is that it's harder to wick, and it does suck down the juice.

I've also used parallel coils which is kind of like quad coils, more surface are/lower resistance.. I really didn't care for it too much... The only time I think I'll revisit parallel coils is either when I'm doing a Zipper coil, or some other coil where looks are a factor.

I've never done vertical or horizontal barrels, Though I might do a horizontal double barrel on my velocity clone too just to see what it's like. I think I'd only do a vertical double barrel on something with a bottom feed air flow where the draw pulls across the biggest surface area of coil. That's not sciences just philosophizing...

I enjoy playing with these things, I suggest giving it a shot and seeing what you like! Its all about personal preference my fellow vapist!


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Vape-Gods Please forgive me....

I forgot that I also built this quad coil as well.. it's the geiser (sp) deck which is built for 4 coils, it has bottom feed air flow, and a small cap so this beast is kinda built as a flavor chaser, especially when you compare it to the Kennedy. I dont know that I really recommend one over the other... It really just depends on what mood you're in, Hide be hind clouds, or get lost in the deliciousness of the cloud....


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