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First build safty questions

I've just purchased my first rda and mod on eciggity a few days ago. I bought the mutation xs rda and copper phantom mod by wotofo as well as a pair of sony vtc5s and some 22 gauge kanthal. My plan for my first build is a daul 22 gauge parallel build 5 wraps around a 1/8th inch bit. The only thing is I dont have an ohm reader. I was wondering if this would be a safe build on this setup. I know the vtc5 is a top of the line battery but I think this build is gonna end up being very low ohm. Could anyone estimate how many ohms this build may be.

THank you kindly
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robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wouldn't recommend starting with 22g...'s really not something a newbie should be playing around with. It's very low-resistance wire, mostly limited to very hot, high-powered, cloud-oriented builds. It's hard not to build too low with it if you don't know what you're doing. It's really best saved for a dual parallel box mod. Play around with 28 and 24 first.

And if you're talking about doing two parallel 22g coils at 5 wraps on an 8th, then no, that's not safe on ANY setup. That's well into the super sub-ohm range (I'd venture to guess somewhere around .08.) A single parallel at that size and number of wraps is still probably going to sit a bit below .2. At that range, you really need to know exactly what it reads out to. It's going to be right up against, if not over the 30-amp limit of your VTC. That's not a range to be toying with if you can't even check your ohms.

Sub-ohming, in general is not "safe." Nothing about vaping is safe. It's all a matter of degrees. You have to make every effort you can to ensure that your margin of safety is as high as possible. Don't rush things. Don't skip vital steps such as checking the resistance of your build and making sure that it's not pulling more amps than your battery can handle. The VTC5 is a fantastic battery. But just because it can take some abuse doesn't mean you're safer using it haphazardly in an unregulated device.

An ohm meter is not an option, it's a necessity. Please buy one that can read down to the hundredths before you do any building, especially with that wire. It's one of the cheapest things you can have in your repertoire, but it's also the most vital.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
ECF Refugee
Can you please tell me how to use that site I just started making coil lest then 3days ago THANK YOU
Click on "How it works" in the bottom left. It will show you what you need to know.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As @robot zombie says an ohms meter is a must!!! Not only does it tell you the ohms to calculate safety but if there is a short or loose connections also. When I build an RDA I do the build on my meter to check the ohms. When I have the build ready and adjusted as best I can, I then lightly tap each coil with my finger. If the ohms jump more than .01 something is loose and needs to be tightened down. I repeat this after burning in the coil to make sure everything is still tight. If you have a regulated device you can use the ohms meter on it in a pinch. However most devices dont give a continous readout of the ohms which makes it hard to tell if a coil is loose and it is jumping around.

Hope this helps and happy vaping.

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