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Gemini RTA with a Notch?


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Got my new Gemini in the other day and have a dual coil Wire Shots Clapton build in it. It is at .5 currently. I have been vaping it along side of some other stuff waiting for it to break in. Still kind of iffy at the moment.
I am still a little new to clapton coils and I know I didn't actually make this one myself since it is a wire shot, I rolled it but I didn't create clapton if you know what I mean. This was part of a box of goodies I ordered earlier in the week.
I got a couple other things in also and I took a chance and ordered some Notch coils. I decided to try out one of the Notch coils a little while ago and put in my old Troll and wicked it up and slapped it on my RX200 and at 60 watts at .23 was just balls off amazing right out of the gate, huge clouds. Flavor isn't as good as my cCell coils but I guess I see it as more of a Cloud style coil.
With how large these coils are and how quickly they ramp up, I was curious about trying them in my Gemini RTA. Has anyone tried this yet? Is there enough room?

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