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Hexohm 3.0


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hey guys i have a question

I own (2) Hexohm 3.0's.
Big Question is this considered a regulated device? Does it act as a regulated device with a screen?

Major question. I want to put some .18 aliens in my RDA to use on my hexohm. I normally run .3 or higher in my recoil.

I spoke with a guy who runs these with the potentiometer at 60% would that be safe battery wise?

Should i invest in some vtc5a's for more amp limit?

From my understanding i can run the .18's and just turn the potentiometer down? If anyone with hexohm knoledge cares to chime in on how to safely run the .18's i would greatly appreciate it

Hexohm 3.0
Mterks Rda
Married Samsung 25r's


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OK from what I see it just has a mosfet and a pot in it so. A mosfett is a fancy fused switch nothing more. You treat it as you would a mech.... OHM Law determines battery choice and Build min/max. About the only protection you have is from shorted atty, (stuck fire), and maybe reverse battery. But you have no real protection from excessive amp draw. At .18 I wouldn't run more than 4volts (22 amps) on those batteries.


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I have a friend running .16 @ 4.55v and he says he has no issues issues yet...... That's 28.44 amps.... I'm sure that does work... For NOW. Your 25R is rated for 25amps and tested as 20-22amps. Vtc5 is rated at 30amps. IDK what tested is. Personally I like to stay below about 85% of <rated/test amp drain. For day to day vaping. But I do the occasionally build on my mechs at 120% amp rating. I mean clouds bro. I just dont exceed the 85% rule very often or for long periods of time.


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Member For 1 Year issues yet...... That's 28.44 amps.... I'm sure that does work... For NOW. Your 25R is rated for 25amps and tested as 20-22amps. Vtc5 is rated at 30amps. IDK what tested is. Personally I like to stay below about 85% of <rated/test amp drain. For day to day vaping. But I do the occasionally build on my mechs at 120% amp rating. I mean clouds bro. I just dont exceed the 85% rule very often or for long periods of time.
I understand from what i read they were rated for 20a cdr which is why i build at .3. But if i were to run .16 -.18 i could turn down the pont to be under 20a

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From cravingvapors website:::

With all new, redesigned internals, and a fresh, sleek look, this mod is an amazing overhaul of the HexOhm vaping experience.

The New HexOhm 3.0 has its own proprietary board that is rated for up to 30 amps and a capable of 180 watts. Some additional features we added include low voltage cutoff for battery protection, a 10 second cutoff timer and a master on/off switch.

As far as cosmetics go, all of its plastics have been upgraded from 3d printed material to injection molded ultem which houses our solid brass spring-loaded battery contacts. We also hid the magnets in the door and decided to make our own spring loaded 510.


BAM crew


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I have a friend running .16 @ 4.55v and he says he has no issues

Likes a hot vape then :) equivalent to 129.4 watts

3.6 volts would be more comfortable I can imagine 81watts....

See I'm always confused as to what to class the hexohm is it regulated or is it more mechanical

if it's regulated doesn't really matter what resistence coil you use and your mate would be bang on at 4.55v (approx 130watts) that would be a 19.5A draw per battery at low battery cut off I reckon

But if it's mechanical then resistence of the coil obviously does matter a lot and all of a sudden that 4.55v draws 35A so can see how that's gonna be a problems right ...

So is the bloody thing regulated or mechanical or the fact it has a potentiometer mean you calculated in an entirely different way? Dunno tagged two guys who know a lot more than I do about these sort of devices

Hopefully they do some working examples as I'm looking to get one of these devices as well :)

@Mikhail Naumov @SirRichardRear
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Likes a hot vape then :) equivalent to 129.4 watts

3.6 volts would be more comfortable I can imagine 81watts....

See I'm always confused as to what to class the hexohm is it regulated or is it more mechanical

if it's regulated doesn't really matter what resistence coil you use and your mate would be bang on at 4.55v (approx 130watts) that would be a 19.5A draw per battery at low battery cut off I reckon

But if it's mechanical then resistence of the coil obviously does matter a lot and all of a sudden that 4.55v draws 35A so can see how that's gonna be a problems right ...

So is the bloody thing regulated or mechanical or the fact it has a potentiometer mean you calculated in an entirely different way? Dunno tagged two guys who know a lot more than I do about these sort of devices

Hopefully they do some working examples as I'm looking to get one of these devices as well :)

@Mikhail Naumov @SirRichardRear
I am no expert either but here is my take.

Technically it is a regulated device with some safety features, but those features are more primitive than something with an advanced board that is reading and maintaining more safety features.

They did make mech Hex's too, but I don't think they make them in the 3.0 mod style.


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Mechanical mods have no electronics, so its not mechanical. Regulated depends on your definition, generally regulated in electronics means something is set at a certain level. So for instance if set at 5v it delivers a 5v regulated output. Regulated just means controlled though so anything that is controllable 'could' be described as regulated. I think with mods unless it has that 'set' level control (5v = 5v, 30W = 30W etc) we don't call them regulated. We call pure mechanical mods 'mechs' mods that deliver the battery power without controlling it like MOSFet mods and PWM 'unregulated' and mods that have voltage/power/temp reference and controlled outputs 'regulated'.

Incidentally as far as the hexohm goes pretty sure they are built on a voltage regulator board, earlier ones were built using the OKR T10 later ones with the Raptor and the v3 is their proprietary board so ...they are regulated.

They did also make an unregulated version, called the hexohm unregulated :)
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Mechanical mods have no electronics, so its not mechanical. Regulated depends on your definition, generally regulated in electronics means something is set at a certain level. So for instance if set at 5v it delivers a 5v regulated output. Regulated just means controlled though so anything that is controllable 'could' be described as regulated. I think with mods unless it has that 'set' level control (5v = 5v, 30W = 30W etc) we don't call them regulated. We call pure mechanical mods 'mechs' mods that deliver the battery power without controlling it like MOSFet mods and PWM 'unregulated' and mods that have voltage/power/temp reference and controlled outputs 'regulated'.

Incidentally as far as the hexohm goes pretty sure they are built on a voltage regulator board, earlier ones were built using the OKR T10 later ones with the Raptor and the v3 is their proprietary board so ...they are regulated.

They did also make an unregulated version, called the hexohm unregulated :)

So it's ok to calculate on the basis of a normal VV regulated mod for V3 turtles I.e 2 seperate circuits separated by a regulator? Where we can calculate amp draw on the input circuit only


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So it's ok to calculate on the basis of a normal VV regulated mod for V3 turtles I.e 2 seperate circuits separated by a regulator? Where we can calculate amp draw on the input circuit only
I don't know whats on their board, they say 180W they say 30A. I know @SirRichardRear tested the clone board beyond those limits but thats not the authentic (highly likely same components though). I rarely go over 100W on anything myself just don't need that much power for a good vape but everyone is different.


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I don't know whats on their board, they say 180W they say 30A. I know @SirRichardRear tested the clone board beyond those limits but thats not the authentic (highly likely same components though). I rarely go over 100W on anything myself just don't need that much power for a good vape but everyone is different.

I'm the same rarely go over 80 these days myself

hopefully he'll respond or mik had a search about in the meantime nothing conclusive I can find on it so far


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I don't know whats on their board, they say 180W they say 30A. I know @SirRichardRear tested the clone board beyond those limits but thats not the authentic (highly likely same components though). I rarely go over 100W on anything myself just don't need that much power for a good vape but everyone is different.
I can't remember what it maxed at but u do remember it met or exceeded it's specs. I'd have to check the review video out to see again

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How do you calculate the amp draw though mate is it more closely aligned to a mechanical think I've Sussed it now

The whole voltage is available always up to a maxed voltage of 6v (allowable on the circuit board)

Let say you build a coil with 0.2 ohm resistence

Let's say you crank the potentiometer to 100% (the full 6v)

I = V/R
6/0.2= 30A (max allowed)

P= V xV / R
6 x 6 / 0.2 = 180w (max allowed)

Build anything lower than 0.2 and it shouldn't fire at 100% right?

So going back to the OP's 0.16ohm aliens

The max potentiometer I would use for a set of VTC5a setting will be about 66% (equivelant to 4v) gives 25A drain and 100w it will go higher here but you'll be pushing the batteries as you don't have the full range the mod allows so just don't above that on the potentiometer

That seems to fit in with thier allowable settings
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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How do you calculate the amp draw though mate is it more closely aligned to a mechanical think I've Sussed it now

The whole voltage is available always up to a maxed voltage of 6v (allowable on the circuit board)

Let say you build a coil with 0.2 ohm resistence

Let's say you crank the potentiometer to 100% (the full 6v)

I = V/R
6/0.2= 30A (max allowed)

P= V xV / R
6 x 6 / 0.2 = 180w (max allowed)

Build anything lower than 0.2 and it shouldn't fire at 100% right?

So going back to the OP's 0.16ohm aliens

The max potentiometer I would use for a set of VTC5a setting will be about 66% (equivelant to 4v) gives 25A drain and 100w it will go higher here but you'll be pushing the batteries as you don't have the full range the mod allows so just don't above that on the potentiometer

That seems to fit in with thier allowable settings
I hope I understand what your asking.

For calculating amps and watts it's just ohms law. You take the 2 known quantities resistance and voltage and use ohms law to find amps and watts.

As far as the pot adjustment that's correct if u turn it all the way up and it hits it limit it won't output that much. Same like any regulated mod. The thing I've learned most from testing is optimal mod performance for dual battery mods is between a .14 and . 2 ohm resistance that's where you'll get full power. When u start going to .1 -.13 mods don't output their full power and also I've noticed they are less accurate. All the more reason to not build as low as a .1 for any mod really lol.

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Addressing OP question take a few hits the way you normally vape and then feel the batteries, if they aren't getting hot then you are likely to be ok. I would always recommend getting batteries that are highly rated because its better to be running things well within limits than to be stressing things. When you stress things they sometimes break. 25R's can take a lot of abuse so I wouldn't be worried about them myself.


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I hope I understand what your asking.

For calculating amps and watts it's just ohms law. You take the 2 known quantities resistance and voltage and use ohms law to find amps and watts.

As far as the pot adjustment that's correct if u turn it all the way up and it hits it limit it won't output that much. Same like any regulated mod. The thing I've learned most from testing is optimal mod performance for dual battery mods is between a .14 and . 2 ohm resistance that's where you'll get full power. When u start going to .1 -.13 mods don't output their full power and also I've noticed they are less accurate. All the more reason to not build as low as a .1 for any mod really lol.

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Nope wasn't what I was asking

"regulated" mods you don't have to worry about the resistence of the coil for amp draw as it's on a seperate circuit

Normally I would only care about wattage, number of batteries, low voltage cut off and chip efficiency for amp draw on a regulated device

...this doesn't appear to be the case here it looks to me like a mech or unregulated device (albeit with some safety features built in)

Which is it?


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Nope wasn't what I was asking

"regulated" mods you don't have to worry about the resistence of the coil for amp draw as it's on a seperate circuit

Normally I would only care about wattage, number of batteries, low voltage cut off and chip efficiency for amp draw on a regulated device

...this doesn't appear to be the case here it looks to me like a mech or unregulated device (albeit with some safety features built in)

Which is it?
It's a full regulated mod just without a screen

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It's a full regulated mod just without a screen

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So coil resistence doesn't need to feature in the amp draw calculation then?


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That is correct

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Ok cool so being it has a low voltage cut off of 3v the absolute maximum amp draw this device can have is

180 /2 = 90 max wattage per battery
3 volt is low battery cut off let's allow for sag 2.8v
Chip efficiency unknown so let's say 90%

90/2.8x0.9= 28.92A is the maximum amp drain at low battery cut off at the full 180 wattage with potentiometer meter at 100%

Would you agree?
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Ok cool so being it has a low voltage cut off of 3v the absolute maximum amp draw this device can have is

180 /2 = 90 max wattage per battery
3 volt is low battery cut off let's allow for sag 2.8v
Chip efficiency unknown so let's say 90%

90/2.8x0.9= 28.92A is the maximum amp drain at low battery cut off at the full 180 wattage with potentiometer meter at 100%

Would you agree?
I highly doubt the mod will put out 180 watts with low batts. All regulated mods performance drops when the batts hit around 3.6

Also the formula for efficiency is divided .9 not times. 9

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I did google fu on the board but no real details come up of what is on it. A full schematic and pcb layout would of been nice ha ha. Yeah once the batteries start dipping below 3.6/3.5 they tend to sag faster and harder, on most mods you can feel the vape is weaker before the mod indicates low battery.


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I highly doubt the mod will put out 180 watts with low batts. All regulated mods performance drops when the batts hit around 3.6

Also the formula for efficiency is divided .9 not times. 9

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Bollocks of course it is my bad still early here I'm pre coffee! lol

90/2.8/0.9= 35.7 amps then at low bat
90/4/0.9= 25 amps at full charge

Vaping at full power ...sod that anyway but gives an idea of potential maximum amp draw here at max settings


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Apologies for the round the houses approach Got there in the end though! :)

So for the 0.18 coils you want to use let's work it through backwards

First work out your wattage (or power) that your are gonna have available

Voltage x voltage / resistence

@3volts = 50w is 0%
@4.2volts =98w is 70% (recommended max)
@4.55volts =115w is 75%
@6volts = 200w but you are limited to 180w is 100%

To keep it safe for the 20CDR 25Rs

Max wattage / number of batteries /low battery cutoff (minus sag) / chip efficiency = current draw

So knowing all of the above

Don't go past 70% (98w)

98/2/2.8/0.9 =19.44 amps this will allow you the full range of the batteries before early cutoff due to low voltage and keep you in the safe zone

still might be worth getting some 25CDR batteries like the Sony VTC5A ones at some point can at least push it a little more with them and you aren't working them close to the limit ...then you can go to what your mate is using at 4.55v (115w for your 0.18 coils) no probs as you'll have a 22.81 amp draw at that point

Note though his 0.16 coils at 4.55v are 130w so he is drawing 25.7amps personally I wouldn't go that high for that lower resistence might wanna tell him that to dial it back a bit
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Bollocks of course it is my bad still early here I'm pre coffee! lol

90/2.8/0.9= 35.7 amps then at low bat
90/4/0.9= 25 amps at full charge

Vaping at full power ...sod that anyway but gives an idea of potential maximum amp draw here at max settings
Potential max amp draw from batteries is less then an alien or predator :)

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Potential max amp draw from batteries is less then an alien or predator :)

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Yeah those devices go all the way up to 44 or so don't they ....Bollocks they do...the chip just wouldn't let happen or we'd hear a lot more this went bang in the news that's why evolv openly limit to 167w

Still cloud chasers thinking they are rocking it at 220w ....yeah your not at least not after about 5 or 6 puffs at max charge lol :)


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This may be pertinent, it may not with these quasi-regulated mods like the Hexohm I kinda class them as, being they pretty much sit between a mech/unregulated and a regulated. The main key I learned from a someone that custom builds similar devices, everything is reliant at the pot and Mosfet, if you hear the Mosfet emit a high pitched whine, you are over stressing the Mosfet and potentially can burn it out quicker, so lower the power on the pot down until the whine in non-existent. The Hexohms can handle a bit of over-abuse, but still have to figure in the Mosfet, if it whines you are in the danger zone if the Mosfet doesn't fry first.


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@KingPin! and everyone else in here. The replies were not ahowing up on my email and i havent chexked in a while because i feel people were getting frustrated with my questions. I appreciate all you guys input and an update i have 4 vtc5As on the way from


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Potential max amp draw from batteries is less then an alien or predator :)

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So with the replies im getting this works kind of like say for instance a smok alien? Im usuing that mod because it shows your amp draw on the screen. I remember running a .25ish build and it pulling 25amps on some lghg2s but didnt get hot and nothing appered to be dangerous.


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Apologies for the round the houses approach Got there in the end though! :)

So for the 0.18 coils you want to use let's work it through backwards

First work out your wattage (or power) that your are gonna have available

Voltage x voltage / resistence

@3volts = 50w is 0%
@4.2volts =98w is 70% (recommended max)
@4.55volts =115w is 75%
@6volts = 200w but you are limited to 180w is 100%

To keep it safe for the 20CDR 25Rs

Max wattage / number of batteries /low battery cutoff (minus sag) / chip efficiency = current draw

So knowing all of the above

Don't go past 70% (98w)

98/2/2.8/0.9 =19.44 amps this will allow you the full range of the batteries before early cutoff due to low voltage and keep you in the safe zone

still might be worth getting some 25CDR batteries like the Sony VTC5A ones at some point can at least push it a little more with them and you aren't working them close to the limit ...then you can go to what your mate is using at 4.55v (115w for your 0.18 coils) no probs as you'll have a 22.81 amp draw at that point

Note though his 0.16 coils at 4.55v are 130w so he is drawing 25.7amps personally I wouldn't go that high for that lower resistence might wanna tell him that to dial it back a bit

On my ohm reader these aliens come to a .19 at room temp after pulsing and hot spotting. With my new vtc5a's i can go 4v and be at 21.05 amps? Which will be 84ish watts?


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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So with the replies im getting this works kind of like say for instance a smok alien? Im usuing that mod because it shows your amp draw on the screen. I remember running a .25ish build and it pulling 25amps on some lghg2s but didnt get hot and nothing appered to be dangerous.
the amp draw the alien shows on the screen isn't the amp draw from the batteries. that's the amp draw from your chip. yes the Hexohm 3.0 works the same way. even at 200 watts my batteries were still cool to the touch. so the amp draw from the batts were well below the limits.

I made this video explaining amp draw from batts in regulated mods


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On my ohm reader these aliens come to a .19 at room temp after pulsing and hot spotting. With my new vtc5a's i can go 4v and be at 21.05 amps? Which will be 84ish watts?

84ish volts yep at 4v (don't forget pot on full 100% is 6v)

But I'd say 16.7 amps at 4v

84.21/2/2.8/0.9=16.7amps I reckon and those stats are being overcatious I don't know how efficient chip is so said 90% and assumed about 12%sag

At least this is my reckoning if anyone disagrees feel free to call me out on it :)


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I understand how to calculate amp load with a fully regulated mod, but I am unsure with these mods as to me they fall into a kind of grey area, mainly because I admit I do not really understand them.

With PWM, doesn't adjusting the pot just turn the amount of cycles up and down per second? I thought they always fired at your batteries voltage, but achieved something similar to a lower power setting by pulsing the power on and off rapidly.

Because of this, say with fully charged batteries, in series at 8.4V, say you have the pot set to 50% it will be on half the time, and off the other half- but always supplying 8.4V? (in a perfect world, I know you won't be getting that in real life)

Due to this, I gathered you would calculate as if you was using a mech, and not a regulated mod. @SirRichardRear , could you shed any light on the matter for me? I hope I have explained what I mean well enough, in my head it makes sense but am unsure if it does when written down.
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I fully understand how to calculate amp load with a fully regulated mod, but I am unsure with these mods as to me they fall into a kind of grey area.

With PWM, doesn't adjusting the pot just turn the amount of cycles up and down per second? I thought they always fired at your batteries voltage, but achieved something similar to a lower power setting by pulsing the power on and off rapidly.

Because of this, say with fully charged batteries, in series at 8.4V, say you have the pot set to 50% it will be on half the time, and off the other half- but always supplying 8.4V? (in a perfect world, I know you won't be getting that in real life)

Due to this, I gathered you would calculate as if you was using a mech, and not a regulated mod. @SirRichardRear , could you shed any light on the matter for me? I hope I have explained what I mean well enough, in my head it makes sense but am unsure if it does when written down.
Pot at 100% wont go over 6v
Hexohm 3.0 is "regulated" 3-6v


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Pot at 100% wont go over 6v
Hexohm 3.0 is "regulated" 3-6v
Ahh, I see. I haven't really looked into these mods so wasn't aware of that, thank you :)

Say with another PWM mod that can though, do you calculate as you would with a regulated mod, or a mech mod?

EDIT: Thinking about it, even the hexohm- I may be misunderstanding this type of PWM, but from another explanation I read I thought say the 3-6V really is the full voltage of your batteries, but rapidly pulsed providing something similar to 3-6V?


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Ahh, I see. I haven't really looked into these mods so wasn't aware of that, thank you :)

Say with another PWM mod that can though, do you calculate as you would with a regulated mod, or a mech mod?
From what i understand it depends on the box and what features are included


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From what i understand it depends on the box and what features are included
Ok then, thanks for your help mate. I was unsure on this myself.

So really if I think of getting a PWM mod, it is best to check first? Some you calculate as you would a regulated mod, others a mech?


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Ok then, thanks for your help mate. I was unsure on this myself.

So really if I think of getting a PWM mod, it is best to check first? Some you calculate as you would a regulated mod, others a mech?
Yes thats why i amde this post to further understand the internals
it has no screen just a pot but from twhat the guys above stated it acts as a reg mod with a screen


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The hexohm doesn't use a PWM board Conan it's a normal regulated VV mod just without the screen and uses a POT to adjust the voltage. Craving Vapour used the use the OKL board now have thier own proprietary board in the V3


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The hexohm doesn't use a PWM board Conan it's a normal regulated VV mod just without the screen and uses a POT to adjust the voltage. Craving Vapour used the use the OKL board now have thier own proprietary board in the V3
So does it split amp load also like a reg device?


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I understand how to calculate amp load with a fully regulated mod, but I am unsure with these mods as to me they fall into a kind of grey area, mainly because I admit I do not really understand them.

With PWM, doesn't adjusting the pot just turn the amount of cycles up and down per second? I thought they always fired at your batteries voltage, but achieved something similar to a lower power setting by pulsing the power on and off rapidly.

Because of this, say with fully charged batteries, in series at 8.4V, say you have the pot set to 50% it will be on half the time, and off the other half- but always supplying 8.4V? (in a perfect world, I know you won't be getting that in real life)

Due to this, I gathered you would calculate as if you was using a mech, and not a regulated mod. @SirRichardRear , could you shed any light on the matter for me? I hope I have explained what I mean well enough, in my head it makes sense but am unsure if it does when written down.
Hex ohm 3.0 is full regulated. If it wasn't I would have been putting 43 amps through my batteries during testing which would have made them very hot and my batteries never even got warm. Also it's not pwm that was easy to see on the oscilloscope.

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Ahh, I see. I haven't really looked into these mods so wasn't aware of that, thank you :)

Say with another PWM mod that can though, do you calculate as you would with a regulated mod, or a mech mod?

EDIT: Thinking about it, even the hexohm- I may be misunderstanding this type of PWM, but from another explanation I read I thought say the 3-6V really is the full voltage of your batteries, but rapidly pulsed providing something similar to 3-6V?
A true pwm like my nymbis joker mod you are correct. It's unregulated and in series you should build no lower then. 3 with a good 25 amp battery.

For the hexohm I threw a .11 build in it and turned the pot all the way up. No issues

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A true pwm like my nymbis joker mod you are correct. It's unregulated and in series you should build no lower then. 3 with a good 25 amp battery.

For the hexohm I threw a .11 build in it and turned the pot all the way up. No issues

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Wow! So it seems like it bucks down the power.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Member For 3 Years
So my Vtc5A's will do fine. Thanks for everything guys.
Yeah that's what I use in mine. My tests were with the hb6 but still I doubt your gonna vape 200 watts lol. Your fine with low ohm builds and the mod will limit u to 200 watts anyway also has an amp limit like any vw mod as well

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Yeah that's what I use in mine. My tests were with the hb6 but still I doubt your gonna vape 200 watts lol. Your fine with low ohm builds and the mod will limit u to 200 watts anyway also has an amp limit like any vw mod as well

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Right and i understand its rated for 30amps yet a vtc5a are rated for 25. The whole major question was would i do damage to my cells.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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So my Vtc5A's will do fine. Thanks for everything guys.

the calculations I showed you above lab rat apply on a regulated vv mod max amp draw is at low voltage cutout just work it through like I laid out and you'll get the max amp draw for the batts jobs a gooden :)

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