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Is my Mod safe? (Voltage/Ohms/Watts)

Hey guys!

I'm still fairly new to the vaping world. Although im quite eductated on basics, s
uch as juices, RDA's, mod types, etc. the advanced things are still confusing. However, that's not why I'm here.

My best friend gave me his IPV Mini II box mod and another friend just gave me a Mad Hatter RDA with two coils already built, all i had to do was wick it.

Im not sure what kind of battery i just bought (intentionally for another mod i have, but i was told it's safe to use with this mod as well) its brown with some numbers/letters printed on it. but with this Mad Hatter, my watts are set at 70. My voltage stays around 5.9v and my Ohms stay around 0.5.

When my best friend gave me this vape, he contsantly stated that i dont need to exceed 5 volts on this mod. Idk if it was the battery he originally gave me (wich was a different battery then what i have now, i purchased it because apparenlty Efest isnt a good battery.) and i was just wondering if it was safe to continue vaping or if i need to do something to lower my readings. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The numbers/letters on the battery will be typed below. Thanks in advance!

Battery Numbers/Letters (As shown on Battery):

-Happy Vaping!

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so is u
Lower it. batteries are good.
above 5 on .5 and you are scorching juice.
sing more juice the only concern? My concern/worry was exploding of my mod or ruining my battery/coils/etc. I mean I make my own juice so using more juice isn't a big issue for me.


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In general, utilizing a 0.5 Ohm build is absolutely save, even on a mech mod. However, in order to find the sweet spot for your liquid, and your personal preference, I'd dial down the power, to maybe 30W, increment, until you find the sweet spot for flavor, and vapor.


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Your friend doesn't know what he's talking about. Make sure you have a battery with at least a 20 amp continuous discharge rate and run the mod how you want. The watt setting you use is up to you. You'll know if it's too high.


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Wattage and voltage are in direct relation to each other and dependent on the coil resistance. For instance if you were to put a .3 ohm build on your device and not touch the wattage, your voltage reading would be lower even at the same watts. Given the device you are using I would not concern yourself with the voltage reading, the chip will do what is necessary to achieve the wattage you asked for. Like others have said, your ohms are safe, the last step is finding the wattage that best suits you.

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