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Istick 20W issues using eGO adaptor

I am having serious issues getting my tanks to register the Atty on my istick 20W when I use the eGO adaptor. I believe it is the firing pin on the istick but I can still get all my tanks that have a 510 connection to work just fine. Anyone else have this issue? I have tried contacting service at eleaf "ismoka" and its been a week with no response. I verified that it is an authentic istick 20W. Thanks for the help

Joshua Iles

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What tanks are u using? I had an issue with 1 of mine doing that and it turned out the head wasn't properly screwed on inside the tank itself. Try pulling the post ever so slightly on the istick itself, I used a pocket knife when I had old ego batteries, did do it on the istick once. Is this an issue that just started or has it done it from the beginning? If its always done it your particular adapter may just have issues reading the Atty or something. Luckily these little adapters are cheap (seen em various places for less than $5) any 510/ego adapter should work. Hopefully it's just an issue with possibly the adapter and not the unit itself. Try running the adapter itself under some warm water, I had some leaky tanks that gummed it up, a good rinse never hurts.


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It's not his unit otherwise none of the tanks would register, the issue is with the adapter or the coil not being properly screwed into the base. Check that your coil is firmly attached to the base. Do you have another spare adapter at home? If so, you can use it to test your tanks and assess based on trial and error. When you say register, are you saying that (nothing) appears on the display, no ohm reading whatsoever?

I own 5 i Sticks and have never had this issue. I will do my best to help.
Thanks for all the replies. It was partially the adaptor. But it was also the istick firing pin along with the white insulation ring. Second time that I had an issue from the firing pin. Most likely cause was using the defective adaptor. The adaptors connection pin was pushing out too far, from what I can tell was a bad seal in the bottom adaptor piece. This caused too much pressure on the firing pin of the istick. Since its not spring loaded in the 20W the over compression during the past few weeks was too much for the insulation ring. The vendor I bought it from swapped it out for an iPV mini 30W and an Atlantis tank for 40 bucks. Ill wait to see the reviews of the 50W if this iPV mini isn't cutting it. Rock on with all y'alls support!

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