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Joytech Delta II using fiberglass/ceramic paper in coils...


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Hey friends!

pbusardo has video where he breaks down the Joytech Delta II coil, and it definitely looks like these aren't 100% cotton. The material appears identical to the material being phased out of the Atlantis BVC coils for cotton (Cotton Atlantis BVCs are shipping now unmarked, but no word on the smaller BVCs yet).

If you aren't aware, the Atlantis first started shipping coils using a filler of fiberglass/ceramic fibers wrapped with a thin layer of cotton. Unfortunately, based on the studies of these materials there's every reason to believe they're doing minute yet permanent long-term pulmonary damage. In my mind they're a dark joke, but there's a few threads here and over at ECF that delve into the science behind it.

You can see the material at about 36:00 in this video here:

Anyways mates, your health and choices are your own business, but it just makes sense to inform people of this before and if they've picked one of these up so they can make informed decisions of their own. If I had one, I'd look at recoiling with straight cotton if possible as that material is bad news bears. Big points to pbusardo for tearing apart that coil, too.


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It is downright shocking to me, that they think this is okay. I watched the part you were talking about. There is no way I would use that. They should know Aspire caught a lot of flack for their coil material. (also the chromed brass chimney on the Nautilus Mini) That is one thing that led me to rebuildables a lot faster. This kind of thing is totally unacceptable to me. If people refuse to buy products like this, that may be the only way to get their attention. Thanks for the heads up on this.

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