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Movkin desguiser mod


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
My personal review for this mod is as follows. I am not being paid, or on the payroll of any vaping company period. These reviews are done to help people, newer, and older to vaping make an informed decision. My passion is to help people stop smoking, and I'd never have quit if it were for shoddy ass products. I test products that I'm given, or bought with functionality in mind. That said, I will only give a review 3 weeks into testing. Your not going to get a review where I test it for 20 min and fall immediately in love with it. Good products, that function great are what I'm looking to review.

Functionality of this mod is amazing. The build quality is great and personally unlike wismec the 510 on both the base and the extension rock. Super solid 510. I feel like the extension is a better 510 connection than any wismec product. I love wismec jaybo I just wish there 510 were more solid. When buying a mod I look for the 510 to be solid. That in and of itself is the epicenter of your vaping experience.

It also doubles as a duel 18650 squonk mod. That means squonking all fucking day.

It is a little heavy, but if you use tanks it's bad ass because it hides it well. The magnets on the door are great. I feel like this mod is one hell of a mod. I would definitely go out and but it again. I rarely use it with tanks, I love using my rda through the extension. It's totally fine. They really put a solid ass mod together.

As started before I use equipment for a while before I'll review. My aim isn't too mod bash, or put down designs unless they are truly deceptive. If you knock your tank around I recommend this, out even the smaller nano version.


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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
You need a sqounk kit for it.
Yes, I'd been looking for a while most places are out. I placed an order 4 places had it "in stock" later to find out they were out as well. I am cashed out ATM but if you or any one knows where to get them let me know. Would be amazing.

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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Sorry guys I accidently put a shitty photo of the main 510.. I apologize. I'm going to keep on vapin on.

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