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Other uses for your SS316L Wire...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
image.jpeg So, I get home from work and proceed to the closest coffee rental return station (otherwise known as the pisser). Do my business, hit the flush, and all seemed normal..for about 1.3 seconds. Suddenly, water is spraying out from under the tank lid with quite a bit of flow! Being totally in WTF mode, I not so intelligently lift the lid from the tank to see what the hell is happening...only to immediately get sprayed in the face with ice cold water from a hose that's whipping around like a copperhead with an attitude! Miraculously, I didn't break the lid, and got the water turned off. Long story longer, a little steel clip that held the hose in place had rusted through, allowing the hose to do whatever it wanted to do.

Putting my engineering degree to work, I thought "what do I have that won't rust?"...

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