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Segelei 150w TC


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So I recently have taken a liking to the segelei 150w tc. It looks amazing, and reviews for it are nothing but positive. What have you heard about it, and would you buy one?

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Deez Nutz
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good stuff some say its heavy but I like it. 100 joules for nickel in temp control is awesomeness.
have a black one. they also have silver and now red.


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Was thinking about getting one myself iv heard good things too I have the 100w plus now and that has been rock solid so think I might get his big brother lol.

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I need to save up for the red one. I like that color, breaking the tradition of black or silver. Only have heard good reviews for this mod. If it were able to do future software upgrades, it would near perfection for me.


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I need to save up for the red one. I like that color, breaking the tradition of black or silver. Only have heard good reviews for this mod. If it were able to do future software upgrades, it would near perfection for me.
I thought it was upgradeable? I'm also very tempted by the red one!


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I like mine but am waiting on Ti wire to show up to get the full experience. The 150W TC feels great in my hand vs my Sigelei 150W and IS heavier but is not an issue for me. I love the styling (I like the stealthy look vs flashy) and the rubbery like finish is appealing to me and makes it grippy without the extra size of the silicon protector. It does not officially support Ti wire (meaning no selection in menu for Ni vs Ti) but from what I understand, just lower the temp. The temp control is a new thing for me so I am excited to give it a whirl. If any seasoned users have some tips on TC with the Sigelei, please share!... if it's OK with the op, that is.:)


Deez Nutz
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I like mine but am waiting on Ti wire to show up to get the full experience. The 150W TC feels great in my hand vs my Sigelei 150W and IS heavier but is not an issue for me. I love the styling (I like the stealthy look vs flashy) and the rubbery like finish is appealing to me and makes it grippy without the extra size of the silicon protector. It does not officially support Ti wire (meaning no selection in menu for Ni vs Ti) but from what I understand, just lower the temp. The temp control is a new thing for me so I am excited to give it a whirl. If any seasoned users have some tips on TC with the Sigelei, please share!... if it's OK with the op, that is.:)


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I like mine but am waiting on Ti wire to show up to get the full experience. The 150W TC feels great in my hand vs my Sigelei 150W and IS heavier but is not an issue for me. I love the styling (I like the stealthy look vs flashy) and the rubbery like finish is appealing to me and makes it grippy without the extra size of the silicon protector. It does not officially support Ti wire (meaning no selection in menu for Ni vs Ti) but from what I understand, just lower the temp. The temp control is a new thing for me so I am excited to give it a whirl. If any seasoned users have some tips on TC with the Sigelei, please share!... if it's OK with the op, that is.:)
I've very interested in the whole tc aspect too. I don't have a tc mod so all information that will help with this device is good!

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It's a wonderful device. Even though it is basically the same size as the 150w, it doesn't feel as big or look as big. The design is very nice. There is NO charge cable so you can't charge the batteries in the device or upgrade. But, just like many other Sieglei's it's well built. I personally recommend it. I'm loving it. I'm doing a lot of traveling this fall and it will be the only device I travel with besides my eGrips. As said earlier in this thread the finish is great. I find the silicone sleeve unnecessary. Like it just the way it is.


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Ah nice, more color options. I like them both, White and Tiffany. Both would look great with black or white topper. If I could have just one color wish, it would be for a light army drab green/olive.


Deez Nutz
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White is pretty interesting as long as it doesn't stain easily. Still really liking the red or black color.


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Got my Ti wire in yesterday and built my first TC coil today. I Used .5mm wire from Sweet Spots Vapor, wrapped it around a machine screw that measured 3.35mm, 12 wraps and it read 3.25 on my meter. I like a cool vape so I set it at 250F and gave it a shot. Purposely tried to run it dry and WOW! Worked like a charm and I'm sold on TC! I am currently playing around with the jewels and temp with my different juices and am having a blast! Seems I am liking the range between 35-60 jewels and 90 is too much. My wife thinks I am ridiculous :rolleyes:.... whats new!?


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Oh and I wanted to add that this devices ohm reading is seemingly accurate. I just got my USA 3D Printed Ohm Meter and it read .325 and my mod read .31. Don't have any experience with any other VW devices but this strikes me as a winner!


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I didn't think this one would do Ti?
It does not "officially" support Ti meaning there is not a selection in the menu for Ti or Ni.

Amanda, if I am thinking correctly you have it backwards...??? If I am not mistaken you adjust temp down for Ti although I have never used Ni because my worry of my Ni allergy (also don't know if that's an issue). So in that case my mod only supports Ti o_O

EDIT- my apologies, Amanda. I re read your post and noticed you stated Ni setting... comprendo!


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It does not "officially" support Ti meaning there is not a selection in the menu for Ti or Ni.

Amanda, if I am thinking correctly you have it backwards...??? If I am not mistaken you adjust temp down for Ti although I have never used Ni because my worry of my Ni allergy (also don't know if that's an issue). So in that case my mod only supports Ti o_O

EDIT- my apologies, Amanda. I re read your post and noticed you stated Ni setting... comprendo!

I'm extremely allergic to nickel on my skin (e.g. jewelry etc). However I never had an issue vaping nickel or even working with it (I don't think it's in contact with your skin long enough to cause an issue). Yup, adjust temp down for Ti :)


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I'm extremely allergic to nickel on my skin (e.g. jewelry etc). However I never had an issue vaping nickel or even working with it (I don't think it's in contact with your skin long enough to cause an issue). Yup, adjust temp down for Ti :)
I have heard people debunk the Ni allergy thing saying it does not get hot enough for it to transfer the Ni. I went the safe route but due to cost I will trust you and give it a try. Thanks!


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I have heard people debunk the Ni allergy thing saying it does not get hot enough for it to transfer the Ni. I went the safe route but due to cost I will trust you and give it a try. Thanks!

Even though I have a bunch of Ni, it sits unused since I discovered TI - way easier to work with!


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Even though I have a bunch of Ni, it sits unused since I discovered TI - way easier to work with!
I have heard that too. Any comments on taste? I am told the Ti gives better flavor but then again, I can't taste the difference between Japanese cotton vs regular CVS organic cotton.... still too close to my quit date probably?


Deez Nutz
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Its almost too springy Imo. but it is easier then annealed ni200. I just use the tempered 26g or 28g stuff from lighting vapes. I do like the fact you don't have to space coils with ti though.


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I have heard that too. Any comments on taste? I am told the Ti gives better flavor but then again, I can't taste the difference between Japanese cotton vs regular CVS organic cotton.... still too close to my quit date probably?

I can tell the difference between japanese cotton and rayon, but probably not between Ni and Ti. But then again I smoked for 40 years! I just find TI 100% easier to work with, probably because I can use contact coils and dry burn them to clean.


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probably because I can use contact coils and dry burn them to clean.

Different than dry burning with kanthal ?
I have been told you only lightly pulse Ti or it will overheat and not be good !
Your thoughts.........


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Dan DePippo

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She is right sometimes but it is $45. :D Their Fire Meter is though o_O
Ah I have pics turned off while using my phone thought it was the ohm n fire meter..I'm still to cheap to pay $45 I don't go below .2 so I'm not concerned with hundredths so cheap $10 meter works for me


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Ah I have pics turned off while using my phone thought it was the ohm n fire meter..I'm still to cheap to pay $45 I don't go below .2 so I'm not concerned with hundredths so cheap $10 meter works for me
I can certainly understand that. I also don't go below .2 but I bought two $15 dollar meters and each one was reading about twice what it actually was. Decided to buck up... cry once! If I woulda bought the USA out the gate I would be in better standing.

Dan DePippo

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I dont really get all the hype about ohm meters..doesnt matter if it reads 100% right or not as all that matters is what your mod reads because you set watts it reads ohm and automatically adjust all that matters is the mod's ohm meter. I dont use TC mode if I did I guess it would matter more


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Makes sense but you do understand you are in a TC thread, right?

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... And some of us are mech users which makes the ohms reading twice what it actually is, a big deal.

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@cavtruper Can I ask what you use to build on with Ti? And have you used Ti with the Sig 150 tc?

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Yes, I am running Sweet Spot Vapor Ti wire (.04) on my Sig 150TC and building on a Big Block 454 RDA. LOVE IT! The damn wire is a buck a ft. but today I ordered a 100' spool of Spider Silk for $60 on ebay. That'll last me a bit!

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