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Vape for life!

Six weeks ago I decided it was the right time to quit my pack-a-day cigarette habit. I'd quit before, for up to five years. It was time to do it again. I used nicotine patches to get myself down to a low level for the first week, then I started vaping.

I'd bought a vape pen last December, but hadn't really used it. I had some high nic 1.8 and 2.4 liquid, but when I tried it I nearly fainted. I'd already gone way below that level. So I went to the vape store (walking distance) and bought some 3 and 6 strength liquid. Much better. I could vape it all day very comfortably.

I had a iTazte VV pen. Works well. After vaping it for almost a month I started to get curious about other gear. What I had was good, but was there a better experience out there?

On a whim I ordered a Kamry K1000 epipe for $40 on eBay. It's not very sophisticated, but I'm really enjoying it. I've been vaping it for 24 hours now.

I'm glad vaping exists. I've smoked for around 30 years. Breaking a nicotine addiction is hard. It's even harder when you've spent so many years with an activity like smoking. With vaping, I get some of the pleasures of smoking with pretty much none of the downsides. I just might vape for the rest of my life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Scott, glad you found out about vaping and glad you joined up here, many threads of great information vape related to learn about all things vaping:) Welcome!!


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Welcome to the VU.
Glad you are enjoying the smoke free vaping world, as much as I do.
Thanks, everyone. I'm certainly enjoying my experience so far. I just feel so ignorant. I went to the vape store yesterday and bought some juice and asked for some more..whatever they are...and got a 5 pack of dual coils. Hopefully I learn how to maintain all this kit.


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Welcome to VU! Glad to have you here!


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