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When there is no other alternative

brian yaeger

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When there is no other alternative
Posted by brian yaeger on 6/25/2014 to Vapor comments

When all else fails START VAPING!!!

For the longest time I had tried to quit smoking. I tried everything from will power, to patches, and over-the-counter medications to cure myself of the addiction to nicotine. I tried Wellbutrin while I was deployed to Iraq which was not the smartest of idea. It seemed as nothing I tried was going to work and I for the most part of 17 years had come to the conclusion that quitting smoking was an impossibility. I was really starting to get worried at the concept that I would be addicted for life, and the effects of smoking were to be in my not so distant future. Thoughts of cancer, emphysema, and other smoking related diseases riddled my mind. I guess I felt the feeling of impending doom. I could picture my lungs riddled in tar, and blackness. It was not until I moved to Florida and discovered that so many people were alleviating there addiction with a thing otherwise known as vaping. I had heard of electronic cigarettes like the ones the big tobacco companies were producing, but none of them seemed to appealing to me. It was not until I stepped foot into my first vape shop that I had seen things like what I vape on today. I quickly found out that not only was is cheaper, but a much safer alternative. Who knew that a 10ml bottle could last so long? I am amazed at how much healthier I feel today compared to one year ago. As stated before I was a smoker for 17 years, and now been a non-smoker for a little over a year now. If I can quit so can you. If you have any doubts as to the effectiveness of vaping I urge you to look carefully at all the recent studies and see for yourself.


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Good for you Brian, if more people spoke out maybe things would change for us . But I think Big tobacco that spends 30 million a day in ads and other things to protect their market share and product will not make this easy . Leaving it all up to CASAA , is like putting our finger in a hole in the Hoover Dam . Maybe things like this forum ,and what it may bring out, will make a difference .

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