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No boiling necessary, just pinch, rip, wick, and vape!

This is the slogan of this new style of cotton thats being marketed as the cleanest cotton you can buy. I have been hearing a lot about this and this merchant has it at a price thats right for any vaper that uses cotton or wants to try cotton.

Its called "Cotton Bacon" because it comes in strips - making it much easier to form a wick.


Cotton Bacon is the cleanest, best tasting cotton on the market for vaping. It is made by vapers for vapers. This cotton does not add any unwanted flavor to your vape and it wicks incredibly well. Cotton Bacon comes in thin strips so it is virtually hassle free.

Watch the video on their page for the review.





Custard Junkie
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Hmmm.. i'm interested in hearing people's reviews on this stuff..

I just ordered 500ft of rayon cellucotton so probably will be awhile before I need to reup lol.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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How does it hold up to the heat and how long does it last?
been using it for the past 3 days. and love it so far. nice tasty clean flavor. great vapor production. havnt got any burnt taste, using it on my auth russian 91s, 1 provari at 3.4volts. 1 on 7-22 at 10.1watts. both same builds 1.4ohm. imo i think everyone vaping with cotton, should try it. you will not regret it. hope this helps.
I love the packaging and the idea put imo it smells like organic cotton and when boiled gives off the same horrible odor when comparing it to my boiled in distilled water cotton it definitely has an odor, I asked others to smell it compared with my boiled cotton and they agreed. I don't like the idea of inhaling it if it smells that bad to me, imo it was a disappointing product but im happy there are many vapers enjoying straight out of the bag.

if anyone else is experiencing the same result let us know

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