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22mm rda

  1. KingPin!

    Psyclone Mods: Hadaly Vs. Entheon Vs. Citadel Triple RDA Review by KingPin!

    Hi Folks, I’ve been excited about being able to do this review for a long time, well I say a long time; I’m talking about my personal vaping adventure beginning properly in 2016, and being introduced to the world of squonking. As it happens this is the same year that would coincide with the...
  2. Frosty

    Best 22mm bf RDA for Kangertech Dripbox 160?

    Hey guys! I've bought my Kanger Dripbox about 7 months ago. Everything worked perfectly from day one except the RDA that comes with the kit. The amount of vapor I get from it is pretty solid and I can't complain about flavor either, but most of my problems were the plastic top. It felt as if...
  3. Ms. Trixy

    WTS Sigelei Moonshot 22mm SS - $20

    New. Sale Only. PayPal Only. Another easy transaction. Great dealing with you @PreparationHero @Huckleberried

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