Thank you for taking the time to view my review of the Vandy Vape Pulse BF 80W squonk mod which was sent directly from Vandy Vape.
First a note on fighting for our rights to have flavors in our e-juice. Please let the FDA know how important flavors were for you and how much they helped you quit...
Lurker, first time poster, but I didn't see anyone else posting this. Some new place made this mod to keep it from dripping so you just squeeze the bottle.
It's here:
Has anyone bought one yet?
The squonk brigade is coming our way. Lots of vaping brand( such as iJoy, GeekVape, CoilArt, Sigelei) has released their first squonk kit/mod in 2017. Wotofo is stepping it up with the Nudge Squonk Box Mod. The large firing button features a nifty safety lock that prevents accidentally firing...