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change watts

  1. FreeTheMic

    Question On New Tank Settings?

    Hello all, I have just recently starting vaping a few weeks back. Was hoping someone could help me with an issue I have on a tank I recently purchased. When I first started a few weeks back, I purchased a Segelei 213 mod that came with a starter tank and coils. I have used it quite frequently...
  2. Marine3313

    Going from 30w mod to 150 mod?

    I'm thinking of switching from my Dovpo E-LVT. Someone said its a 30w mod. I'm a newbie so this might be dumb. I have a kanger sub mini tank and it has good taste for 1st 3-4 hits then it taste burnt and warm not burnt coil taste just burnt juice. Someone said use a Hercules tank but I'll need...

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