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  1. C

    Vapers be warned.

    I will try to keep this short and sweet. My name is Derek, I'm 29, average weight and hight. I use a SMOK AL85 stock unit. Usually vape 12mg to 18mg nicotine using pg,vg,50/50(no difference in symptoms other than pg tend to burn my throat. I want share my experiences from the last 5 years of...
  2. Alaangel29

    Waking up sick...can this be vape related?

    I've been vaping on and off for over a year, still smoking a few ciggs a day...and 4-5 mornings throughout this time period, about 30-40 mins after I wake up, I get horribly ill...vomiting, covered in sweat but freezing with a slight headache. The first time or 2 it happened, I didn't even think...
  3. Mellyb

    New to vaping; nausea/dizzyness

    Recently I made the decision to gradually (I don't want to use nicotine for vaping and weening myself off nicotine analog) quit smoking and got me a Nebox. Using it at 0.5ohm and around 40w and I get nauseated, slightly dizzy and general feeling of "not being all there". Using Avoria Vg 80/20...

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