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hot tank

  1. Hotecig

    Top sales group buy item from hotecig

    Hi, everyone, Today we bring our hot selling group buy items for you and we have the best discount for them. Do not miss it!! shenray SR V4 RTA Style Rebuildable Tank Atomizer silver& black Peek Insulator with adjustable airholes 4.5ml capacity Top filling Easy to wrap Liquid control...
  2. Slowery1730

    Please help! Hot tank

    Hello everyone! New here but I was hoping someone could help. I am using a crown tank first generation with a reuleaux rx200 .25 ohm coils 40.00 wattage and 6mg of nic and after about 3-5 puffs about 3 seconds each my tank and glass get hot. What is going on? Thanks for all the assistance! Scott
  3. Matty102

    Atlantis 2 help!!!

    I am looking at getting the Atlantis 2 tank. I have some questions though before hand. Does it get as hot as the Nautilus? My Nautilus got really hot after only about 3 minutes of vaping. Also I am also looking at a bigger Kanger sub-tank, but their rebuilt coils are so unreliable. I like my...
  4. D

    Which Sub Ohm tank runs the coolest for chain vaping?

    Currently i have a Subtank mini and a Crown. I love the flavor and clouds from the Crown but the tank heats up so fast. I wind up taking 3-4 long pulls and the tank itself gets so hot to the touch I feel like its dangerous to keep going. At this point it makes my Subtank what i use almost all...

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