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married batteries

  1. Ms. Trixy

    "The battery is imbalanced"

    After hearing Mooch say that batteries don't need to be married, I have the error message on my Sigelei 213, "The battery is imbalanced". It won't fire - only if tilted a different way each time. I'm taking out a fresh married pair now. Your thoughts?
  2. iki

    Marry baterries

    Do i have 4 25R baterries.. And I bought one more for the releaux rx 2/3. They are married in pairs. Can i marry the new Baterry with one Of the pairs? In other words, can i marry the new baterry with 2 batteries that I already own?
  3. skt239

    Married Batteries Question

    Hello all, I had a quick question about married batteries... I have two Snow Wolfs, both are v1.5's. One is a limited addition and there are a few upgrades to the chip but for the most part they are almost identical. In both mods I use married pairs of 25'rs that were all purchased at the same...

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