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  1. The Huntress

    New to Vaping, but old school for flavor

    so this is my first post in my first Vape forum. I'm a 100% disabled Vet that has smoked for 23 years. 1-2 PAD. 3 weeks ago our oldest daughter, 20, brought Smok Stick V8's home, dumped them on the ottoman and said "no pressure Mom, just try it out." Well, I did and was confused at first, the...
  2. martsirt23

    want2vape Paris Blend

    I need help with this juice. It is an amazingly accurate equivalent to the flavor of the french Gauloise cigarettes and I'd like vape it all day and night but I can't figure out how to. Those first few hits are fantastic but the it shortly becomes inconsistent and eventual get a burnt taste. I...

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