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new flavor

  1. E

    Can't find a flavor I like

    Hello, I have been vaping for 5 weeks now and cannot find a flavor that I like besides the one that I have vaped from the beginning (Blueberry Jam Monster), I have tried probably 40 different flavors. Has anyone else experienced this or knows someone that has? I need to find at least a few...
  2. SoulVaper

    E-juice recommendations

    Hello dear friend, First of all if im posting this here and it's in another place please say so and im sorry if i am. So i have got a bit sick of my regular e-juice and i want to try some new stuff but i'm a bite peaky so i want your opinions if you have the time. So the e-juice i have been...
  3. C

    Changing Flavors

    Hey everybody! I just started vaping about 3 days ago and I have a question... I have the IStick TC40W by ELeaf, and the tank that I'm using is the IJust 2 Atomizer. I have two juice flavors, one that I choose myself, and the other was just given to me. The one that I choose was the Strawberry...
  4. Vaperyan

    HiLIQ New Flavor Thread

    Here, you can find our newest flavor offerings! We already have over 60 single flavors and more than hundreds of flavors combination. and more and more possible flavors to carry. We make sure are flavors are ready to the market before putting up online. To start off the 2016! Here's our new...

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