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  1. noahk1998

    Is PGA safe to vape and use in your flavors?

    I have heard of people using PGA (Pure Grain Alcohol) in there e-juice in order to get a throat hit or to carry the flavor better. I am wanting to use it in order to Cary the flavor better but i'm wondering if putting PGA in your mixes and inhaling it safe? I'm a little skeptical about this. Is...
  2. OhMG

    Nicotine Expiry Date (does it have one?)

    Howdy all.. I have 250ml of 25%vg 75%pg 24mg nicotine i bought from my freedom smokes around 2 months ago... And just received 1 litre of 100%pg 100mg nicotine from the same company.. looking around the bottles ... i failed to find an expiry date. Does anybody know when or estimate of its...
  3. Z

    PG/VG blend for my setup

    Hello boys and girls! I really need some help with my e liqued.. I usually blend 70VG/30PG with around 25% aroma, but i get leaks into the airflow.. I cooled it down 10 mins in the freezer and it helped.. But i don't run around with a freezer in my pocket.. My tanks: Subtank Mini Goblin Mini...

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