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  1. 3Avape Official

    10Pcs/Box Coilology MTL Clapton Coil $2.05

    Parameters: Type 1: Ni80 Specification: 28/40 ID: 2.5mm Resistance: 0.92ohm 10 pieces in one box Type 2: SS316L Specification: 28/40 ID: 2.5mm Resistance: 0.7ohm 10 pieces in one box Package includes: One Box of Coilology MTL Clapton Coil
  2. S

    Cloud Chasing Coils

    Is there any difference between kantal and ss316 coils ? (beside resistance etc) And if can i use ss316 coils on Mech
  3. B

    SS316L 26g Tempcontrol combusted briefly

    Hello I just built a SS316L build for my first time and i did a 8wrap 26G dual coil build that ohmed out at .25. Just simple round wire. I set it up in my ohmmeter and pulse-fired until it glow evenly, this is the only "dry burning" i did. After that i put it on my Sigelei Reuleaux 250w that i...
  4. Noxiq

    Wich Gauge to put in steam engine when using clapton

    Hey there guys, New to this forum but got a quick question. |m trying to figure out how much watt I can take my device up with a dual clapton build I put together on my RDA wth the use of steam engine. I built a dual SS316L clapton coil build on my RDA. 26 AWG as core and 30 AWG as outer. I...
  5. B

    Vivi Nova tank with Melo 2 atomizer rebuilded

    Guys, I bought a Vivi Nova tank (2ml), and the wicking was really shitty... I had a Melo 2 tank with a broken glass and with burnt atomizers, and I decided that I will rebuild it... I don't had kanthal wire, just 28awg ss316l, but it worked! With 9 wraps and cotton wick the flavor is perfect and...
  6. iki

    Can i do a 24G+28G twisted coils?

    Can i mix 24g and 28g to make a twsited coil? Being the 24 ss and the 28 kanthal a1
  7. injamulhaque7

    Ideal SS316L builds for Kanger Topbox Mini TC mode

    Started vaping just 2 weeks back. I made a single spaced coil with 24ga SS316L wire. It reads at 0.35 ohms. The juice seems to heat up too soon and at just 170 C, the vape seems to taste burnt. Whereas with the stock OCC heads i could comfortably vape at 220 C. Could not manage to get my hands...

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