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10 Upcoming Apocalypse Games


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ECF Refugee
Vape Media
The apocalypse is a topic and setting that countless games have explored throughout the years, but we can’t quite put our finger on why. Maybe it’s because we find some source of solace in their cautionary tales of a bleak future that’s yet to come. Maybe it’s because in these darkest of times, true heroes arise. Or maybe it’s just because we like roaming the wastelands in search of mutated ghouls to fight.

No matter the reason, here are 10 games that will help prepare you for when the world ends.

Fallout 76

It’s fitting that a list about the apocalypse starts with Fallout, a series synonymous with the topic. Through the Fallout games have always had us roaming the wastelands by ourselves, November’s Fallout 76 is making the whole thing more social. The idea of scavenging with pals, crafting a makeshift shelter, and launching a couple of nukes at our enemies seems downright awesome. But only time will tell if this drastic shift to the series will alienate some longtime fans.

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