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11 Underrated Movies... That Aren't Underrated Anymore


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Vape Media
Everyone out there has a movie they think is underrated, which was panned by critics and/or audiences, or tanked at the box office for reasons the movie's defender(s) cannot fathom. It's just a natural byproduct of having personal taste, but a film's overall reputation depends on the taste of many people. When a whole lot of moviegoers agree that a film is great, it becomes a classic, right?

So what happens when a whole lot of people agree that a movie is underrated? Ironically, that doesn't make the movie underrated, it makes the movie really good. Possibly even great. And that means it's not actually underrated anymore, doesn't it?

We've compiled a list of films that were, once, considered pretty danged terrible by many people, but which nowadays are generally considered underrated. And since they're generally considered underrated, we're taking this opportunity to call it. These films aren't underrated anymore. They're just good films. And some of them are outright classics.

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