That sounds amazing I have some new vape mail coming in the next couple day I'll test out your build . Thanks for the inputMine is doing pretty well with a 7 wrap 24 AGW/32AGW NiC80 fused clap dual in it. With a 3mm ID it comes out to about 0.095 ohm. So, parallel mech mod it is. It's doing great.
That sounds amazing I have some new vape mail coming in the next couple day I'll test out your build . Thanks for the input
Since it is the exact same atty as the twisted messes rda, i will offer that dual 26/36g fused claptons are my favorite workhorse build.
Always a well rounded build. Great on both flavor and vapor in that atty.
Efeast batteries and or my Samsungs 18650 and 26650 for my mech mod ya I'll give that a go I love building Clapton s. Just got back into building .I was on a juice making bender for a while there it's nice to get back into more technical builds . Appriciate your feedback and tipsCool. Before you do, I miscounted. It's six wraps, not seven. However, if you're using a regulated, you might need to add that last extra wrap to get it over 0.1 ohm. My Sigelei will not fire this build as is. Also, make sure to use good batteries with it if you do have a mech.
I'll second this, currently vaping this exact setup only 6 wraps at 2.4 mm and loving it. They're not too bad to build once you've gotten the hang of regular claptons either.Since it is the exact same atty as the twisted messes rda, i will offer that dual 26/36g fused claptons are my favorite workhorse build.
Always a well rounded build. Great on both flavor and vapor in that atty.
@ number3124 just straighten with pliers when your done wrapping. The twists are normal in fused claptons.
No you don't want to be using pliers with teeth, you can gouge the wire. Toothless micro pliers are really cheap, I picked up a set that included cutters for like $5.Pliers with teeth okay?
I just use nylon tipped & toothless pliers to straighten out the twists. I do use a swivel which helps immensely as well. Alternatively you could take a small piece of clapton wire and wrap it around the loose end and smoosh it with pliers to keep them from whipping the shit out of you hahaIf I could keep the cores from twisting over themselves while spinning I would totally make that in all of my atties.