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14-year-old blinded after e-cigarette explodes at Brooklyn mall kiosk


Under Ground Hustler
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They work at "Plaza Vapes"

Feel free to ask them WHY they handed a 14 year old a vaporizer.
This is at 5100 Kings Plaza, Brooklyn NY (New York being the second worst anti ecig nanny state, only second to California)
Ask them WHY they'd HAND anyone a device without checking to see if it's safe or not (This could have been YOUR face and eyes this could have been MY face and eyes)
Ask them to LEAVE the Vaping Community and NEVER COME BACK



Edit: Thank you @KAS129 for bringing this to my attention

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Member For 4 Years
Very well put!!! I also thought it was interesting that when they were called for comment the only person working was on her second day on the job. Bet they are a wealth of vaping knowledge for the new user.


Under Ground Hustler
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Very well put!!! I also thought it was interesting that when they were called for comment the only person working was on her second day on the job. Bet they are a wealth of vaping knowledge for the new user.

Right, i'd bet they know about as much as the guy who handed a 14 year old a detonating pipe bomb.


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That guy should have asked for an ID to begin with!

However, "The guy was showing me different products of the vaporizers, " Domatov said. "While he was showing me, he connected one of the vaporizers to the battery of the store. He gave it to me to hold and when I was holding it, it exploded in my hands and my face."

I bet the kid wasn't just holding it, when it exploded! And the guy selling these devices, don't know shit about it either!


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Just what we don't need. More idiots selling vape gear to people who shouldn't have them in the first place, especially when the seller clearly has no knowledge (safety wise) of what they're trying to sell.


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I can bet they will not be selling any vaping products in that mall after this. The town is trying to pass a regulation that any Vape Shops be classified as Adult Stores. Meaning No Minors PERIOD and put them in the same category as Porn or sex toy (lingerie) stores.


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Thats all we need. THe person demonstrating it put what type of battery in? The battery of the store?

I was a shooting range one day and saw a father and son getting ready to go in so he can teach him how to handle guns etc.

The concerned father brings out a Desert Eagle, (yes, 50 cal handgun ) and says you check here , blah blah.

Kid looks to be about 10-12 years old, lanky and slight build and hes telling daddy, he did not feel right shooting it, Poor kid could barely hold it steady.

I and my boyfriend were looking in disbelief and stepped out, just in case. As we were gathering our guns and gear, BOOM. Quiet and then the father yells out SHIT, fuck, damn, oh shit.....

Range guys go running in, said what the ..... we told them what happened. Poor kid banged his head so hard he was bleeding from the bit of kickback...

Moral of the story.... STupid people are EVERYWHERE and ruin it for the few who have some sense.


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This is really funny and really scary. Darwin Awards time

Geez. Have any of those people ever heard the word "recoil"? I saw maybe 2 in that entire series with correct shooting stance, but even they seemed surprised by the recoil. I've fired a 12-gauge shotgun, back when I weighed about 110 soaking wet, and it did NOT knock me over nor push me back nor hit me in the face, didn't even bruise my shoulder, because I was holding it braced correctly. I admit though, once got "bit" in the web between thumb and hand when firing a handgun, and I was not accurate with the handgun AT ALL, because of the recoil... but it didn't hit me in the face, just messed up my aim. I'd need a lot of practice to be accurate with a handgun, though I'm an excellent shot with any long gun.



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I have just 2 words to add.................

Hot Load.

My arm was black and blue for a couple of weeks and everyone at the range asked what the hell I just shot a cannon? After a hundred rounds never expected that from Military ammunition!


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If you want to show someone the basics on guns , safety etc. You get them comfortable by handling it, with no bullets first. Hold it, get to know it etc.

Show them how to cock it, load it , etc.

FIrst time I went shooting I did not even shoot. I went to get used to the sounds, to see other responsible people handle and behave responsible with guns. Not till my second visit did I shoot and then it was with a 22 cal. I shot that a bunch of times, got used to the noise, the way a gun behaves when shot, etc... You dont hand a 50 cal hand gun to someone who has never shot or been at a range before, no matter what age or size...

Could you imagine if the first time you drove a car someone just threw the keys to a ferrari and said, have fun?

Well, thats right one guy in Calif did let his little girl take his Ferrari out for a spin and she wrapped it around a traffic light a few feet from their home.


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This is really funny and really scary. Darwin Awards time

Some of those clips, were of Saudi's shooting the 577 Trex. Only one guy could actually shoot it and hold onto it. I don't care WHO you are, the 577 Trex is a BAD ASS piece of equipment. Most of those people though, are FAR TOO stupid to be handling guns.


Bronze Contributor
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Some of those clips, were of Saudi's shooting the 577 Trex. Only one guy could actually shoot it and hold onto it. I don't care WHO you are, the 577 Trex is a BAD ASS piece of equipment. Most of those people though, are FAR TOO stupid to be handling guns.


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You dont hand a 50 cal hand gun to someone who has never shot or been at a range before, no matter what age or size...
The first gun I was ever handed to shoot was a 10 gauge, single-shot shotgun. I was roughly 12 at the time and probably weighed 100 lbs. It knocked me right on my ass. When I bought my own first gun 15 years later, it was a .22. :)


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yeah guns are great toys to play with..if you ever get bored playing with guns, you can try juggeling chainsaws...the guy in the kiosk needs an axe handle across the kneecap.


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If you want to show someone the basics on guns , safety etc. You get them comfortable by handling it, with no bullets first. Hold it, get to know it etc.

Show them how to cock it, load it , etc.

FIrst time I went shooting I did not even shoot. I went to get used to the sounds, to see other responsible people handle and behave responsible with guns. Not till my second visit did I shoot and then it was with a 22 cal. I shot that a bunch of times, got used to the noise, the way a gun behaves when shot, etc... You dont hand a 50 cal hand gun to someone who has never shot or been at a range before, no matter what age or size...

Could you imagine if the first time you drove a car someone just threw the keys to a ferrari and said, have fun?

Well, thats right one guy in Calif did let his little girl take his Ferrari out for a spin and she wrapped it around a traffic light a few feet from their home.

I learned in air force basic training -- in which you do shoot on the same day that you first handle the M16, BUT you have an hour long (maybe 2 hr long?) class on gun safety and technical issues before they even march you over to the range. On the first clip for practice, they had us fire 10 rounds, and I was terrible, just everywhere EXCEPT the target. Sergeant comes over, correctly deduces that I've never held an actual weapon in my life (apparently BB guns don't count ;)), and asks how I'm aiming; I said, trying to aim at the center of the target. He told me, the only reason to even look at the target is to make sure my weapon is lined up correctly towards it -- and then, focus on the little sighting nubbin at the end of the rifle, and make sure THAT is directly on the center of the target, or just ever so slightly above. Once I heard that, next 10 rounds were center of body mass; for the 100 rounds of the actual shoot/test, I scored 98 in center of body mass, and got the small arms expert ribbon. I just needed to learn how to aim. :D


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