So I purchased a copper goon from vapenw that has a serial number in the 3000s. And I purchased another black goon from vaping veterans with a serial number in the 16000s.
Copper goon has silver clamp screws and the serial number is etched on the bottom. Came with a single wide bore drip tip.
Black goon has gold clamp screws and serial number is etched in the bottom but a little differently then copper one. Also came with an extra even wider drip tip. It's shorter than the one that comes on it.
My question is did they make changes to the goon because both seem authentic and come from reputable dealers. I was thinking since ones serial number is in the 3000s and ones in the 16000 that they might have made a few tweaks and both are authentic. I'm just confused and would like to know if anyone has info on this matter?? Because if I was sold a clone I would like to know. I paid authentic prices.
I can post pics if that would help. Let me know and thanks.
Copper goon has silver clamp screws and the serial number is etched on the bottom. Came with a single wide bore drip tip.
Black goon has gold clamp screws and serial number is etched in the bottom but a little differently then copper one. Also came with an extra even wider drip tip. It's shorter than the one that comes on it.
My question is did they make changes to the goon because both seem authentic and come from reputable dealers. I was thinking since ones serial number is in the 3000s and ones in the 16000 that they might have made a few tweaks and both are authentic. I'm just confused and would like to know if anyone has info on this matter?? Because if I was sold a clone I would like to know. I paid authentic prices.
I can post pics if that would help. Let me know and thanks.