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2016 Monitoring the Future Survey Results (and rant)


Under Ground Hustler
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This is that very large important youth drug abuse survey that they do every year:

  • Daily Smoking: The 2016 daily smoking rates for high school seniors was 4.8 percent compared to 22.2 percent two decades ago (1996). For 10th graders, the 2016 daily smoking rate is 1.9 percent, compared to 18.3 percent in 1996.
  • E-Cigarettes (Vaporizers): The rate for e-cigarettes among high school seniors dropped to 12.4 percent from last year’s 16.2 percent. Of note: only 24.9 percent of 12th graders report that their e-cigarettes contained nicotine (the addictive ingredient in tobacco) the last time they used, with 62.8 percent claiming they contain "just flavoring."
Well this totally rips the Surgeon Generals propaganda report a new asshole.
The fucked up thing here is I do not doubt for a second that he already had this information before releasing his Fake Story about Vaping being the next Satan.

Think about if you are somewhere in the rest of the world in the field of tobacco control or statistics and you look back remembering how the Royal College of Physicians came out in 1962 linking smoking to lung cancer then the US Surgeon General came out in 1964 with the same findings.

Fast forward to NOW when the Royal College of Physicians came out in 2015 with another historical report saying if you smoke you should by all means switch to vaping because at the worst it's at least 95% safer than smoking and then followed the US Surgeon General in 2016 with the biggest scaremongering propaganda piece of shit known to man saying vaping is currently turning your kids into nicotine fiends and frying their poor adolescent brains when he had the above information on his fucking desk the whole time!!!!

The US Surgeon General has just become the laughing stock of the entire world!!!

Also tell me this, if nicotine harms the adolescent brain soooo much that kids need to avoid it like the plague or risk becoming a vegetable then tell me how the fuck am I typing this and how are you reading this?

We ALL smoked REAL cigarettes as adolescents so how come we can function like normal people in society, some of us even functioning with IQ's of genius proportions?

Why aren't we all just rolling around naked in the mud somewhere brain dead?
Because didn't more than HALF of the population smoke as adolescents as recent as the 1960's?
Is it just me or does the adolescent brain damage thing sound like bullshit too?

I see WAY more kids with brain disorders and mental problems now that the smoking rate dropped more than 75% then I have in any previous generation.

Something just doesn't seem right about that.

Maybe it was because they keep repeating bullshit about a study done on mice (you know animals with pea sized brains that can only do a small fraction of what our human brains can do) instead of actual humans.

Could that be it?

It's almost like sometime in the early 90's someone very high up on the food chain noticed that America was seen as the most powerful country in the world that housed all of the brightest people who had all of the best jobs and the most money.
A place so great that people from other countries all around the world flocked to the good ol' USA to try to get a piece of that greatness for themselves.
A place where scientific integrity reigned supreme.

Then and there that person magically decided that instead it would be best if our economy went down the shitter, our education system should go to shit, China & Mexico needed all of our jobs so we should shut all of our factory's down to give our jobs to them, our science and mainstream news should now be a fictional propaganda mill we should as quickly as possible become the laughing stock of the entire world.

Well, mission a-fucking-complished! - 5150
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