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5 Things E-Cig Skeptics and Climate Change Deniers Have In Common


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So full of fuck,
Typical commie treble speak... with a so do you beat your wife still tag line.

How can these motherfuckers be this fucking stupid and still remain on the planet?


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"While every e-cig vendor gets accused of “stealing from the big tobacco playbook” I think it’s safe to say that vaping skeptics are clearly stealing from the climate science denier handbook."
I'll give the guy credit in that he started the article by pointing out that he was a liberal. The problem with the piece is that he proceeds to spew liberal talking points and act as if that is what people actually argue against. Climate change? Of course there is climate change. That's why climate is studied. If it were always the same, then there would be no need to study it and we would simply take climate for granted.

I really wish there were actual similarities between what he calls "Climate Change Deniers" and "E-cig Skeptics". He points out that the deniers don't want the government to act until the science is "settled". Are the e-cig skeptics saying "we shouldn't act until the science is in", or do they want to act with or without regard to an actual understanding of the science? In reality, the similarity is between the "deniers" and the e-cig supporters. He doesn't get this for the reason stated in the first post. He's a liberal. As such, he views government intervention as a positive thing. The problem is, in this case it is hurting him so he wants it to stop.


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While I'm not going to go so far as to suggest that I'm incapable of or unwilling to hear what anyone has to say unless they've already established that they share my politics and won't say anything that challenges my point of view, this article is still kind of crap.


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So.... "Deniers"???? WTF???

First off, humans did not have the capability of measuring and recording temperature until some time around 1600. For the Democrats (using number lines), that is approximately (look it up) 500 years. From Wikipedia, the planet Earth is approximately 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%). If we divide the number of years that we have been able to measure temperature (I'll give you a bonus 500 years), that would be 1000/4,540,000,000, which equals .000000220264.

So... If I choose not to agree that decisions with substantial social, economic, and political impact should be based on the ridiculously small sample size of .0000220264% (that we have been able to measure), I'm the idiot? I think not. You have to be an absolute moron to look at a sample size that small of ANYTHING and drawing an absolute conclusion. I refuse to let people call me a "denier" when they haven't proven shit. Nada. Bunk. Climate change is an outright hoax meant to bring the developed nations into the same level of economic squalor as the undeveloped countries. That's it. Deny that, assholes.

And the 15 ton elephant in the room are the 2 ice ages that we know have already happened prior to the first spark ever happening in an internal combustion engine. There were 2 periods of global cooling, followed by 2 periods of global warming. There were no cars, factories, boats, airplanes, power plants, etc. yet these events happened. Why? Because its the freaking weather. It is cyclical, and it changes.


vape me

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I can't say that it's a hoax. Just within my lifetime, climate change has been real. The impact that man has had on this aspect of the environment is questionable though.


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The Earth has gone through cooling and warming cycles since there has been an Earth. I am sure there is a possibility Man has impacted the weather; cities are heat islands, after all. Short of eliminating Man, not a thing can be done to reverse Man's impact. Climate change fear mongering is mostly about control and money...


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I really wish there were actual similarities between what he calls "Climate Change Deniers" and "E-cig Skeptics". He points out that the deniers don't want the government to act until the science is "settled". Are the e-cig skeptics saying "we shouldn't act until the science is in", or do they want to act with or without regard to an actual understanding of the science? In reality, the similarity is between the "deniers" and the e-cig supporters. He doesn't get this for the reason stated in the first post. He's a liberal. As such, he views government intervention as a positive thing. The problem is, in this case it is hurting him so he wants it to stop.


And it turns out that conservatives put forth the bill to reign in FDA regs on vaping and liberals are pushing for the regs in full.

You'd think the guy would look at his own evidence and see that liberals are on the wrong side of both issues when it comes to "waiting for the science".


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I can't say that it's a hoax. Just within my lifetime, climate change has been real. The impact that man has had on this aspect of the environment is questionable though.
But that's what I said... Because its the freaking weather. It is cyclical, and it changes.

vape me

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But that's what I said... Because its the freaking weather. It is cyclical, and it changes.

Right, but is there absolute proof that man's influence has been minimal? Will we ever have enough data to know for sure?

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Best explanation on climate change I've heard


Diamond Contributor
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This chubby hipster fuck left a few facts out like the fact the IPCC,and their political cronies have been caught hundreds of times...falsifying data,manipulating data,supressing data.denying sientific data,and threatening dissenting scientist with defunding and unemployment.
If you're gonna use science to prove your point..let's have all the science, not just the science that you cherry pick.or the sicentist who are being threatend by the possibility of having their goverment funding pulled.
I am more than open to the idea man has influenced the weather..hell look at the ocean,and the air quality...but I am a thinking person, and it pisses me off when an aurocratic bunch of filthy rich elite tell me what information I can have and what information I can't have.
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Right, but is there absolute proof that man's influence has been minimal? Will we ever have enough data to know for sure?
There isn't absolute proof that man IS influencing anything. Sample size is too small to draw any conclusions.


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Member For 4 Years
That's the whole game, right there Shark.
  1. Have a bunch if liberal 'scientists' claims that humans are changing the weather.
  2. Put out any numbers you damn well want to back up your claim because
    • Nobody can duplicate your results.
    • Nobody can verify your methods
    • Your sample size is insanely, ridiculously, small so if you shift the period of time that you are measuring by 50 years, the results change dramatically.
  3. Bash the hell out of anyone who says. "Whoa there partner. How about we slow down and verify these outlandish results before we throw civilization back to the stone age, while impeding the progress and innovation that we could be making towards newer, cleaner, replacement sources of energy at the same bloody time."
  4. Rinse, repeat. Apply liberally. (In other words, waste the hell out of it. Just be stupid with it. Blame your kid brother later on. Or society...)

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