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8 Dream Avengers Video Games


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Marvel's Age of Ultron is almost here, but sadly, we won't be getting a big-budget tie-in video game. But this might not be so sad after all - licensed games based on massive Hollywood movies have almost always been disappointing. But what if the stars aligned, and the perfect game studio got matched up with the perfect movie license?

We asked IGN Editors to explain who they would like to see make an Avengers game. It's pretty much a guarantee that none of these games will never actually exist, but hey, we can dream, can't we? Read on:

Developer: Platinum Games

The Avengers is about an extremely powerful alliance of unlikely allies -- all comparable in power, but diverse in personality to the point of causing problems. Platinum Games understands the appeal of power better than almost any other game developer, and silly though its stories may be, the studio's characters are always memorable. With the right writer, a Platinum Games co-op action game starring The Avengers could capitalize on what one of Japan's finest does best: Beating the heck out of everything. Character combat is the studio's specialty, and with a handful of totally different fighters, there's a ton of opportunity for awesome, fun brawls as Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and more. Honestly, though, I just want Platinum to do to Hulk what it did to Raiden. - Mitch Dyer

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