Hey guys! I recently switched from the Melo 3 tank - wich was ok - to the Aspire Atlantis v2 which I find amazing. I love those airflows and the flavors I get from this tank. I was considering buying another one but the Atlantis seems to be out of stock, here in France. Any advice about an Atlantis-like equivalent?
Just curious, can you order online and have shipped to France, expanding the options, and lowering the costs?
My pick would be Sense Herakles, or new Sense Herakles Honor with top fill. The coils are cross compatible.
Tobeco Super Tank or Super Tank Mini is also widely available and liked, but I sometimes see concerns that tank can be hard to open.
Plenty of online reviews for both, especially YouTube.
Others might be Starre, Maganus, Playboy Vixen, Aspire Triton 2. I'm a Herakles fanboy since it is my pick from the Atlantis equivalent tanks for flavor and coil longevity.