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Advanced Coil builds for RTAs

Hi there,

So I have recently I have really been struggling with my tanks. These being a smok TF-V4, an orchid V4, a steam crave rdta and a kanger subtank. I love to DIY on the rebuildable sections of these and have found the best builds for both flavour, and cloud production, to be generally 8 wraps of contact 26g kanthal. Im not sure of the diameter as I use a coil master and everyone seems to use inch fractions as a reference. But it says 25 on the metal pole and its the second thinnest of a set of four.

I am looking mostly for good flavour performance and vape 3mg 70/30 VG/PG juice. I usually run between 40 - 50 watts.

When wicking I use organic cotton, currently cotton candy and I have read hundreds of posts regarding methods to provide a decent vape. Threaded snug within the coil so there is only a little resistance when pulling the wick back and forth. Wicks cut to sit nicely on the deck and not blocking the juice channels etc etc.

My problem is this. When using my go to method, everything is great. I get a really satisfying vape. However, when I attempt to build something a little more intricate (claptons triple twisted etc), everything goes tits up. I wick it how i would a regular build, but the flavour just doesn't come through. It tastes like I have wicked it wrong. I also tried stepping up the wraps on my Orchid from 8 to 10, and I encounter a similar problem with the taste being off.

Are the more advanced coil setups designed purely for RDAs? Or am I missing something?

Any help in this area would be amazing as I do love to try new builds, but I am getting incredibly frustrated when having a sub par vaping experience.

Thanks :)


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What were the full specs of what you tried? What wattage were you trying to vape that out? If the fancier builds dropped in resistance, or just from added metal like a clapton, you're going to want to up the wattage some from your norm. Without that extra heat it's just going to be a bit anemic.

If your wattage is right, what wire and what are you doing? For a more simple build around the same wattage drop 2 guages and wrap them in parallel, simple and effective, but, a big big step in strapping those together with a thin wire clapton (36g and above). Personally I hated the premade wire that was coming out initially for claptons. 26g/32g was standard and it just didn't really seem to pop any better than a more simple twisted or single wire coil, but it took more wattage. Anyways, if that's the kind of build you were jumping up to, try a thinner gauge wire. The thinner gauge won't have that ridiculous ramp up and it'll work much better, but like I said before if you're going to make that or go to a better vendor it's worth jumping to a fused clapton.

As for only being for RDAs, no not at all. Fancy wire for everything! One of my favorite vapes (one I bring in my pocket everywhere) is a 1.11Ω 2X32g/40g wire in my Diablo (parallel build). It vapes wonderfully, SO much more flavor than the simple coil I had put in there just to test it out. You just have to get the right fancy wire for the job. I wanted to vape low so I built a 1.11Ω coil and only use 35-45w on it. However then I have my Boreas which I have a .08Ω staple coil on a mech mod and it's very nice (but bulky, and a mech so I don't bring it with me when I go out usually).

Anyways, yes fancy coils in RTAs is the way to go if you can, I can't go back to single wire, I'd rather make a fused clapton that will act in the way I want by using the right metal/size/style. Sure it takes time but I just can't get a satisfactory vape out of the single wire when I know what I'm missing.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But it says 25 on the metal pole and its the second thinnest of a set of four.

Anyone using fractions is probably wrapping around a screw driver or drill bit, you're set like most coil jigs is measured in mm so 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm and 3.5mm. 2.5mm is a very common coil size equal to about 3/32 when converted to inches.

When using fancy coils in my Griffin i've found i have to wick it a bit looser than i normally would because the increased wattage/surface area needs a little more juice flow. For example i wicked each of these differently even if it looks the same in the pictures. Fancy coil builds are a game of trial and error to find each types sweet spot, using the "go to" method is a great starting point but might not work every time.

Spaced coil wicked fairly heavy.


Basic 26/32 Clapton coil wicked just like the spaced coil


3 x 28g twisted kanthal paralleled with another 28g wire. cotton tight within the coil but 45 degree cut the ends to thin it out for faster wicking


new build i put in tonight, 3x28g kanthal twisted and paralleled with a 26g/32g clapton wicked tight within the coil but ends thinned heavily. Wicking great at 70w but was still good even at a few 110w hits.



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Member For 5 Years
Post pics of your build. They're more important than numbers when trying to have others help you dial in a rebuildable setup.

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