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AGA T2 insulators


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Anyone know where I can buy insulators for the AGA T2? I know kidneypuncher shows em but they are out of stock and from what I have read they havent had them in years. Or do you guys know of something else I could use? I was unscrewing the base and didnt realize a nut was still on the top of the centerpost and it caused the nut to wedge into the insulator and broke it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well the first question that springs to mind is why bother? after that yeah you should be able to get them pretty easily you may want to go to youde website and see if they have any ....shit I threw all my spare parts for the fucker out a year ago....the T2 is still being sold around I'd say keep looking I see them offered on websites still. try Myvapestore.....and let me think oh try discountvapers.

Here you go ...these guys got them..

all kidding aside I cut my vaping teeth on the AGA T-2 vaped on it for like 8 months...horrible little genny but I think better than the rsst for a newbie...still have some loyalty to it.
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Well the first question that springs to mind is why bother?
A buddy of mine wants me to throw a build into it and seeing how I never messed with geni style tanks I am determined to succeed lol. He also gave me a Russian and 2 RSSts to build for him. I am just now seeing your reply cause I forgot I posted this lol. THanks bro I already ordered the parts bag


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
lots of luck seriously like i said I cut my teeth on the have now including the rsst what I consider possiblely the two worst gennys ever built...LOL...but still if you can get a good mesh build in it'll still be pretty good.


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lots of luck seriously like i said I cut my teeth on the have now including the rsst what I consider possiblely the two worst gennys ever built...LOL...but still if you can get a good mesh build in it'll still be pretty good.
Oh there wont be any mesh. Gonna wick them all with cotton. I actually FINALLY had that T2 coiled and wicked and then i screwed the bottom nut too tight which then broke the insulator. i was so fucking pissed. Took me a couple hours to get that shit set up lol. Oh well I just called my buddy and gave him the link for the spare parts bag so I guess if he orders it I will try again. BUt gonna try and get these RSSTs wicked and coiled and this Russian today haha


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
people who put cotton in a genny can't find employment, women won't have sex with them they are shunned by society small childeren chase them and throw garbage at them taunting them with rude names...they are driven to a life of isolation where inevitabley they take their own miserable lives....turn back now why you can still save yourself.

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