Yeah I was hoping it'd turn just for the noobs that end up purchasing from wizard and need help with what they bought. Rather than hear "buy something else" ,ya know?
I still use several of my (around 100) TFA flavors. A few are irreplaceable. Several are very good flavors. The rest - I either don't care to vape that particular flavor (no matter what brand) or I've found a version I prefer made by someone else.
I think TFA is a difficult brand for a noob to start with. Starting with Flavor West, you can mix around 10-12% and make minor adjustments. With FlavourArt, around 3%. With Capellas, for me it was 8% or so. But with TFA, required percentages range more, from a fraction of 1% to 15%+. That's no biggie if you've mixed for a while, but it complicates flavor-mixing for a noob.
19 TFA flavors I can say good things about
*Absinthe: It's just star anise essential oil, and the same flavor as FA Anise, but TFA has a no-PG version. That's useful to max-VG vapers like myself.
*Acetyl Pyrazine 5% dilution: It's convenient to have it premixed, and I'm finding it surprisingly useful for recipes other than tobaccos
*Brown Sugar Extra: Nobody else makes one, and it's great for bakery recipes.
Caramel Cappuccino: It contains custard notes, and you'll either love or hate the flavor. It can be used at such a tiny percentage (1 drop per 10ml+ is not uncommon) that it's useful for anyone trying to minimize flavoring or PG while still getting plenty of flavor. Halo fans will recognize it as the sweet, carmel-coffee part of Twisted Java.
Cheesecake Graham Crust: Cheesecake and graham (and a tiny hint of coconut) with no custard note ingredients. Tasty base for cheesecake recipes.
*Cinnamon Red Hots: The tastiest hot candy cinnamon, in my opinion - and available in a no-PG version.
Earl Grey: Very good flavor-match for the real thing.
Green Tea: tastes just like green tea.
*Holiday Spice: I use it for nutmeg flavor. It does the job for me, though it requires a glass tank.
*Hpno: Crisp, grapefruity-citrus flavor, available without PG.
Kentucky Bourbon: The only American whiskey flavoring that's vapeable, in my opinion. (for Irish Whiskey, I use FA)
Key Lime: tastes like the name.
*Koolada: for a cool exhale without menthol flavor.
Maraschino Cherry: Mine is no-PG, but I think it uses PG now. Extremely strong, but just like those neon-red bottles of cherries.
*Molasses: mild molasses flavor. It has custard notes, but it's the only molasses flavoring I know of, and it's an accurate flavor.
Mountain Dew (Citrus Punch?): has been renamed a time or two, but it's the best Mt. Dew flavoring out there. A pretty good match for the real pop.
Pistachio Clear: I believe this was formerly listed as containing custard notes ingredients; now it looks like it's awaiting (re?)testing. It's a pretty darned good match for the flavor of that green ice cream.
RY4 Double: So Tribeca-like, lots of fans for this one.
White Chocolate: Nobody else's is anywhere near this good, but it has custard note ingredients.
* = ones I still use - some standalone, some for recipes. These are the ones I make sure to keep in stock.