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Altus Coil-Less tank bu GUO No More Buying Coils !


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That's one expensive chip!


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Interesting concept. Hopefully, they will see a need for a higher ohm chip (above 1.0) for the MTL folks like me.

Hopefully theyll have multiple oHm options. I would like to see a .28-.35 option.


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Wonder what the tank capacity is? Haven't seen that listed anywhere...


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I share Grandmaster Bogans suspicion of any product marketed as "Worlds First" anything. None the less, I am big on innovation.

This looks to me, like a ceramic copper substrate, which is performing the same function as a coil. Soak a cotton ball in juice, put it on a stove burner, suck the vapor with a straw, and you get the same principle at work.

A recent experiment of mine involved a ultrasonic transducer, at a very high frequency which used sound waves to smash the liquid into vapor. It was a partial sucess, it made vapor. But it was cold vapor, like vaping from a humidifier.

The plus side of this design, is that it will be quite a consistant vape, but I would avoid any acidic juice...

As I see it, the balance is having the element on the ceramic thin enough to heat up evenly, but not so thin as to erode. (terminal hotspot, then behaviour like a fuse) Evidence of this trade off is that only one side of the ceramic has the copper "element". Having one on both sides would be the obvious design, but would require even thinner application of the metal to the ceramic.

Hats off for any company trying new stuff! . Now back to work, have to figure how to fit some IR lasers from a DVD burner in my atty.....
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Vape Media
I think I'd like to get my hands on one of those to play with, although not at that price point ...


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I will definitely give it a whirl. Seems a bit of a cross between a a standard coil and a RBA.


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The idea is interesting,the price point isn't especially when we don't know how long it will hold up to use.
Here's another video of the claimed inventor.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Nice idea, but price is outta my range.


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You also have to think it comes with a 1 year warranty. I didn't find how limited that warranty is, however.


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It is an interesting idea but like most it is too pricey for my liking. My OBS coils last 3 to 4 months minimum so a pack for about $13 would last me more than a year, can't see the value with the $120 tank.

Good to see more innovation though, would be even better if they came out with a new wicking material that only needed a run under the faucet to clear a flavor.


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You also have to think it comes with a 1 year warranty. I didn't find how limited that warranty is, however.
If you dry burn it, it voids the warranty. I would guess that to mean as well, if you accidently ran the tank dry.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It is an interesting idea but like most it is too pricey for my liking. My OBS coils last 3 to 4 months minimum so a pack for about $13 would last me more than a year, can't see the value with the $120 tank.

Good to see more innovation though, would be even better if they came out with a new wicking material that only needed a run under the faucet to clear a flavor.

Already exists. It's called Nextel, 2800 F heat resistant. Alumina, just like the oxidation insulation (ceramic, how about that?) Kanthal builds with proper pulsing. An ideal mating for efficient thermal convection. Use it in about half my builds alongside KGD. Doesn't singe or combust and can dry hit if you vape it dry but gives far more warning (in reduced production) than any other wicking material. Butane torch it absolutely clean and lasts as long as you don't physically dismember it reusing it a million times.

And how does loosely held cotton on a flat surface produce more vapor than a juice flow under expansion compression in a coil (which lowers its vaporization point)? Did I hear something about being a physicist? I dunno, maybe just me.

Now...what was it this guy was saying about the way we vape being irritating? Meaning harmful.

Good luck all.


p.s. The producer of Nextel wicking is one of the developers of this forum btw. No, I'm not a vendor and don't sell the stuff.


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I might have missed it, does anybody know what TC setting (Ni, Ti or SS) its designed for? Guessing Ni. Reminds me a little of the conductive paint and tape that used to be applied to windows for glass breakage alarms. I'm betting this metal is being 3d printed onto the ceramic. I wonder if that O ring is cheaper than wire. It looks like it will almost be a consumeable, as that is a lot of stretching every time you rewick. I also wonder what kind of RF its radiating at 60-70 watts input with a PWM mod. Any radio guys here have an idea?

I also wonder what the ramp up time would be heating that large of a surface area.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I'm betting this is a cermic plate that is heated...same Idea as the vaping dougnut, but in a tank instead of a dripper...ceramics are the future for vaping....if this works as promoted..China is going to have a lot of unwanted coil heads on their hands... ceramics give great flavor...but I'm leary of any cermic element they say can last for extended periods...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Already exists. It's called Nextel, 2800 F heat resistant. Alumina, just like the oxidation insulation (ceramic, how about that?) Kanthal builds with proper pulsing. An ideal mating for efficient thermal convection. Use it in about half my builds alongside KGD. Doesn't singe or combust and can dry hit if you vape it dry but gives far more warning (in reduced production) than any other wicking material. Butane torch it absolutely clean and lasts as long as you don't physically dismember it reusing it a million times.

And how does loosely held cotton on a flat surface produce more vapor than a juice flow under expansion compression in a coil (which lowers its vaporization point)? Did I hear something about being a physicist? I dunno, maybe just me.

Now...what was it this guy was saying about the way we vape being irritating? Meaning harmful.

Good luck all.


p.s. The producer of Nextel wicking is one of the developers of this forum btw. No, I'm not a vendor and don't sell the stuff.
Gentleman we are being graced by one the smartest fucks I've run into in my years of vaping..MacTechVpr.....Hello Mac...the only Nextel wick I know of is the xc_116 Readywick... and I gotta say that shit gave me the creeps it just flacked into microfibers everytime I touched it, so I didn't use it much...( just scared the fiber would get in my lungs...although as Dr.Ma pointed out we are constantly breathing the material into our lungs from dirt)...I have used quite extensively the fc-2000 and still do in some of my attys......are you saying Nextel is bringing a new product to market? Could you explain how you use the ceramic wick you are talking about in a build with cotton and why you use it with cotton instead of just using the ceramic wick alone.
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The idea is interesting,the price point isn't especially when we don't know how long it will hold up to use.
Here's another video of the claimed inventor.

The video above does not inspire very much confidence in their $120 cutting edge tank. They may seem like trifles to others but shit video quality, referring to his Snow Wolf as a Sigelei and calling e-juice "oil" leaves me feeling kinda iffy about the whole company. I would also like more info about the materials being used but they are staying pretty tight lipped.


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Gentleman we are being graced by one the smartest fucks I've run into in my years of vaping..MacTechVpr.....Hello Mac...the only Nextel wick I know of is the xc_116 Readywick... and I gotta say that shit gave me the creeps it just flacked into microfibers everytime I touched it, so I didn't use it much...( just scared the fiber would get in my lungs...although as Dr.Ma pointed out we are constantly breathing the material into our lungs from dirt)...I have used quite extensively the fc-2000 and still do in some of my attys......are you saying Nextel is bringing a new product to market? Could you explain how you use the ceramic wick you are talking about in a build with cotton and why you use it with cotton instead of just using the ceramic wick alone.

Thx for the nod Pulse. No need to worry about the particulate size. The flakes are large enough that they don't migrate the airway…were you to actually inhale them. However, that just don't happen in normal use. Keeping flakes from getting airborne while rebuilding is essential. And the way to do this simply is to just soak the very tip of the material with some VG/PG (or section you will be cutting). Just a drop or so is enough. There, problem solved.

Easiest material to work with I've encountered. And the result, well...absolutely predictable. The stuff's a fire hose. We cook with ceramic. It's about the cleanest, neutral and non-contaminating material we use for what all else we consume…food! Creating complementary coils with an adequate and equivalent ceramic layer just makes sense. There's the ceramic vaporizer for ya, right there. Been around for a while and not enough folks spread the word. Best of all you don't need to drop a C note to get there. Not that I'd stop you if that's your inclination. Have at it. I don't have 60 mods 'cause I'm frugal chasin' new gear. But there are those for whom economic performance matters.

Insofar as performance. If you saw Phil B's comparisons of cotton, rayon, etc. you didn't find Nextel there. Reason being is that there is no comparison. First time you soak a tip of ceramic wicking you'll understand. The capillary potential is extraordinary and literally sucks right through like a thousand 10 micron straws squeezed into a garden hose.

What's it get ya?…Utterly consistent performance from build to build for one. Rather than trying futzin' around with media density, you marry the wind spec to the material diameter (considering the compression you may prefer for either vapor density or diffusion). Tighter for the latter. As for flavor, with this much capacity and flow potential and the perfectly neutral delivery you may very well experience your juice flavor in its completeness for the very first time. But I leave it to you to report after you've done hundreds of such builds if you found an exception.

Sorry to change the subject here but necessary for context. We have alternatives. Some relatively unknown given the overall number of users. That's unfortunate. The results may be the unicorn so many keep talkin' about. Our community is firmly grounded in what's popular right now as a culture rather than the kitchen science or mechanics. It's all good. But I find it interesting that we most dole out some hefty numbers on the shiny part yet forget what's in the engine compartment. I'm not talkin' about the power vape (I do multi-wire too) but the every day gotta have reliable vape. Nextel will do the first but is no doubt spectacular for the latter in my experience.

Some pics of a properly oxidized (insulated) tension wound Kanthal contact micro 2.78mm and with Nextel 3mm and on an IPV4s at 30W...

IMG_1618a.jpg IMG_1628a.jpg

Glad to help wherever I can. Best of luck to all given all the nonsense brewin'.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thx for the nod Pulse. No need to worry about the particulate size. The flakes are large enough that they don't migrate the airway…were you to actually inhale them. However, that just don't happen in normal use. Keeping flakes from getting airborne while rebuilding is essential. And the way to do this simply is to just soak the very tip of the material with some VG/PG (or section you will be cutting). Just a drop or so is enough. There, problem solved.

Easiest material to work with I've encountered. And the result, well...absolutely predictable. The stuff's a fire hose. We cook with ceramic. It's about the cleanest, neutral and non-contiminating material we use for what all else we consume…food! Creating complementary coils with an adequate and equivalent ceramic layer just makes sense. There's the ceramic vaporizer for ya, right there. Been around for a while and not enough folks spread the word. Best of all you don't need to drop a C note to get there. Not that I'd stop you if that's your inclination. Have at it. I don't have 60 mods 'cause I'm frugal chasin' new gear. But there are those for whom economic performance matters.

Insofar as performance. If you saw Phil B's comparisons of cotton, rayon, etc. you didn't find Nextel there. Reason being is that there is no comparison. First time you soak a tip of ceramic wicking you'll understand. The capillary potential is extraordinary and literally sucks right through like a thousand 10 micron straws squeezed into a garden hose.

What's it get ya?…Utterly consistent performance from build to build for one. Rather than trying futzin' around with media density, you marry the wind spec to the material diameter (considering the compression you may prefer for either vapor density or diffusion). Tighter for the latter. As for flavor, with this much capacity and flow potential and the perfectly neutral delivery you may very well experience your juice flavor in its completeness for the very first time. But I leave it to you to report after you've done hundreds of such builds if you found an exception.

Sorry to change the subject here but necessary for context. We have alternatives. Some relatively unknown given the overall number of users. That's unfortunate. The results may be the unicorn so many keep talkin' about. Our community is firmly grounded in what's popular right now as a culture rather than the kitchen science or mechanics. It's all good. But I find it interesting that we most doll' out some hefty numbers on the shiny part yet forget what's in the engine compartment. I'm not talkin' about the power vape (I do multi-wire too) but the every day gotta have reliable vape. Nextel will do the first but is no doubt spectacular for the latter in my experience.

Some pics of a properly oxidized (insulated) tension wound Kanthal contact micro 2.78mm and with Nextel 3mm and on an IPV4s at 30W...

View attachment 37971 View attachment 37972

Glad to help wherever I can. Best of luck to all given all the nonsense brewin'.


I assume you are talking about the ReadyWick xc-116 Mac.


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Looks like coil changes will be like changing a Car Fuse ..;)

$110 for a Car Fuse???? WTF


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yep, gotta give kudos to Jeremy here for keepin' up production and growing the service for us vapers. There have been some real dedicated users in the REO's community. They kept it alive prior to my comin' on the scene and after the initial fanfare in the Spring of 2013 which was ultimately died out for lack of information. It was out there. Nextel had been in use in a variety of medical and similar applications. And studies on its safety preceded that by a decade in the academic and scientific spheres. My interest in it is simple. Ease of use for new vapers. And I'd like to see as many as possible join us and get to their vape consistently…right now! We need 'em and we need their support. So my project now going on 3 years to promote rebuilding continues.

And what I meant b4 is that I use KGD and NexT both.

Again, good luck to all. You take care P.



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we dont need the 100+ dollar tag though when there is wire just as safe with tam control available for pennies on the dollar...going from Ciggs to Vape isnt cheap and thats what matters to new users.....If it were in the $50 -/+ Im sure "new" vapers would be the audience, but I dont know anyone that smokes that has got more then 20 bucks to spend on quiting...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yep, gotta give kudos to Jeremy here for keepin' up production and growing the service for us vapers. There have been some real dedicated users in the REO's community. They kept alive after the initial fanfare which was ultimately drowned by lack of information. It was out there. Nextel's in use in a variety of medical and similar applications. And studies on its safety preceded that by a decade in the academic and scientific spheres. My interest in it is simple. Ease of use for new vapers. And I'd like to see as many as possible join us and get to their vape consistently…right now! We need 'em and we need their support. So my project now going on 3 years to promote rebuilding continues.

And what I meant b4 is that I use KGD and NexT both.

Again, good luck to all. You take care P.

I never got it to wick that well for I said I had alot of experince with the fc-2000 and the ceramic wick made by Bowden, and made alot of my own AO wicks, but they were all for gennys and tilting the genny is how your charged the coil with juice.....I tried Ready Wick in a dripper but it didn't seem to wick that well...most likely user error...maybe wrapped it too tight and strved the wick...I know that usually I like to let a AO wick sit in juice overnight before I fire it up for the first time....for me ceramics just give such great flavor. if this is ceramics and not something else I'm glad to see people using ceramics, but honestly I think this is a somewhat clumsy application, I'd like to see an application without the cotton...


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I never got it to wick that well for I said I had alot of experince with the fc-2000 and the ceramic wick made by Bowden, and made alot of my own AO wicks, but they were all for gennys and tilting the genny is how your charged the coil with juice.....I tried Ready Wick in a dripper but it didn't seem to wick that well...most likely user error...maybe wrapped it too tight and strved the wick...I know that usually I like to let a AO wick sit in juice overnight before I fire it up for the first time....for me ceramics just give such great flavor. if this is ceramics and not something else I'm glad to see people using ceramics, but honestly I think this is a somewhat clumsy application, I'd like to see an application without the cotton...
How do you feel about the new Vaperesso cCell Coils? I just bought a few packs and Ive heard both sides..


Bronze Contributor
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I never got it to wick that well for I said I had alot of experince with the fc-2000 and the ceramic wick made by Bowden, and made alot of my own AO wicks, but they were all for gennys and tilting the genny is how your charged the coil with juice.....I tried Ready Wick in a dripper but it didn't seem to wick that well...most likely user error...maybe wrapped it too tight and strved the wick...I know that usually I like to let a AO wick sit in juice overnight before I fire it up for the first time....for me ceramics just give such great flavor. if this is ceramics and not something else I'm glad to see people using ceramics, but honestly I think this is a somewhat clumsy application, I'd like to see an application without the cotton...

Just about to cut but yeah you can choke RxW like Ekowool or any synthetic. Like, 3/32" is rather tight compression and 2.5mm good for some performance builds. For enough surface pressure and good flow I'm workin' 2.7mm (#36 wire gauge) or 7/64" bits even if the last is a tad loose (reduced vaporization). RxW has a break in period. A straight VG vape until it gets stokin as you blend in your fav is best to way to get these goin'. Worth a try P if you get a chance again and stick to the middle of the range of 2.5-2.8mm.

My concern is like I said gettin as many rebuildin as possible 'cause we don't know yet where this all is goin'. A great many have made significant contributions to the technology no help from industry or gov only to cap on the innovation of all of us right here. Just sayin'. We've been the lab. I'm a techie and early adopter. If someone wants to sell us a planar atomizer at a premium they need to make the compelling argument as to how and why the proprietary (we're locked in) form factor is worth the $120. Not the approach used. Prolly a few million of us out here have a few things to say 'bout that.

Night all and good luck. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
we dont need the 100+ dollar tag though when there is wire just as safe with tam control available for pennies on the dollar...going from Ciggs to Vape isnt cheap and thats what matters to new users.....If it were in the $50 -/+ Im sure "new" vapers would be the audience, but I dont know anyone that smokes that has got more then 20 bucks to spend on quiting...
How do you feel about the new Vaperesso cCell Coils? I just bought a few packs and Ive heard both sides..
wait and tell me...I'm interested to see how long the wicks last...and I'm not sure if I know what their set up is I know there's a set up with a porous ceramic tube that they wrap a coil around and then stuff the tube with cotton I think that's the dolphin...I'm not sure how this vaperesso works , I saw another systen with porous ceramic tubes inside a coil head with two coils on the tube...either way I'm a little hesitnt to trust anything made in China....what kind of system does the vapersso c cell use....porous ceramic unless the AO grains are big enough just doesn't wick that well. In a genny when you tilt the genny the juice would trvel down the wick to the coils, you weren't relying soley on the wicking ability of the porous ceramic.The problem with porous ceraamic is that the larger the pores within the stone is the weaker the bond is between AO grains and it makes them to delicate to wrap a coil around..but if the wick was short and thick it would work better.the IN"AX has a dripper they use a short porous ceramic wick with.The other alterntive I thought about is the Origenny tank it has two 4mm wick holes...with wick holes that big you could make a porous ceramic wick that had larger pores, but it would be thick enough to handle that lateral stress of wrapping a coil around could make a 3.5mm or even 3.75mm ceramic wick..I'd love to play around with making a AO wick that used larger grains of AO and sinter them togehter...the problem is sintering AO is tricky and a conventional ceramic kiln doesn't get hot enough to sinter AO..


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just about to cut but yeah you can choke RxW like Ekowool or any synthetic. Like, 3/32" is rather tight compression and 2.5mm good for some performance builds. For enough surface pressure and good flow I'm workin' 2.7mm (#36 wire gauge) or 7/64" bits even if the last is a tad loose (reduced vaporization). RxW has a break in period. A straight VG vape until it gets stokin as you blend in your fav is best to way to get these goin'. Worth a try P if you get a chance again and stick to the middle of the range of 2.5-2.8mm.

My concern is like I said gettin as many rebuildin as possible 'cause we don't know yet where this all is goin'. A great many have made significant contributions to the technology no help from industry or gov only to cap on the innovation of all of us right here. Just sayin'. We've been the lab. I'm a techie and early adopter. If someone wants to sell us a planar atomizer at a premium they need to make the compelling argument as to how and why the proprietary (we're locked in) form factor is worth the $120. Not the approach used. Prolly a few million of us out here have a few things to say 'bout that.

Night all and good luck. :)
lotta truth there alot of the so called innovations in the industry I first saw being done in peoples garages on the ECF boards and then latter some numbnut stole the idea off the forum and marketed it.I'm a genhed ,but I've always had an itch for squonking it seems to me to be the easist way pop off the top cap pull out the wick dry burn the coil pop in a new I like the coil closer to me mouth than RTAs


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well for that price hell no if i win them thats another story


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Vapresso Target 75w is at 59:19 possibly some bad shit in them.
Yea thats whats stirring shit up about them but they didnt release the info or proof about what is dangerous about them...remember the Diacetyl explosion from a similar situation, people blow things out of proportion because they are worried about things in theory but those things arent used enough to cause a problem. Ive used the Target Tank and Ceramic heads the last few weeks and they still look brand new while in use...I have yet to have one fail or break down or even die unless I push them past their limits (Which is why I bought more). Ill tear one open for you guys to see the internals but its more like a coil on the inside with ceramic encasing the outer edge of the coil and then cotton enclosing the outer edge of the ceramic cylinder....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yea thats whats stirring shit up about them but they didnt release the info or proof about what is dangerous about them...remember the Diacetyl explosion from a similar situation, people blow things out of proportion because they are worried about things in theory but those things arent used enough to cause a problem. Ive used the Target Tank and Ceramic heads the last few weeks and they still look brand new while in use...I have yet to have one fail or break down or even die unless I push them past their limits (Which is why I bought more). Ill tear one open for you guys to see the internals but its more like a coil on the inside with ceramic encasing the outer edge of the coil and then cotton enclosing the outer edge of the ceramic cylinder....
They sent the thing to a lab to have it analyed....if the lab says the thing is dangerous, I think I'd listen to what they have to say before sucking on one of the things...Chinese manufacturers have a long history of releasing deadly products on the unsuspecting public.


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They sent the thing to a lab to have it analyed....if the lab says the thing is dangerous, I think I'd listen to what they have to say before sucking on one of the things...Chinese manufacturers have a long history of releasing deadly products on the unsuspecting public.

Yes if there is any actual proof and not just drama to deter business then by all means stop using them but I usually just dont base what I do off of "what people heard or said", there needs to be an actual reason and proof to back what they said up or it could be a anti-marketing ploy by another competitor..


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I think its not worth the hassle...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes if there is any actual proof and not just drama to deter business then by all means stop using them but I usually just dont base what I do off of "what people heard or said", there needs to be an actual reason and proof to back what they said up or it could be a anti-marketing ploy by another competitor..
So, what do you base it on..the marketing ploy of the vendor themselves....why should you trust them .....particularly after all the shady ass shit that has come out of China, and poisioned people....the vendor spent good money to have the coil analyzed and he has had the good grace rather than to make public comment, he has appealed directly with the people selling this thing to clarify the issue ...there has been no public witch hunt.The vaping community has always led the way in policing themselves this is part of what we do,and what vapers expect....we don't bury our heads in the sand,but question everything.


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
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um can someone point me to more info on the nextel wicking material - like how to use it and where to buy

vapeston and starre already have a ceramic coil to market
the coil itself is ceramic. its surrounded by cotton.

i forget the starre brand name but its the vapeston ceramikus tank that has these coils but the coils fit and work in all starre and maganus tanks.

they take a lot of power to work well. I have one going at 110w to get good flavor. anything under 60ish watts is anemic

I must say Im not sold on the flavor being better then kanthal or SS but it is damn good flavor.


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So, what do you base it on..the marketing ploy of the vendor themselves....why should you trust them .....particularly after all the shady ass shit that has come out of China, and poisioned people....the vendor spent good money to have the coil analyzed and he has had the good grace rather than to make public comment, he has appealed directly with the people selling this thing to clarify the issue ...there has been no public witch hunt.The vaping community has always led the way in policing themselves this is part of what we do,and what vapers expect....we don't bury our heads in the sand,but question everything.

i dont think you caught on but I was agreeing with your comment I was replying to...
If something is found and there is evidence there is something wrong then I will discontinue use.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
um can someone point me to more info on the nextel wicking material - like how to use it and where to buy

vapeston and starre already have a ceramic coil to market
the coil itself is ceramic. its surrounded by cotton.

i forget the starre brand name but its the vapeston ceramikus tank that has these coils but the coils fit and work in all starre and maganus tanks.

they take a lot of power to work well. I have one going at 110w to get good flavor. anything under 60ish watts is anemic

I must say Im not sold on the flavor being better then kanthal or SS but it is damn good flavor.
they sell the wick we were talking about it's been around a couple of years for how best to use it the manufacturer may habe some videos, youtube may, but your best bet is to go over to ECF and look for people who have used it Mac says there are alot of guys using them in their reos.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
i dont think you caught on but I was agreeing with your comment I was replying to...
If something is found and there is evidence there is something wrong then I will discontinue use.
for years I've thought ceramics were the future of vaping and I've been waiting for the engineering to bring products to market...we are seeing the fledgeling attempts.


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for years I've thought ceramics were the future of vaping and I've been waiting for the engineering to bring products to market...we are seeing the fledgeling attempts.

Vaperesso is on the case of the coil testing and they are trying to be as translucent and ad proactive as possible with the process, any and all information about testing will be publicly announced and if the second batch shows as toxic they will change/stop the use of the materials.
MSDS Report:
RHoS Report:

Thought I would share that with you just incase you havent read them yet.

Also Phil posted Vaperesso's Response here:
And The Most Recent Response Here:

Vaperesso's Statement after 3rd Party MSDS and RHoS Testing and Approval:
"It is reported that some of our competitors are spreading malicious and untruthful statements to defame our products. Some of them even infringe our legal right by producing clones illegally. Smoore will continue to collect user feedback on products, continuously improve our customer service sector, and meanwhile crack down untruthful accusation about the quality of our products. Any defamatory action aiming to bring malicious competition against us will have legal consequences, and Smoore reserves the right to file lawsuit against those activities."
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Vaperesso is on the case of the coil testing and they are trying to be as translucent and ad proactive as possible with the process, any and all information about testing will be publicly announced and if the second batch shows as toxic they will change/stop the use of the materials.
MSDS Report:
RHoS Report:

Thought I would share that with you just incase you havent read them yet.

Also Phil posted Vaperesso's Response here:
And The Most Recent Response Here:

Vaperesso's Statement after 3rd Party MSDS and RHoS Testing and Approval:
"It is reported that some of our competitors are spreading malicious and untruthful statements to defame our products. Some of them even infringe our legal right by producing clones illegally. Smoore will continue to collect user feedback on products, continuously improve our customer service sector, and meanwhile crack down untruthful accusation about the quality of our products. Any defamatory action aiming to bring malicious competition against us will have legal consequences, and Smoore reserves the right to file lawsuit against those activities."
I find vaperesso's response less than reassuring.


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I find vaperesso's response less than reassuring.
They did pay to have a 3rd party for MSDS and RHoS Testing...I havent seen the opposing party release any more information about what they found or their test results...
The accusations and dramatic statement I dont think was a great idea but hopefully that will entice DJs party to release what they have so we can view both arguments.


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I find vaperesso's response less than reassuring.
i find it exactly what a vendor would say. until they do there own confirmed testing and get lawyers in on it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They did pay to have a 3rd party for MSDS and RHoS Testing...I havent seen the opposing party release any more information about what they found or their test results...
The accusations and dramatic statement I dont think was a great idea but hopefully that will entice DJs party to release what they have so we can view both arguments.
well you can bet there are going to be more vendors sending in those coils for testing and this will not be the end of it by a long shot,,,Magnesium oxide? never heard of it being used..


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
um can someone point me to more info on the nextel wicking material - like how to use it and where to buy

vapeston and starre already have a ceramic coil to market
the coil itself is ceramic. its surrounded by cotton.

i forget the starre brand name but its the vapeston ceramikus tank that has these coils but the coils fit and work in all starre and maganus tanks.

they take a lot of power to work well. I have one going at 110w to get good flavor. anything under 60ish watts is anemic

I must say Im not sold on the flavor being better then kanthal or SS but it is damn good flavor.

Flavor density is good on the few ceramics I've tried. But power must be high in any external wicking situation where vaporization is not enhanced by flow compression of the wick and particularly so with non-res wire. Designs are improving but I think will always languish behind internal wicking. BTW, verticals on an open head (RDA) are the most efficient, reliable and clean solution I've encountered. The most long lived, over a year, running RxD (Nextel).

So sorry it was hard to find an answer on Nextel ceramic weaving. Have perhaps written more on the subject than anyone in vaping. Mostly on ECF. You'll find what you need there. If not PM me here and I'll be glad to help all who ask. Nextel was the nirvana for vaping a great many thought in 2012/13 but little was understood about it. The hard science was actually done almost a decade prior with respect to applications implicating human contact. I became aware of the studies before the interest arose in vaping. In fact it was one of the factors along with super_X_drifter's introduction of the contact coil that persuaded me to attempt quitting.


The reason Nextel is plausible as a solution is because of it's extraordinary heat resistance (almost 3000F). And…it's exemplary capillary action (flow) drops providing a good heads-up that you're going dry. So in a practical sense it kinda works like a poor man's temperature control as you appreciate this. Much as you might learn to recognize that your cigarette, etc. went out. Whereas you can get surprised with organics in part because of variations of the material or how it's installed. The uniform consistency and performance of ceramic wicking is a huge advantage. Also for facilitating predictable reliable performance.

No skin in the game here other than my personal interest that all who want to quit can do so quickly with a rewarding vape. So my offer to assist stands to all comers. It's not too late to include this wicking media in your vaping repertoire…or perhaps better said, arsenal. The straight up thick wire (28 and thicker) open or contact wind that gives us the adequate and dependable (~18-50W) vape on a mech or simple variable. That, we can count on. If we continue to support the notion of open systems and the importance of rebuildables.

Vape on! Good luck. :)
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Flavor density is good on the few ceramics I've tried. But power must be high in any external wicking situation where vaporization is not enhanced by flow compression of the wick and particularly so with non-res wire. Designs are improving but I think will always languish behind internal wicking. BTW, verticals on an open head (RDA) are the most efficient, reliable and clean solution I've encountered. The most long lived, over a year, running RxD (Nextel).

So sorry it was hard to find an answer on Nextel ceramic weaving. Have perhaps written more on the subject than anyone in vaping. Mostly on ECF. You'll find what you need there. If not PM me here and I'll be glad to help all who ask. Nextel was the nirvana for vaping a great many thought in 2012/13 but little was understood about it. The hard science was actually done almost a decade prior with respect to applications implicating human contact. I became aware of the studies before the interest arose in vaping. In fact it was one of the factors along with super_X_drifter's introduction of the contact coil that persuaded me to attempt quitting.


The reason Nextel is plausible as a solution is because of it's extraordinary heat resistance (almost 3000F). And…it's exemplary capillary action (flow) drops providing a good heads-up that you're going dry. So in a practical sense it kinda works like a poor man's temperature control as you appreciate this. Much as you might learn to recognize that your cigarette, etc. went out. Whereas you can get surprised with organics in part because of variations of the material or how it's installed. The uniform consistency and performance of ceramic wicking is a huge advantage. Also for facilitating predictable reliable performance.

No skin in the game here other than my personal interest that all who want to quit can do so quickly with a rewarding vape. So my offer to assist stands to all comers. It's not too late to include this wicking media in your vaping repertoire…or perhaps better said, arsenal. The straight up thick wire (28 and thicker) open or contact wind that gives us the adequate and dependable (~18-50W) vape on a mech or simple variable. That, we can count on. If we continue to support the notion of open systems and the importance of rebuildables.

Vape on! Good luck. :)
Having never heard of Nextel wicking before, I have a couple questions borne of ignorance for you. Is Nextel ceramic weave flexible enough to use like an organic wick? Can it be used in any rebuildable atty or tank? Given the capillary action of the material, would it be suitable for use with SS coils for a reliable TC vape? Is this even possible? Does it have any impact on juice flavor, and can it be easily cleaned?

Again, these questions are out of complete ignorance on the topic, but you have definitely piqued my interest in learning more about it.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Having never heard of Nextel wicking before, I have a couple questions borne of ignorance for you. Is Nextel ceramic weave flexible enough to use like an organic wick? Can it be used in any rebuildable atty or tank? Given the capillary action of the material, would it be suitable for use with SS coils for a reliable TC vape? Is this even possible? Does it have any impact on juice flavor, and can it be easily cleaned?

Again, these questions are out of complete ignorance on the topic, but you have definitely piqued my interest in learning more about it.

All good questions D. It's a tad stiffer than other synths. That's an advantage for wicking tho as stuff like silica's a mess to work with. You can use it with any kind of coil open or contact, single or multi-wire. Flow rate is exceptional. Why I kinda laughed at Phil B's test of cotton and rayon. You drop juice in an RDA well with duals in a a sec or so, you're wet at the top (once broken in). It's about the easiest wicking material for predicting its behavior. It will work with alternative non-res wire and will handle the power. However, it works best under moderate contact compression. Understand vapor pressure builds up in a closed coil. Some will argue this is minuscule. By above pic example demonstrates at relatively low power that it is clearly not. Upside, you can get a great deal of actual vaporization at relatively low power. Here's the conundrum…you need to build an efficient compact coil to really max out Nextel's potential. And non-res wire and contact no workee, see kemosabee. So cloud comp material? Mebe with the right build…TC not so much. You can gain a somewhat similar advantage from high temp Eko. But it's not as flavor neutral or flow as well.

Nextel is utterly flavor neutral once broken in (heat treatment internal gas released). Requires just some priming with straight VG which opens up the fiber channels amazingly (works for organics too, btw). It's ceramic, the most flavor neutral material we use for cooking. That's what alumina oxide is. As well the insulation layer that builds on Kanthal from pulsing isolating underlying metals from the juice media. Best of all worlds. And here's the kicker. If you just vape it down dry, finish vaping off the remaining juice until the coils glow (at low voltage, or short pulse) the coil will dissipate accumulated solids. Turn crystal white. Or you can do this with a few short torch hits. If you clean regularly as soon as you see any reduction of vapor or flow. You never see the media really dirty. Jiggling the wick back and forth produces small dark rings of cooked juice at either end of the coil. You move the coil over one then the other and cook these off. It just doesn't get any easier. Reprime with VG. No aftertaste. Go straight to your normal vape. Done.

You will experience the most complete taste sensation in vaping. Often juices seem completely different. Nextel's flow and slippery, remember its ceramic, and doesn't inhibit complex solids in juice. Often those clusters of molecules are made up of some of the best accents (sweet, complex flavor elements) that are inhibited by organics and synths. Think white cotton shirt and coffee, i.e. sticky. What's happening is you're finally experiencing what the maker intended. There's no masking of flavors or persistent taste additions as with cotton which for me is always there. Silica worse, like cardboard. So apart from its remarkable performance it's a boon to flavor production.

As I've said, don't own stock in 3M, own a kilning company and I'm not a reseller. Just dedicated myself to the study of the most practical easy to implement solutions for the beginner. But a few like ceramic are truly unique if we can learn to work our gear and tools just a little bit different. Then magic happens…more vapor, more flavor. Proof's in the pics folks.

For me D it was a matter of personal survival. I'm flavor sensitive and medically at risk. Had to solve the serious questions of how to get there with as little risk/trauma as possible. So I had to make everything work, at its best. The answer ultimately had to be the most efficient and effective, least likely to irritate. In the end I got more than I bargained for as I didn't expect synths to work nearly as well as Nextel does.

In fairness to you cotton and rayon devotees, I use them both. There are flavors and gear they work well with. And I'm not gonna demagogue ya to try it my way. But I'll tell ya true, you'll be missing out if ya don't. Wan't a hand give us a shout. Glad to help.

Good luck all. :)

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