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Americans for Tax Reform | Vapor News and Views | Volume 1 | November 23, 2016


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Member For 3 Years

Was it ever?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

Was it ever?

I'm not sure about "great," but at its inception, it was necessary: it got the dangerous opiate-and-alcohol patent medicines off the shelves, a major win for public health. And, along with the USDA, it managed to modernize the various food industries, so that the nightmare conditions described in The Jungle became a thing of the past. And, strange as it seems now, for quite a long time, the FDA managed to ride herd against the pharmaceutical industry, so that medicines had to be proven safe before being dispensed willy-nilly.

That, of course, changed drastically in the last couple or three decades, as the pharmaceutical industry became the obscene behemoth that it is now, replete with plenty of dirty money to buy the gov't and the regulations that suited BP, and nevermind Public Health -- when that much money is up for grabs, you can betcherass that those who are eager to grab it will swim to the top, drowning and suppressing everyone else, in their bid to grab as much of that filthy money as they can possibly grab... and devil take Public Health. Even Public Health has become nothing but a well-paid industry organ, serving no one and nothing except BP... and to hell with actual public health.

The only way to fix it is to a) completely liquidate the FDA; b) nationalize all pharmaceutical companies, and c) utterly liquidate all the so-called "charitable" orgs, whose actual idea of charity starts and ends with their own bank accts.


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