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Another quitter

Hi, new member, and new to vaping somewhat. We had a vape shop open in town about a year ago and I had been seeing it everyday to and from work. I had done a little research about vaping and seen that people were actually quitting cigarettes by switching to vaping. My main reason to quit was to save money. Cigarettes in Arkansas are $5-$6 a pack. Fast forward to February of this year. I finally took the plunge and went in the shop. First words out of my mouth were, "I'm here to quit smoking." The guy showed me all the devices, which at the time I didn't know a cheap ego setup from a mech mod.

We finally settled on one of the cheap Ego kits. He asked what I smoked, and how many packs a day. I told him, "Marlboro Smooth, and about a pack a day." He had a little juice tasting area setup, and said here try this. The brand was niquid, the juice flavor was sinthol, and the nicotine strength was 18MG. He took 15-20 minutes to walk me through everything on how to fill it up, change out the coils, how to charge, etc, etc.

So I started vaping that afternoon and gave up cigarettes. I haven't had a craving for traditional cigarettes since. I did try one about 4-5 months ago, dayummmm nasty taste and stinky. Its amazing how bad your coworkers smell after a cigarette break. So I am roughly 9 months traditional cigarette free! Saving an assload of money, I can breathe again, and I don't get winded when I am walking.

Since that first Ego, I upgraded to a MVP20 with a Genitank. Awesome flavor, vape and a definite upgrade over the Ego. After the MVP I upgraded to a subtank with an iStick 30. Even more flavor, wonderful flavor. And then, the other day I took the plunge and picked up a Sigelei 75W temperature control and my first real rebuildable deck, a Tugboat. Bought from the same shop as I did my Ego, he showed me how to wrap a coil, and how to wick the cotton. The flavor on a rebuildable is something else. I've had to drop my nic mg down to around 3 so I could vape without getting headaches. I love rebuilding, and is perfect for around the house and working in my shop. I still use the subtank setup when I am out and about and at work.

Point of my long story is, you can take this as little and as far as you want. I got into vaping to quit smoking, but now I am fascinated with the whole building coils and trying different coil builds.


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Welcome to the VU.
Hope you stay here a long time and enjoy your smoke free, vaping life.


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Welcome! We love hearing the success stories.

If cigs were still $5-6 a pack here I'd still be smoking.

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I can't imagine paying anymore than $5-$6 for a pack of smokes. On a normal month it would cost me $180. During hunting season I would smoke more and that would push the monthly cost up even more. $180-$200 a month is a boat payment or a nice chunk of change to stick back for summer vacations....


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I can't imagine paying anymore than $5-$6 for a pack of smokes. On a normal month it would cost me $180. During hunting season I would smoke more and that would push the monthly cost up even more. $180-$200 a month is a boat payment or a nice chunk of change to stick back for summer vacations....
We were $5-6 a pack about 3 years ago before our last cigarette tax hike. We're right around $8 a pack now.

It makes a HUGE difference money-wise even at $6 a day.

I'd have to burn through a pre-built coil and about 15mls of juice a day to spend even $6 a day. At MN prices I'd have to burn a coil and about 25mls a day or 2 coils and 10mls.

My first month I spent $80 less than a month of smoking 1 pack a day and bought 2 mods, 2 Subtanks, and 252mls of juice. I vape about 7mls a day (average, juice minus approximate juice remaining/30) and get about 2 weeks out of 2 $3 coils. If I take the tanks and mods out of the equation I spent between $58-60 last month on coils and juice alone; 1/4 of what I used to spend on cigarettes.

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#Team Jimi Supporter
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Welcome to VU! Nice to have you here!


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Quitter sounds negative, you're not a quitter you're a winner :D


Obsessive? Who me?
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Welcome to the VU!! Great place to be!!

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Awesome dude! Congrats and welcome!

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