Vengeance by COV, amazing bottom fill flavor for days tank. They also have the new Defiant tank which is top fill, comes with a .5 ceramic coil but also compatible with the .2vengeance coil. It has a larger capacity and the top fill is nice to have. I have 5 vengeances and 2 defiants. I am liking the .5 ceramic coil although I do seem to get some flooding/spitback, moving to some thicker juices to see if that remedies the issue, however the flavor is absolutely fantastic. The .2 vengeance coils also provide amazing amazing flavor. Never had any issues leaking whatsoever with the vengeances, and in my two days with the defiant no issues to date.
That being said, I guess I am pretty lucky when it comes to leaking as the only tank (of the oh so many I own) that has leaked at all has been my mutank, and that only ever happens occasionally when I put a new coil in.
Check out the vengeance or the defiant, or both, you won't be sorry. The defiant is on sale for $21 at steeping giant and a few other vendors.