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Anyone else have this problem with their BC Stingray?


The Road Warrior
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I posted this in the mech pic's section but I am starting a thread for this as well because this is the only complete authentic mech/atty pair I own. This is two years of tax returns in the making and I am quite sad about the outcome.

Here we have an authentic Black Copper Stingray and Manta V2, both purchased from the same shop (and the guys there are awesome, I have no complaints about them whatsoever. I even showed this to them as well so they would know if someone else had the same issue.)

I had never used this mod before tonight, I spent well over an hour cleaning machine oil and patina off the threads which kinda sucked because I figured for a limited run authentic you'd think they'd clean it up a little better, the patina was is copper afterall. I built the atty and I love the coil and I actually am quite pleased with the flavor on it and it's unique airflow design...I overdripped and tilted and the way the air comes in from the top I pretty much had to turn it upside down to leak....that wasn't the problem.

The problem is I went to screw the atty into the topcap of the Stingray and the atty wouldn't fit...the 510 connection was too small for the threads and one twist in it binds up. I tried a couple other atty's and they fit but it was definitely a snug fit and I tried the atty on other mods and adaptors and it screwed in, again snug but no problems. The only reason I have the two paired together is because I used a hybrid adaptor from a Stingray X clone. I have an overpriced authentic hybrid adaptor on order because I want to keep the mod complete JD Tech but I am rather dissapointed and actually pissed about this.

So I want to know if anyone else has JD Tech Stingrays and had any problems like this? You'd think for the price the shit would fit like a glove right? The only other authentic piece of hardware I own is an old Nemesis and I've never had a problem like this with it. Everything works with it like a charm. Any thoughts? Any thought at all would be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this and chime in if you can.

And as always...happy vaping!

Robert B

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I have an authentic Mephisto V2 atty that has a very tight (or oversized) 510 connector. It screws into cheap clone mods ok but tight. But won't screw into any of the 4 authentics I have. Need to take it to a machine shop and have them run a die over it to resize it.

Maybe you could have your top cap re-tapped to resize it. You might have a combination of both, an undersized cap, and an over sized atty.

I'm no machinist, but who knows about the tooling some of these modder's use. A high quality precision tap and die set can cost 1000 to 2000 dollars, or a single tap costing 100 bucks. The end product is only as precise as the tooling used.
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The Road Warrior
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I have an authentic Mephisto V2 atty that has a very tight (or oversized) 510 connector. It screws into cheap clone mods ok but tight. But won't screw into any of the 4 authentics I have. Need to take it to a machine shop and have them run a die over it to resize it.

Maybe you could have your top cap re-tapped to resize it. You might have a combination of both, an undersized cap, and an over sized atty.

I'm no machinist, but who knows about the tooling some of these modder's use. A high quality precision tap and die set can cost 1000 to 2000 dollars, or a single tap costing 100 bucks. The end product is only as precise as the tooling used.

No, I agree with you and thank you for letting me know I am not alone. I wanted the Manta version 1 sooooo bad but I didn't even have a chance to come home and order it from the time I got off work it was already gone...the V2 is nice, but the difference is instead of the "cylon" style airflow slots they put three dots in like a TOBH and it's a bitch to line them up just have to hold everything just right and screw it down. And I think because it's three "dots" instead of one solid cut that the airflow is a bit more restrictive. Still, like I said, it's got TOBH sized airflow holes but the way they did it, you can tell it's's a really cool little atty. I am not sorry I bought it...I just wish someone could clone it so I could get one to take out and about with me :)

It is actually a really good flavor atty. It's airflow is definitely it's own for sure and I've tipped it all sorts of ways and the best way to describe it is it's like a Magma that doesn't leak :)

It just really pissed me off because I literally had not used that BC Stingray because I've been afraid I was going to have to sell it the way things have been going the last year since I got it but I've been able to hold onto it and now I wanted to enjoy a nice matched authentic mod and atty, even if it is now considered one of their "old" mods :) Just like your situation I was able to screw my volt meter into the top cap and measure the voltage drop (which surprised me that it has an average of .1 more voltage drop than my copper nemesis clone, I expected them to be on par, but it still is a nice hitting mod and the switch is soooo much better than those crappy switches that come with the Stingray clones. I have a Stingray X clone I had to buy a second switch for because I couldn't fiddle with the first anymore, but that's a different story.)

You would just think that a Mod maker would make their own atty's fit all of their own mods...that would make sense right? or am I way too far outside of the box and thinkin' too crazy one this one? :)

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