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Anyone else having problems with atomizer life from FT?


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I've got two RTA's that I actually use, the Zephyrus from Youde and the Crown from Uwell. The atomizers that came with the RTA's themselves worked great, lasted like they were supposed to, etc. and the same goes from the ones I've bought from local vape shops. When I buy them from Fast Tech, though, they're hit or miss (Mostly miss).
I bought a five pack of .5 atomizers for my Crown and put one in yesterday... It lasted a total of four hours of fairly heavy vaping before it burned out completely. There's no reason why an atomizer should burn out in a few hours assuming your mod/connectors/other stuff is all clean and dry. I buy from FT to save money but it winds up being a total waste.

Anyone have any tips or leads on online atomizers at a fairly cheap price that aren't going to be completely terrible?


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The coils from FT might be clones. I own both tanks myself, but I'm using the RBAs, due to be able to have the resistance of coils I like, and being cheaper than replacement coil heads.


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yup the clone coil heads from FT just don't pan out. But at the price you save replacing them so often the originals don’t seem to expensive. On the crown I can easily go for two weeks on one coil head. That's several tanks of juice a day. Just make sure it say Authentic and you should not have any more problems. You will still save money VS buying them state side. And there is not really that much of a saving getting the clones. Clones are 7 dollars x 4 pack. The originals are 10 $ x 4 pack. I have seen prices around 25 dollars for the same thing at my local Vape shops!

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