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Apple Caramel Drop by Ruthless


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I figured that I should review this one before my SO vapes it all. I actually entered the ecig-city contest for Apple Caramel Drop for him because he loves the crap out of Caramel anything. The packaging is fancy schmancy with a box holding a 60ml bottle and a unicorn bottle. It's always a nice bonus when companies do this so I don't have to use my ghetto sharpie on my own unicorns!
The juice greets you immediately with a smack of the smell of tart green apple. I was sure by the scent that I wasn't going to be apple to taste the caramel without steeping but I was wrong. On the inhale it's a sweet, tart green apple flavour that leaves you with just caramel on the exhale. It's really neat because you can still smell the apple in the air when you can't taste it anymore.
My SO is in love with the juice and won't let me near it anymore. Fortunately for me, I stole one of the unicorns when I opened the mail. Mwhahahha.
Not much to say about it except that it's exactly what a caramel apple vape should taste like.


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ECF Refugee
I've been eyeing this juice for a while now. I just might pull the trigger next time a sale pops up.


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ECF Refugee
I saw it in my local shop last week! Looks so pretty on the shelf.

That's what I'm worried about. I've seen so many new juices that have pretty packaging that make them appealing and they turn out to be total duds. Kinda reminds me of a few of my exes o_O Too bad I couldn't read any reviews on them before trying.


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That's what I'm worried about. I've seen so many new juices that have pretty packaging that make them appealing and they turn out to be total duds. Kinda reminds me of a few of my exes o_O Too bad I couldn't read any reviews on them before trying.
Haha, the old hot to crazy ratio!
You could always try JuiceDB for reviews.

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